
BADI_MPE_PBOM_DET_US - BAdI: Determination of Shop Floor BOM Usage from Planning BOM

BADI_MPE_PBOM_DET_US - BAdI: Determination of Shop Floor BOM Usage from Planning BOM

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You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to override the default behavior for determining the shop floor BOM usage when creating or updating a shop floor BOM based on a planning BOM.

The default logic searches for a BOM usage for which the production relevance is set to Production Execution (which means execution only). If this is not found, the system searches for BOM usage for which the production relevance is blank (which means both planning and execution). If multiple BOM usages are found, the first entry is used, whereby priority is given to execution only usage. However, if a target shop floor BOM already exists for the source planning BOM, the BOM usage of the existing shop floor BOM is used.

The BAdI contains the method SET_EXECUTION_BOM_USAGE, which has the planning BOM details and all the available shop floor BOM usages as importing parameters and the shop floor BOM usage as the exporting parameter.

In the standard system, there is no default implementation of this BAdI. The BAdI is designed for single use only.

You can create your own implementation to override the default behavior. When doing so, set the exporting parameter EV_EXE_USAGE to the shop floor BOM usage value that you want to use.

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