
POC_MAIN_KPI_DEF - Define Key Performance Indicators

POC_MAIN_KPI_DEF - Define Key Performance Indicators

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   BAL Application Log Documentation  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

In this Customizing activity, you log data related to key performance indicators (KPIs), for example, counting the number of times a particular activity is repeated in a process instance.

Three kinds of KPI are supported:

  • Count:Used to determine the number of times an activity is repeated in a particular process instance.
  • Duration:Used to determine the lead time or the time difference between 2 activities.
  • Classification:Used as a generic KPI. BRFplus rules are used for calculation.

The settings or the entries which are maintained in the customizing activity will be used during calculation of the KPIs.

You have created a process definition in the view cluster POC_VC_PS_BND.

Create entries in the following tables:

  • POC_C_PRC_KPI: List all the KPIs supported in the application.
  • POC_C_KPI_COUNT: Assign activity IDs to KPI type COUNT.
  • POC_C_KPI_DURA : Assign activity IDs to KPI type DURATION.
  • POC_C_KPI_CTG : Assign activity IDs to KPI type CATEGORY. (You must assign a BRFplus rule as the rule is used to determine the KPI.)

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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