
BADI_ORDREQOUT_MAP_T - BAdI: Mapping of Purchase Order Text ID to XML Text Type

BADI_ORDREQOUT_MAP_T - BAdI: Mapping of Purchase Order Text ID to XML Text Type

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With this BAdI, you can define new mapping entries for Text IDs to XML Text Type (External Representation) apart from the existing standard mappings available in the SSCUI and adjusting the existing mappings from the SSCUI with other XML Text Type values.


Importing Parameters:

  • STANDARD_MAPPING_ENTRIES: This parameter carries the existing configuration.

Changing Parameters:

  • ADJUSTED_MAPPING_ENTRIES: Use this parameter to change existing configuration.
  • CUSTOM_MAPPING_ENTRIES: Use this parameter to add new settings for mapping.
  • MESSAGES: Use this parameter to raise information (errors and warnings) messages.

Sample Implementation

  METHOD if_mmpur_ordreqout_map_text_id~map_text_id_to_xml_text_type.

    " an example of extending and modifying an existing configuration

    LOOP AT standard_mapping_entries ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL() WHERE textobject = 'HEADER'.

      " find the entry by key in the adjustment table

      READ TABLE adjusted_mapping_entries  ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL()

        WITH KEY rowidentifier = -rowidentifier.

      IF sy-subrc = 0.

        " exclude record from processing

        IF -textid = 'F01' AND

           -textpriority = '1' AND

           <fs_adjust>-xmltexttype = 'SalesNote'.

          -ignoreid = abap_true.

          " replace XML Text Type

        ELSEIF -textid = 'F02' AND

           -textpriority = '1' AND

           -xmltexttype = 'PickPackInstructions'.

          -xmltexttype = 'ShippingInstructions'.






    " example of adding new entries, creating a new configuration

    " the possible values for textobject is 'HEADER' or 'ITEM'.

    custom_mapping_entries = VALUE #( ( textobject = 'HEADER'

                                     textid = 'F03'

                                     textpriority = '4'

                                     xmltexttype = 'ShippingInstructions' )

                                   ( textobject = 'ITEM'

                                     textid = 'F04'

                                     textpriority = '5'

                                     xmltexttype = 'MaterialText' ) ).


Addresses (Business Address Services)   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
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