
PAY_NL_SR_LL_210 - Define employer contribution for life-course savings scheme

PAY_NL_SR_LL_210 - Define employer contribution for life-course savings scheme

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   BAL Application Log Documentation  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

This is where you create groupings applicable to your organization under the terms of the life-course savings scheme, and also define employer contributions to the life-course savings schemes for each grouping.

SAP supplies a number of groupings as part of the standard delivery that can be changed to meet the requirements of your company:

  • Management
  • Standby Workers
  • Trainees
  • Permanent Employment

Define groupings:

  1. Choose New Data.
  2. Enter a code and a text.
  3. Save your data.

Define employer contribution:

  1. Define groupings:
  2. Choose New Data.
  3. Specify the required grouping.
  4. Specify a percentage or an amount.
  5. Save your data.
  6. Repeat steps 1-3 for other groupings.

A separate percentage/amount is applicable to each grouping in your organization:

  • Management: EUR 100.00
  • Other employees: EUR 50.00

BAL Application Log Documentation   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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