
RSBCTSDPR_OTDWF - Weighting Factors for On-time Delivery in Quantity Algorithm

RSBCTSDPR_OTDWF - Weighting Factors for On-time Delivery in Quantity Algorithm

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This activity is related to a certain kind of metrics, namely the On-time Delivery based on the Quantity Algorithm. These metrics are:

Metric Applicable Description
Delivery Types
ONTQ_ONT PDC, TPOP On-time Delivery (quantity-based alg.)
ONTQ_OVDUE PDC Overdue Past Per. Del. (quant-based alg.)
ONTQ_EARLY PDC Early Delivery (quantity-based alg.)
ONTQ_OVER PDC Overdelivery (quantity-based alg.)

In general, the calculation of score values for these metrics compares the timeliness of supplier deliveries with timeliness categories addressed by the metrics. Additionally, the calculation also takes into account the number of overdue purchase orders and release schedules.

In order to perform such a calculation, the system maintains the following predefined buckets that hold the total numbers of deliveries with regard to their timeliness:

Bucket Name Timeliness Category of Delivery
ONT On-time
ECP Early with regard to current period
EFP Early with regard to future period
LCP Late with regard to current period
LPP Late with regard to past period
OVR Overdelivery

Two more buckets hold the total numbers of overdue purchase orders and release schedules:

Bucket Name Timeliness Category of Delivery
OPD Overdue purchase orders and release schedules with regard to past period
OCP Overdue purchase orders and release schedules with regard to current period

The calculation is defined by a general mathematical formula, which can be applied to any of the metrics listed above. The formula describes a generic weighted average for all the buckets listed above.

In this activity, you can maintain the weighting factors used in the formula. The general outline of the formula for any valid combination of metric M (values ONT, EAR, and delivery type T is shown below. Please note that you have to enter 16 weighting factors for every combination of metric and delivery type.

Score Values (M, T) = Numerator(M, T) / Denominator(M, T)


Numerator (M, T) = WF_N(M, T, ECP) * ECP
+ WF_N(M, T, EFP) * EFP
+ WF_N(M, T, ONT) * ONT
+ WF_N(M, T, LCP) * LCP
+ WF_N(M, T, LPP) * LPP
+ WF_N(M, T, OVR) * OVR
+ WF_N(M, T, OPD) * OPD
+ WF_N(M, T, OCP) * OCP


Denominator (M, T) = WF_D(M, T, ECP) * ECP
+ WF_D(M, T, EFP) * EFP
+ WF_D(M, T, ONT) * ONT
+ WF_D(M, T, LCP) * LCP
+ WF_D(M, T, LPP) * LPP
+ WF_D(M, T, OVR) * OVR
+ WF_D(M, T, OPD) * OPD
+ WF_D(M, T, OCP) * OCP


WF_N(M, T, bucket name) denotes the weighting factor for metric M, delivery type T, and the given bucket name that is used in the numerator.
WF_D(M, T, bucket name) denotes the weighting factor for metric M, delivery type T, and the given bucket name that is used in the denominator.
ECP, EFP, and so on denotes the number in bucket ECP, EFP, and so on.


You can only maintain weighting factors for combinations of metrics and delivery types that have be maintained with IMG activity Valid Combinations of Metrics and Delivery Types previously.


The standard setup includes definitions for weighting factors required for the on-time delivery metrics mentioned above.


Every table entry in this activity defines weighting factor. Its definiton comprises:

  • A combination of metric and delivery type
  • An on-time bucket
  • Values for the numerator and denominator

If you create, change, or delete entries in this table, all these changes will affect metric calculations that are performed after the changes have been saved, but not those metric scores that already have been calculated.


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