
PAY_UAE_OHAXFORS010 - Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field

PAY_UAE_OHAXFORS010 - Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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In this step, you print cumulation identifiers in individual fields.

  1. In the form editor, choose Individual fields -> Create.
  2. Complete the fields Table, Field and Identifier.
    Note the following:
  • Tables with no split indicators

If the wage type is stored in a table without split indicators (for example, table CRT), you can enter the table field containing the

relevant information directly in the fields Table und Field.

  • Tables with split indicators

If the wage type is stored in a table with split indicators (for example, RT), you proceed as follows:
a) Summarize and cumulate the relevant wage type.
b) Enter the newly-formed cumulation wage type (for example, 1234) in the identifier field.

Normally, you enter a field from the table ZRT. In the Identifier field, enter the cumulatation wage type (for example, 1234).

If you do not summarize a split wage type, and instead of specifying this particular table and field name, you specify the original field name (for example, table RT and field BETRG), only the part of the wage type information is printed that is given in the first split entry on the wage type in the relevant payroll table (for example, RT).

For more information on summarizing and cumulating wage types, refer to the SAP Library under HR Tools -> HR Form Editor -> Wage Type Addition.

CPI1466 during Backup   ABAP Short Reference  
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