
Formula Evaluation Based on Rate ( RELNISOIL_46C_MAP_RATE )

Formula Evaluation Based on Rate ( RELNISOIL_46C_MAP_RATE )

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Formula Evaluation Based on Rate


There is now a function to calculate the formula based on rates rather than values. This setting is made for each formula, meaning that it applies to the entire formula.

The rate-based evaluation of formulas prevents rounding problems which were observed in certain circumstances in the value-based evaluation.

In rate-based formula evaluation, the intermediate steps of formula evaluation are rates. The system carries out the following steps during rate-based evaluation:

  • On a daily basis: uses quotation rate and surcharge rate
  • Averages the quotation rate
  • Averages the surcharge rate (only applies to currency averaging)
  • Calculates the term item rate from quotation rate and surcharge rate
  • Term rate is the sum of the rates of the term item
  • A versus B rule is applied to term rates in to calculate the formula rate

The formula value is calculated by multiplying the formula rate with the quantity:

Formula value = Formula rate x Quantity

Note: The formula rate is a direct result of the formula evaluation.

In value-based formula evaluation, the formula rate is calculated indirectly from the formula value. This is in contrast to the way SD quantity-based condition types are evaluated. The direct evaluation of the formula rate, more closely resembles how quantity-based condition types are evaluated in SD.

In order to carry out rate-based evaluation, the Rate-Based indicator must be set in the Formula Header. Also, the Calculation Type must be set to the value 1, 2, or 3 for each term item (A term and B term).

Effects on Existing Data

Effects on Data Transfer

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Further Information

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   ABAP Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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