
SIMG_CFMENUOFDIBBVST - Maintain Rules for Input Tax Treatment on Correction Items

SIMG_CFMENUOFDIBBVST - Maintain Rules for Input Tax Treatment on Correction Items

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
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SAP E-Book

In this section, you make specifications regarding the input tax treatment according to German law:

  • the legal values for input tax treatment

Check the standard settings for each company code and change them, if necessary:

  1. Indicator "Correction items of main asset number refer to all subnumber".

When you create correction items, a proposal list of the rental units belonging to the main asset number is taken into account. If the indicator is set, the rental units belonging to subnumbers of the asset will also appear.
  1. Indicator "Simplified amounts acc. to §44 ORVAT apply to each assignment number"

The limit values to be determined in the block "Rules for input tax treatment in correction phase" refer to "complex fixed assets" according to the legal specifications. If you want to group together several correction items, that is, to relate the first-year conventions to a group of correction items to be treated as complex fixed assets from a legal point of view, you then have to specify an assignment number with the correction items. You can do this, if the indicator "Simplified amounts according to §44 ORVAT apply per assignment number". The effect of this is that the assignment number appears as a required-entry field when you create correction items. The correction items with same assignment number are then jointly dealt with during the input tax adjustment.
  1. Block "Rules for input tax treatment in correction phase"

In this block, you define the first-year conventions according to §44 ORVAT. These are processed as follows:
Correction postings are created in the course of one year. With the fiscal year change, it is then determined whether the correction postings meet the conditions of §44 ORVAT which are to be defined at this point. The monthly correction postings are cancelled,
  1. in case the annual average of the option rate deviates from the base rate by less than the percentage points specified in the "Difference of option rate (annual averages) from base rate" field (currently 10 percentage points),
  2. and in addition, the year-to-date balance of the monthly input tax correction amounts is less than or equal to the value specified in the "Input tax adjustment does not apply up to the amount of" field (currently 500 DM).

The value "Simplification of input tax adjustment" is currently not being taken into account.

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