
REFXV_TIVORLOCMTC - Assign District Locations to Those of Usage View

REFXV_TIVORLOCMTC - Assign District Locations to Those of Usage View

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A prospect can select multiple district locations that interest him or her from the District Locations for RE Search Requests.
The system has to be able to recognize which district locations of the usage view correspond to those in the RE search request so that it can find the correct objects. Therefore, you have to assign district locations from the RE search request and those of the usage view to each other.

You defined District Locations for RE Search Requests.

Assign the district locations to each other. Usually you assign one district location of the RE search request to several district locations of the business entity. However, you can also assign one district location of the business entity to several district locations of the RE search request.

District locations of the RE search request: City
District locations of the business entity: City center
Inner city
Outer district
City section (urban)
Suburb (urban)
Suburb (rural)

Example assignment:
RE search request: City
Business entity: City center, inner city, outer district, city section (urban), suburb (urban)

RE search request: Suburb
Business entity: Suburb (urban), suburb (rural)

RE search request: ,,Country
Business entity: City section (rural), suburb (rural), country

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Length: 2278 Date: 20240606 Time: 191445     sap01-206 ( 54 ms )