
HR_LSO_M1C2D7E3A2 - Maintain Content Categories

HR_LSO_M1C2D7E3A2 - Maintain Content Categories

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SAP E-Book

You can change or create new content categories for physical documents. Content categories define logical storage locations. At the physical level, a content category is assigned to a content repository (see also Maintaining Content Repositories). The physical storage of documents is set by specifying content repositories.

Individual applications have at least one category, which is delivered by SAP. If you want to use more categories, you must create them yourself.

  1. Perform the action.
A list of all the existing categories is displayed.
You can go to the detail display from here.
  1. Choose Edit -> New entries to make new entries or position the cursor on an entry and choose Goto -> Detail to change existing entries.
After a production start, you should not normally make any more changes to existing entries.
A document is identified by its ID and category. The category represents the logical view and is mapped on the content repository, representing the physical view.
Categories are mapped to content repositories at runtime. A later change therefore means that you cannot access documents that were already stored.
  1. Define a category and a short description or change the existing short description.
  2. Define a content repository or change the existing content repository.
  3. Define your document area.
  4. Save your entries.

You can also change existing entries with Edit -> Change field contents. You can also specify the following:

  • Creator
  • Time of creation
  • Last changed by
  • Time of change

You can find more information about content categories and repositories in the SAP Library under Basis - Basis Services - SAP Knowledge Provider - Content Management Service - Concepts.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 2402 Date: 20240606 Time: 221113     sap01-206 ( 42 ms )