
New Characteristic "Repayment Status" for Loans ( RELNTRLO_46B_RECHERCHE )

New Characteristic "Repayment Status" for Loans ( RELNTRLO_46B_RECHERCHE )

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New Characteristic "Repayment Status" for Loans

Scope of Functions

In previous releases the reports in the loans area did not consider loans that were already fully repaid on the key date (regardless of whether the report was for a certain period or a snapshot of the status for a certain date). A loan is regarded as fully repaid if both the disbursement commitment and the remaining capital are zero on the key date.

A new "repayment status" characteristic has now been added in drilldown reporting. This characteristic indicates if a loan has been fully repaid and can have the following values:

  • 0: The loan is not fully repaid or fully disbursed
  • 1: The loan is fully disbursed and repaid as at the key date.

If you do not want to include fully repaid loans in your existing reports, add the new characteristic to the report form and restrict the value to 0.

Effects on Existing Data

The standard reports delivered by SAP have been changed in the way described above. As a result, stored evaluation data from earlier releases is no longer available.

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