
DM_BADI_COMPLPROC - Activate/Deactivate Standard Implementation

DM_BADI_COMPLPROC - Activate/Deactivate Standard Implementation

ABAP Short Reference   PERFORM Short Reference  
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SAP E-Book

With this IMG activity, you can deactivate the standard implementation of the Business Add-In Completion of Processing delivered by SAP without making any modifications, in order to activate your own implementation of this BAdI.

The IMG activity concerns a switch that you can use to change the respective activity status of the SAP standard implementation from active to deactivated, or from deactivated to active without making any program modifications.

In the SAP standard delivery, the implementation of this Business Add-In is active.

Deactivate the standard implementation and, using the IMG activity Completion of Processing, create your own implementation that you activate instead of the standard implementation.

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