
FBD_BADI_NOTIFY2 - BAdI: Notification using SMS or E-mail

FBD_BADI_NOTIFY2 - BAdI: Notification using SMS or E-mail

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SAP E-Book

You use this Business Add-in to create a text for a notification that you send either by e-mail or SMS. To do this you need to implement method CREATE_TEXT. The following import parameters are available:

  • I_KNA1 Customer master (with the structure KNA1)
  • I_VBDKR Document header view for billing (with the structure VBDKR)
  • I_NAST Message status (with the structure NAST)
  • I_LINK The URL that you defined in table T001URL for displaying the bill
  • I_SFORM The Smart Form that you entered in the message type used should you want to send the notification as a PDF attachment
  • I_SMS Displays whether an e-mail (= space) or an SMS (= X) is to be sent

You must fill the following export parameters:

  • E_TEXT Table containing the text to be output
  • E_DOC Document attributes with structure SODOCCHGI1. Field OBJ_DESCR contains the reference line of the e-mail sent.
  • E_DOC_TYPE Set this parameter to RAW, if you want to send an SMS or e-mail with unformatted text. Set the parameter to HTM if you want to send an e-mail in HTML format.
  • RETURN Set this parameter to 0 once the Business Add-In has run without errors.

A straightforward example is delivered, and you can display this by choosing Goto -> Example Coding -> Display.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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