
Material Master: Displaying MRP Profile Usage ( RELNMM_BD_DPROF_30 )

Material Master: Displaying MRP Profile Usage ( RELNMM_BD_DPROF_30 )

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Short text

Material Master: Displaying MRP Profile Usage


You use this program to identify those material master records in which a particular MRP profile is used. You can limit the selection by entering a plant and/or MRP controller.

From the list displayed, you can choose a particular material and display the material master record. The system accesses the MRP view, from where you can branch to the other views.

From the material master menu screen, you call up the program as follows:

Profile -> MRP profile -> Usage

Damage caused to data by errors

Software/hardware requirements

Installation information

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Effect on batch input

Changes to the Interface

Changes in procedure

Procedure for removing dataset errors

Dependent functions


Further notes

CPI1466 during Backup   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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