
PAY_FR_AED_FLUX - AED: EDI Mode Forward flow

PAY_FR_AED_FLUX - AED: EDI Mode Forward flow

Vendor Master (General Section)   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

To send a DN-AC AED (electronic employer statement) document by header (envelope) in light and heavy EDI mode, you must configure contact persons/roles in the following steps.


A SEH header is a document which specifies according to the SEH (harmonized exchange system) standard:

  • the sender of the Forward flow, ergo the receiver of the Return flow
  • the receiver of the Forward flow, ergo the sender of the Return flow
  • the transmission mode of the documents which make up the Return flow, namely ARL, CRA and AER.
  • the name of the AED document

Possible roles are as follows:

  • Envelope sender: SEHENTE
  • Envelope document sender: SEHDOCU

Create the address types required for your statement.

  1. Then create the address keys. You must enter the individual data for each address key by clicking on the Address icon.
  2. Select 06 then EDA to assign the roles (variable keys) to the personnel area/subarea combination.
  3. Maintain the address (individual data) for the role.

The EDA form is defined in the DAQ and in the B2A Manager.

Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure   BAL Application Log Documentation  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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