
EHFND_BI_BADI_OLIST - BAdI: Determination of Objects to Extract

EHFND_BI_BADI_OLIST - BAdI: Determination of Objects to Extract

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This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the SAP EHS Management (EHS-MGM) component. You can use this BAdI to adjust the existing extractors or implement your own extractors. The extractors extract data to use in analytical reporting.

You can also create a customer-specific BAdI implementation with logic, for example, to extract only the objects that have been changed since the last extraction of multiple objects.

Each BAdI implementation corresponds to one or more DataSources. You have created the corresponding DataSources in RSA2.

You have configured the extractor for each DataSource in the Customizing activity Configure Extractors for SAP EHS Management under Foundation for EHS Management.

The BAdI definition is called once at the beginning of an extraction process.

The BAdI definition contains the following methods:

This method implements the actual logic to determine the objects to extract.
This method returns an iterator object to iterate through the determined objects for further extraction of the objects' data.
This implementation enables you to extract data from only one business object. The default implementation supports full loads by selecting all instances of the configured business object. The default implementation also supports delta loads by checking which instances of the configured business object have been changed since the last extraction.

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