
Sales: Product Selection ( RELNSD_SLS_30PRODSELECT )

Sales: Product Selection ( RELNSD_SLS_30PRODSELECT )

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Sales: Product Selection


In some industry sectors, the same products are sold in different packaging forms (for example standard packaging, promotional packaging). For this purpose, master records are created in the system under which the corresponding stocks are managed.

During order entry, different material numbers can be used for the same product.

Product selection includes the functionality of material determination and contains the following related functions in the order and in the delivery:

  1. Product selection in the order
  • Product selection as a proposal

As many materials as required can be stored under a key term as part of the product selection. In this case, priority is determined by the sequence. During order processing, all materials in the product selection are displayed for selection. One material can be chosen and entered in the order.

This procedure can be performed in two steps: First of all, the material is determined as a default using material determination or by selection, then the product selection takes place automatically.

  • Automatic product selection

In the sales order, all the materials from a product selection are entered in the sales order as additional items according to their availability and priority.
If there is not enough of the first material chosen to cover the order quantity, the order quantity is adjusted to the available quantity. Then the system tries to make up the remaining quantity from the next material chosen. This process continues until the remaining quantity is allocated or all of the materials from the product selection have been processed.
  1. Product selection in the delivery
The materials are reselected in the delivery. Changes in the meantime in the availability situation since the order was created can result in other materials or other quantities being determined. However, this is only occurs in automatic product selection.

Damage caused to data by errors

Software/hardware requirements

Installation information

Effects on System Administration

Effects on Customizing

Product selection is controlled in Customizing in the following places:

  • Definition using the condition technique
Product selection, like material determination, is based on the condition technique to gain a high degree of flexibility: In this way, time-dependent definitions for example, are just as possible as the specification of a key on any level, for example customer-specific and/or product-related. Product selection uses the control elements of material determination:
  • Condition table

  • Access sequences

  • Types

  • Procedures

  • The reasons for substitution have been enhanced to include the following control options and are used for product selection as follows:
  • You can specify whether several possible materials are displayed for selection.

  • The outcome of the substitution specifies whether a document item is replaced or whether the substitute is created as a subitem.

Effect on batch input

Changes to the Interface

Changes in procedure

Procedure for removing dataset errors

Dependent functions


Further notes

Further information on configuring product selection can be found in the Implementation Guide under "Material determination". In this section, you can also find a description on "Define substitution reasons".

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