
CRMC_CONFIG_COPYCTR - Copying Control for Configurable Products

CRMC_CONFIG_COPYCTR - Copying Control for Configurable Products

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If a follow-up transaction is created from a business transaction containing a configurable product, you need to define how the system handles the product configuration in the follow-up transaction. The following options are available:

  • The product configuration is copied identically from the source transaction to the target transaction.
  • The product configuration is newly determined in the target transaction at runtime.
  • The product configuration is neither copied, nor determined automatically in the target transaction. That means that you need to trigger product configuration manually in the target transaction.

To make these settings, go to the activity SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Copying Control for Business Transactions -> Define Copying Control for Item Categories, select the row with the relevant source and target item categories, and select Details. In the Detailsscreen, in the field Copy Configuration, you can select whether the product configuration is copied to the target transaction or newly determined.

  1. You have defined item categories for configurable products.
For both source and target transaction types, you need adequate item categories for your configurable products. You define these in Customizing for business transactions under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Item Categories.
  1. You have set up item category determination.
You need to set up customizing for both source and target transaction, so that the correct item categories are determined for configurable products. To do this, choose SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Item Category Determination.
Assign the item category group 0002 Config. at Mat. Level. to your combination of transaction type and item categories.
  1. You have set up copying control for the source and target transactions that you want to use, for example, Sales Agreement (OASL) → Quantity Contract (QCTR) → Standard Order (TA). You make these settings under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Copying Control for Business Transactions.
Make sure that you use the item categories for configurable products in the source and target transactions.

Item Categories:

For configurable products in standard orders (TA), the item categories TAC (main item) and TAE (sub items) are available. These correspond to the item categories QCTC and QCTE in quantity contracts (QCTR).

Copying control:

In the standard system, the copying control for quantity contracts is defined as Quantity Contract (QCTR) → Standard Order (TA). The item categories QCTC and QCTE are copied to TAC and TAE, respectively.

For this setup of source and target items, the field Copy Configuration is set to Copy Configuration from Source Item. This means that when the user creates a release order from a quantity contract containing a configurable product, the product configuration is copied.

You can copy the standard settings and adjust them to your own requirements. For further information on setting up copying control for configurable products, see SAP note 1307133.

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