
Revenue Planning: New Developments in 3.0 ( RELNPS_30_ERLOES )

Revenue Planning: New Developments in 3.0 ( RELNPS_30_ERLOES )

ABAP Short Reference   PERFORM Short Reference  
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SAP E-Book

Short text

Revenue Planning: New Developments in 3.0


  • Structure planning
In contrast to previous releases, revenues can be planned not only by revenue element but also independently of the revenue element.
The functionality and procedure are the same as for WBS cost planning.
  • Signs for plan values
In contrast to earlier releases, revenues are planned with positive signs, not negative ones. This applies whether or not the planning is revenue-element dependent.
Plan versions
You can carry out revenue planning in several versions. You can:
  • store the versions separately

  • change them

You can change the values from structure-oriented revenue planning and planning by revenue element.
  • compare them with each other in the Project Information System

  • copy them

You can copy the values from structure-oriented revenue planning and planning by revenue element.
You can select
* the planned values to be copied: annual values or overall values
* whether planning data already in the target version is to be kept or overwritten.
  • "Bottom-up planning" indicator in the revenue planning profile in Customizing
This indicator determines whether the bottom-up procedure is to be used in structure-oriented planning.
If you set this indicator, the system automatically totals up the revenue structure planning when you save or check the planning. The plan value in the higher level WBS element comprises the total of the plan values for all the WBS elements directly subordinate to it.

Damage caused to data by errors

Software/hardware requirements

Installation information

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

  • Planning profile
You define the revenue planning parameters in the planning profile.
Additional information
  • Plan versions
In the Project System implementation guide, you can stipulate, among other things:
  • the fiscal years for which a plan version is valid

  • whether a plan version can be changed

  • whether a plan version can be copied

Additional information

Effect on batch input

Changes to the Interface

Changes in procedure

Procedure for removing dataset errors

Dependent functions


Further notes

CPI1466 during Backup   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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