
OIU_CM_MKT_MAP - Map Custom Marketing Types to Fixed Marketing Buckets

OIU_CM_MKT_MAP - Map Custom Marketing Types to Fixed Marketing Buckets

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If a customer has extended beyond the pre-delivered set of 20 marketing types by adding new custom marketing types, it is necessary to utilize this configuration transaction to map each new custom marketing type to one of ten distinct marketing buckets.

The reason for this is that there exist some application components that are limited to storing only ten distinct marketing amounts per transaction. Each of the 10 marketing amount buckets corresponds to a grouping of marketing types. For pre-delivered marketing types, these natively map as types 01-10 directly to bucket 01-10, and types 11-20 to 01-10 (subtract 10 from marketing type codes 11-20 to derive the corresponding bucket used).

Once this configuration is established for new custom marketing types, then for those application elements that are limited to 10 marketing buckets (for example New Mexico Tax records originating from the Valuation process), new marketing amounts will be accumulated and reflected in the configured bucket. For example, if a customer adds new marketing type “Z1”, they could configure the application such that that amounts derived for that new marketing type are accumulated and reflected in bucket 01 (for the isolated cases where the application only supports differentiation of marketing into 10 buckets); in other words, Z1 marketing amounts would for that application be treated as if it were a native 01 or 11 marketing type amount.

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