
Confirmation: New Features ( RELNPS_40A_RUECK )

Confirmation: New Features ( RELNPS_40A_RUECK )

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Confirmation: New Features


The following new features have been made to the confirmation of actual data for projects:

  • Time Sheet (CATS)
You can now confirm data for a network using the Time Sheet (CATS). To do so choose, Logistics -> Project Management -> Execution, Completion Confirmation -> Time Sheet and then Time Sheet -> Enter Times. For more information refer to the Cross-Application Time Recording release note.
  • Confirming Milestones
When you confirm an actual date, you can now confirm an actual date for a milestone automatically at the same time, in other words without editing a dialog box.

Effects on Customizing

To confirm actual dates for milestones, set the Milestone automatic. indicator in Customizing for the Project System by choosing Define Confirmation Parameters

Further notes

For more information, see the SAP Help Library for Cross Application under Time Sheet Processes or Technical Basics of the Time Sheet.

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