
OHAGB_SA600 - Run SSP QDP Migration Check

OHAGB_SA600 - Run SSP QDP Migration Check

Vendor Master (General Section)   PERFORM Short Reference  
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In this step you execute the SSP QDP Migration Check Report RPLABSG0_SSP_QDP_CHECK.

The Migration Check Report generates an employee's QDP for the whole period selected (regardless of whether they are sick or not) under the Phase I QDP solution and the Phase II QDP solution. It presents a detailed view on every single day of the QDP and compares each day. If there are differences between the Phase I and Phase II solutions, then the relevant error field is filled with an `X´.

You therefore run this report to assess whether or not you have customised your old and new QDPs correctly.

QDP customising under the Phase I and Phase II QDP solutions has been completed.

The evaluations in this report are not based on information stored in the payroll cluster PCL1 (structure NCALE). Instead, the QDPs are generated by assessing the employee's Master Data as though he or she had never been processed through payroll.

Execute this IMG activity, maintain your selection criteria and execute the SSP QDP Migration Check Report.

There are four possible outcomes after running Report RPLABSG0_SSP_QDP_CHECK:

  1. Both Phase I and Phase II QDPs coincide identically. This indicates you have customised your old and new QDPs correctly.
  2. The Phase II QDPs do not match the Phase I QDPs. You need to correct the Phase II QDP customising solution so the QDPs coincide identically.
  3. The Phase I QDP solution does not match the Phase II solution and needs to be corrected. However, you cannot do this without affecting all your historical payroll results that contain SSP absences.
In this situation, you must use the feature GBCHG to migrate to the new solution from a certain date, so that you do not affect historical payroll results.
You customise feature GBCHG in the Payroll Great Britain IMG Step Define Solution Changeover Date.
  1. The Phase I QDP solution does not match the Phase II solution, but this is intended as you have changed your business rules as part of the implementation of GBSxP Phase II.
In this scenario, you must check as far as you are able that the new QDP solution has been customised correctly. Running this report and analysing the report output will help you in this process.
Further, you must then also customise feature GBCHG (see link above) to migrate to the new QDP solution from a certain date. This will ensure that your migration to the Phase II QDP solution will not affect historical payroll results.

PERFORM Short Reference   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
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