
Grafical User Interface for the Time Management Form Editor ( RELNPT_40C_70_PE50 )

Grafical User Interface for the Time Management Form Editor ( RELNPT_40C_70_PE50 )

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Grafical User Interface for the Time Management Form Editor


Until now, the only way of maintaining the layout of the time statement form was through table maintenance. As of Release 4.5A, you can use a graphical maintenance screen to maintain the layout of the form simply and clearly.

You can use the new form editor to design Time Management forms as if you were using pen and paper. The user interface has been developed to resemble the form itself as closely as possible. You can specify the position of the form header and additional information blocks (windows) in the user interface. The information blocks are used for outputting individual results, totals overviews and time accounts, for example.

The window layout also closely resembles the layout on the actual form. You enter all test elements and the position of table fields in the user interface as if writing directly onto the form.
You create the table fields whose content you want to display on the form using an easy-to-use dialog box. You can maintain the properties of the table fields on the same uer interface, without having to navigate elsewhere.
A possible entries help function is available for all the fields on the form, thereby minimizing the amount of specialized knowledge that users acquire from the form driver to be able to edit forms.

The form editor available in Release 4.5A is a preliminary version. It does not comprise the whole range of functions for creating and maintaining time statement forms, however it offers you a sample of the simplified Customizing activities to come.
A final solution is currently being developed, and will be made available to you as a hot package. You will recognize the productive version of the form editor in your R/3 System when the message "This is a preliminary version of the time statement form" no longer appears when you access or create a form.

Damage caused to data by errors

Software/hardware requirements

Installation information

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

For information on the new options for maintaining forms, see Set up time statement form with form editor.

Changes to the Interface

Changes in procedure

Procedure for removing dataset errors

Dependent functions


Further notes

General Data in Customer Master   Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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