
CRMV_MI_WORKFLOW - Workflow Description

CRMV_MI_WORKFLOW - Workflow Description

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The investigation workflow is in package CRM_MI_WF and has identification WS15100038.

The goal of the investigation workflow is to change the status of a complaint item from Investigation Required to either Released or Completed.

During the workflow, an item can be processed by one or more levels (research, analysis, approval). The research level cannot make a status decision; it only makes a decision recommendation. The actual status decision is always made by the analysis level and if necessary, it is then confirmed or reversed by the approval level.

The agent responsible for analysis can use the Consult Researchers decision function to to consult the research processing level. Work items for research are always parallel work items, which means that many different agent groups could be addressed at the same time. This workflow step is only counted as being completed when each of the parallel work items is completed.

Just as the business rules determine the analysis agent group ahead of time, they can also predetermine any number of agent groups at research level and provide their identification codes when the CL_CRM_MI_TOOLS=>INVESTIGATE method is called.

When the agent responsible for analysis executes the work item mentioned above and uses the Consult Researchers function, these previously determined research-level agent groups appear as defaults. The analysis agent can change the default at will, or skip the Consult Researchers function completely and instead make an immediate decision.
If you have set the Direct to Research indicator in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Set "Direct to Research", the Consult Researchers function is executed automatically.

Following research, the item always returns to the agent at analysis level, since this agent must analyze the research results and complete the step by making a status decision. The Consult Researchers function can be repeated as often as you like. The analysis of the item is finished when the agent responsible for analysis makes one of the following decisions: Decline, Decline and Complete, or Approve.

The check whether another agent at approval level should process the item following the analysis happens within the logic of the status decision.
The outcome as to whether an approver is necessary is reached by the Business Add-In (BAdI) BAdI: Check Whether Approval Is Required. If an approver is necessary, the BAdI also determines the agent group for approval at the same time.

  • If the BAdI returns the result Approver Required, the status decision of the agent responsible for analysis does not trigger a status change. The system generates a new work item for the approval level.

  • If the BAdI returns the result No Approver Required however, the status change is executed and the workflow is completed.

Note: When coding the BAdI implementation, you must be careful to avoid endless loops. And endless loop is created when an agent group is found as the approver for the same agent group (itself).

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