
/CEM/COND_TABLE_ENT - Create Condition Tables

/CEM/COND_TABLE_ENT - Create Condition Tables

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In this IMG activity you create condition tables for different usages, for example, pricing, campaign determination, product substitution or free goods determination.

You use a condition table to determine the combition of fields of which you want a condition record to consist. The number of fields used for a condition table is restricted to 10.

The condition table consists of a combination of search and results fields:

  • The system can search for condition records later using the search fields. You can freely define the search fields.
  • The results fields contain the values that the system makes available to the business transaction that triggered the search for the condition record. The results fields are predefined by the chosen usage and are not displayed when creating a condition table (for example, price, unit of measure, currency when using pricing, or free goods discount quantity when using free-goods discount). Additionally, you can, if necessary, enhance these predefined fields with fields that you mark as non-search fields. (These fields are neither used nor displayed in the transaction in the standard configuration. It is, however, possible to request these in the transaction using, for example, user-defined formulae or routines.)

The condition record then contains the specific condition data that you enter in the system (in accordance with the specifc condition table). For example, a special product price for a certain customer or a special free-goods discount for a specific product quantity.

Before you create a new condition table you should check whether the already existing fields are sufficient for your requirements. If you want to use a field that is not provided in the standard shipment in your condition tables, you have to include it in the field catalog.

The fields that can be copied that can be copied to condition tables can only have a certain data type:

The following search fields, that is to say fields that are used as a search criterion when searching for a condition record, are allowed:

  • ACCP Posting period JJJJMM
  • CHAR Character string
  • CUKY Currency key, referenced from CURR fields
  • DATS Date field (JJJJMMDD), stored as Char(8)
  • LANG Language key
  • NUMC Character string with numbers only
  • RAW Uninterpreted sequence of bytes
  • TIMS Time field (hhmmss), stored as Char(6)
  • UNIT Unit key for QUAN fields

The following results fields, that is to say fields, the result of which should be delivered by a condition record you have searched for, are allowed:

  • CURR Currency field, stored as DEC
  • DEC Calcuation or amount field with comma and plus/minus sign
  • FLTP Floating point number with 8 byte precision
  • INT1 1-byte integer <= 255
  • INT2 2-byte integer, only for length field before LCHR or LRAW
  • INT4 4-byte integer with plus/minus sign
  • PREC precision of a QUAN field
  • QUAN quantity field shows on a unit field with format UNIT

You cannot, under any circumstances, include fields with the following data types in condition tables:

  • CLNT Client
  • LCHR Long character string, requires preceding INT2 field
  • LRAW Long byte string, required preceding INT2 field
  • RSTR variable length string of bytes
  • SSTR short variable length character string
  • STRG variable lengh character string
  • VARC Long character string, no longer supported as of Release 3.0

  1. Check to what extent you can use the condition tables contained within the standard shipment.
  2. Create new condition tables. Proceed as follows:
    1. Enter the name of the table that you would like to create. The name must begin with CUS in a customer system. After that you can enter maximum 5-digit number.
    2. Enter a description for the condition table. If you do not enter a description, one will be generated from the field names of the table when you save.
    3. Chose the required fields for the condition table from the list of allowed fields that are contained in the field catalog.
    4. You can also include fields as non-search fields. In this case, the search does not take place with this field, rather the content of the field can be determined by formulae or conditions for the inquiry. Only non-search fields can follow after a non-search field.
    5. Save the new condition table.
The system automatically includes the table in a transport request.
An individual transport object with following name construction is generated for the transport:
Object type: CTCT
Object name: Z (customer-specific) or A (SAP) + table number/application/usage
Example of object name:
Application: CRM
Usage: PR
Table number: SAP004
Object name: ASAP004__CRMPR
The number of alphanumeric characters provided for application, usage and table number in the object name is constant. This number of characters equals 3 for application, 2 for usasge and 2 for table number. If the actual number for the application, usage or table number is less than the constant within the object name, then the difference is filled with the '_' character.
  1. Activate the condition table. The transport request will only be released after successful activation of the condition table.
  2. Enter the condition tables in the access seqeunces. This is how you create the connection between the condition type, access sequence and condition record.

Addresses (Business Address Services)   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 6764 Date: 20240523 Time: 193620     sap01-206 ( 96 ms )