
E_RLMFW_CUST - Define Settings for Release Management

E_RLMFW_CUST - Define Settings for Release Management

ABAP Short Reference   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
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SAP E-Book

In this process step, you define the release object types, the release targets and checks, as well as the fields that are protected if an object was included in the release order.

The BC Set EA_RLMFW Settings for Release Management is included in the SAP standard delivery. You can use this BC Set to make settings for the release object type SCMP Variant Change Status in your system. You must define the checks and targets accordingly.

Use the settings from the BC Set EA_RLMFW if you want to work with iPPE component variants and release management. You can also use these settings to create user-specific object types as an example.

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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