
BADI_TBA_EXT_DSC_UI - BAdI: Extend User Interface for DCS

BADI_TBA_EXT_DSC_UI - BAdI: Extend User Interface for DCS

BAL Application Log Documentation   General Material Data  
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You can use this BAdI to enhance the transaction FDCS01 (Specify Derivative Contract Specification) to appley customer-specific tabs and screens.

This BAdI is a filter-dependent BAdI with filter as Derivative Type. This BAdI implementation performs the following procedure:

  • Load customer-specific data and display in launched transaction FDCS01
  • Validate customer-specific data and, if applicable, raise error messages in form of ALV output
  • Allow saving customer-specific data in customer tables

BAdI implementation will be called for the following user actions:

  • Launch transaction FDCS01 with valid DCS ID
  • Perform a ‘check’ or a ‘save’ of the data, when DCS ID is created or changed

The following BAdI methods have been defined:


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