
GRFNPLANUSAGE - Define Plan Usage

GRFNPLANUSAGE - Define Plan Usage

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In this Customizing activity, you can add information about new plan usages in the Customizing tables.

The application provides a set of plan usages; however, you can also create your own customized plan usages. Once you have created your own ABAP classes, you can maintain them in this activity.

Plan usage is the activity end users trigger from the Planner functioin, which allows users to schedule activities such as assessments andvtests.

To maintain the plan usage:

  1. In the left hand navigation pane, double-click the required plan activity node.
  2. Choose New Entries.
  3. Maintain the columns and fields as required. See below for specific recommendations.
  4. Choose Save.

For Common Components, maintain the following:

  • Plan Usage: The ID for a scheduled activity. (Mandatory)
  • Application Component: The application component that uses the plan usage. (Mandatory)
  • Activity Name: The description of the scheduled activity. (Mandatory)
  • ABAP class: The name of the class implementing the interface. For Access Management, enter IF_GRFN_SCHEDULER. For other components, enter IF_GRFN_PLAN_USAGE. (Mandatory)
  • Need Recurring: Select whether or not the activity can be scheduled periodically.

For Access Management, maintain the following:

  • WD component (Job Result): The WD component that implements the WD component interface GRFN_PLANNER_JOB_RESULT, which is invoked when the user chooses the View Result pushbutton on the Job Monitor screen.
  • WD component (Select Variant): The WD component that implements the WD component interface GRFN_PLANNER_SEL_VAR, which is invoked when you schedule a plan in the Scheduler overview screen.
  • Feeder class name: The feeder class for the FPM Search component that is used to support the Select Variant WD component.
  • Ad hoc creation: Select whether or not the application uses the Ad hoc function to create the activity (triggered from specific application).

For Process Control and Risk Management, maintain the following:

  • ENTITY: The entity on which the application performs the plan usage.
  • SURVEY_CATEGORY: The survey category for the plan usage. Only maintain this if the plan usage needs to select a survey. As a prerequisite, you must have maintained NEED_SURVEY.
  • SURVEY_VALUATION - The survey valuation of the plan usage. Only maintain this if the plan usage needs to select a survey. As a prerequisite, you must have maintained NEED_SURVEY.
  • SURVEY_TYPE - The survey type of the plan usage. Only maintain this if the plan usage needs to select a survey. As a prerequisite, you must have activated NEED_SURVEY.
  • IS_TF_REL: Select whether or not the plan usage is time frame related.
  • SELECT_OU: Select whether or not the plan usage needs to select a specific organization. As a prerequisite, you must have activated NEED_ORG.
  • SHARE_EVARLT: Select whether or not the plan usage shares the evaluation result.
  • NEED_SURVEY: Select whether or not to use the survey template
  • IS_TESTING: Select whether or not to use the plan usage is for testing.
  • NEED_OBJECT: Select whether or not to use the select object step when creating a plan.
  • NEED_RCPT: Select whether or not to use the select recipient step is needed.
  • NEED_REGULATION: Select whether or not the regulation step is needed.
  • NEED_ORG: Select whether or not to use the organization step when creating a plan.

For Risk Management only, maintain the following:

  • Need analysis date: Select whether or not an analysis date is needed.

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