
OHAARIN023 - Assign collective agreements to collective agreement classes

OHAARIN023 - Assign collective agreements to collective agreement classes

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In this step you can assign the collective work agreements with which your company works to the collective work agreements provided by SAP.

Before performing this activity you must:

  1. Define collective work agreements. To do this, follow the instructions listed in Define collective work agreements, in the section Payroll accounting Argentina-> Severance pay-> Settings by severance pay type-> Severance pay by seniority-> Define collective work agreements.
  2. Define collective agreement types. To do this, follow the instructions listed in Specify collective agreement types, in the section Personnel administration-> Personnel administration-> Payroll data-> Basic pay-> Specify collective agreement types.

To perform this activity:

  1. Select a collective agreement type.
  2. Select the corresponding collective work agreement.
  3. Save your entries.

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