
ISPAM_TJJW1 - Define Commercial Time Slices

ISPAM_TJJW1 - Define Commercial Time Slices

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In this step you define the time slices.

You require time slices to describe the detailed program schedules. Time slices subdivide available airtime in a day into units.

The combination of the airing date, time slice, commercial cluster and position produces an airing time. When you confirm the order data, the system generates a schedule line and a billing dataset for each airing time.

Time slices can be relevant to price.

  • You create a time slice for each hour in the airing date.
  • You can combine several hours in an airing date as a time slice.
  1. Check whcih time slices you require to describe your detailed program schedules from a production and settlement perspective.
  2. To create the time slices required, please proceed as follows:
    1. Enter an alphanumeric key with a maxmimum of two characters for each time slice.
    2. Enter the short text and long text.
The system offers you the short text for selection in the possible entries function (F4).
  1. Create the start and end of the time slice.

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