
REFXV-TIVAJINDXCONV - Define Index Conversion Factors

REFXV-TIVAJINDXCONV - Define Index Conversion Factors

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With the introduction of a new base year for the consumer price index in Germany, all existing consumer price indexes have been standardized. As a result, certain index series with which the monetary value of contracts can be guaranteed are no longer available. Therefore, it is recommended that, in the long-term, you convert contracts that are linked to index series that are no longer valid.

In the interim, SAP provides this conversion table for updating outdated index series with the new consumer price index (also called rebasing).

For the target series, enter an index series for which you want to convert the index values to those of the target year, but for which index values are no longer reported. For the target year, enter the base year to which you want to convert the index values.

As source series, enter the index series, for which index values are provided for the source year, and for the source year, enter the base year for which index values are reported.

Assign the chaining date (month and year for which the index levels for the rebasing are defined).

Currently valid index series as at 01/01/2016: Consumer Price Index for Germany (VPI)
Currently valid base year as at 01/01/2016: 2013
Currently valid chaining date as at 01/01/2016: 12/01/2012

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Length: 1623 Date: 20240607 Time: 071936     sap01-206 ( 35 ms )