
EAM_PROCMLSTAS - Define Assignment Rules for Procurement Milestones

EAM_PROCMLSTAS - Define Assignment Rules for Procurement Milestones

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Determine which procurement milestones are monitored and change the default warning period for the milestone due date.

In this activity, you can control how the different milestones in the procurement process are monitored in the SAP Fiori apps Manage Maintenance Backlog and Maintenance Backlog Overview. You can define custom rules to determine which procurement milestones are monitored for a combination of maintenance order type, procurement demand category, maintenance plant, maintenance planning plant, and material group. You can also change the default warning period for the milestone due date.

Procurement milestones are critical points in the process of procuring non-stock components and external services (external operations and lean services). Timely completion of these milestones can be an indicator for whether non-stock components and external services will be available by their planned requirement date. As such, they allow maintenance planners to monitor when each phase in the procurement process must be completed to ensure that a maintenance order is ready for execution on the scheduled date.

By default, the system monitors the following procurement milestones for all maintenance order types, maintenance planning plants, maintenance plants, and material groups:

Milestone Procurement Demand Category
Purchase Requisition Created Non-stock components and external services
Purchase Requisition Released Non-stock components and external services
Purchase Order Sent to Vendor Non-stock components and external services
Order Confirmed by Vendor Non-stock components and external services
Order Shipped Non-stock components
Order Received in Full Non-stock components

If you create a custom rule for a procurement milestone, the system will no longer monitor the milestone for the default procurement demand categories, maintenance order types, maintenance planning plants, maintenance plants, and material groups, but only for the ones that you specify. Example 1 illustrates this logic.

You can also define a custom warning period for each rule. The warning period specifies the period between the date on which a procurement milestone becomes due and the date on which the system starts to display the procurement status as a warning.

Order Received in Full Order Received in Full Order Received in Full

To define a custom rule, follow these steps:

  1. Select a procurement milestone for which you want to create a custom rule.
  2. Enter a number for the rule. The number identifies each rule on the database. You can enter any integer number from 1 to 255. The number must be unique for each rule that you define for a single milestone. For example, if you create two rules for the milestone Purchase Order Sent to Vendor, you need to assign different numbers for these rules.
  3. Select the procurement demand category for which you want to monitor the milestone. A procurement demand category is a group of similar items that need to be purchased externally in order to obtain the materials and services that are required to execute a maintenance order. You can monitor procurement milestones for non-stock components, lean services, external operations, or external services. External services include both lean services and external operations. The milestones Order Shipped and Order Received in Full cannot be assigned to external services.
  4. Select the order type, maintenance planning plant, maintenance plant, and material group for which you want to monitor the milestone. If you do not want to restrict the procurement milestone to a specific plant, order type or material group, enter an asterisk to select all values. In this case, the milestone is valid for all plants, order types, or material groups. You can also use the asterisk as a wildcard character in a character string.
  5. By default, the warning period is two days before the due date of each milestone. To change the default warning period, enter another number of full days.
  6. If you maintain several rules for a single milestone, you need to determine which rule should be used in case several rules apply simultaneously in a given situation. This allows the system to determine which warning period it should apply. For this purpose, you assign ranking numbers to the rules that you have maintained. If several rules apply, the system selects the warning period that has been maintained in the rule with the lowest ranking number. Note that the ranking number must be unique for each rule that you define for a single milestone. Example 2 illustrates how the system selects a warning date based on the ranking numbers that you assign.
Order Received in Full

Example 1:

You define a custom rule which specifies that the procurement milestone Purchase Order Sent to Vendor should be monitored for the order type Reactive Maintenance and for the demand category Non-Stock Components. Consequently, the system will not track the completion of this milestone in any other order types or for the procurement of external services. Instead, it will skip to the next milestone in the procurement process (Purchase Order Confirmed by Vendor) for all other order types and for external services.

Example 2:

You define two assignment rules for the procurement milestone Purchase Order Sent to Vendor:

  • In the first rule, you specify that this procurement milestone should be monitored for all external services of all material groups in all maintenance plants. You specify a warning period of 3 days and a ranking of 2.
  • In the second rule, you specify that in plant Y, this procurement milestone should only be monitored for external services of material group X. You specify a warning period of 4 days and a ranking of 1.

When a lean service of material group X is scheduled for plant Y, both rules would be applicable. Based on your ranking, the system will apply the second rule with the warning period of 4 days in this case.

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