
ISPSD_EINSTVKBELEGE - Maintain Additional Settings for Sales Documents

ISPSD_EINSTVKBELEGE - Maintain Additional Settings for Sales Documents

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

In this step, you make a number of settings that are required when creating and editing orders:

  • Warning quantities
Specify warning quantities (maximum quantities) for order recording. The warning quantity can be made dependent on the sales area and sales document type.
The quantity specified in the order is checked against the warning quantity. If the quantity specified in the order is the same as or greater than the warning quantity, the system displays a warning. This avoids the entry of quantities that are too great (for example, in retail).
  • Ordering methods
Specify the possible ordering methods. These indicate the way in which the customer made the order (for example by phone or by fax). You specify the ordering method in the header data for the sales document.
  • Purchase reasons
Specify the possible purchase reasons that can be specified when an order item is created.
  • Suspension reasons
Specify the possible suspension reasons that can be specified when a suspension or partial suspension are created.
  • Delivery end reasons
Specify the possible reasons for the end of delivery which can be specified when an order item is reversed. A delivery end reason can also be specified when delimiting an item.
  • Reversal reasons
Specify the possible reversal reasons that can be specified when an order item is reversed.
  1. Find out which of the above apply in your company and create the required entries.

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 1967 Date: 20240606 Time: 132626     sap01-206 ( 36 ms )