
OHAARAN008 - Maintain decision tree for relationship code

OHAARAN008 - Maintain decision tree for relationship code

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In this section you can change the feature that assigns familiy member types for the SNSS census to relationship codes specified by ANSeS.

Before executing this step you need to:

  1. Create Family members. To do this, follow the detailed instructions provided under Define possible family members in section Personnel Administration -> Personnel Administration -> Personal Data -> Family -> Define possible family members.
  2. Assign a family member type to the subtypes of infotype Family/Related person (0021) used in your company. Follow the instructions given under Define additional information for infotype Family/Related person in section Payroll calculation -> Listings -> SNSS census -> Define additional information for infotype Family/Related person.

Use the transaction's Extended help if you need further information on feature maintenance.

If you need further information on this specific feature go to menu Goto -> Documentation.

To perform this activity:

  1. Change feature ARCEP and its sub-feature ARH26 to meet the requirements of your company by specifying the corresponding relationship code provided by ANSeS for each family member type defined for the SNSS census. Thus, code 1 provided by ANSeS, for example, corresponds to family member type 01 (spouse).
  2. Save your entries.
  3. Generate the modified feature.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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