
SIMG_CFMENUOFDICORDT - Assignment of Correspondence Activities to Correspondence Groups

SIMG_CFMENUOFDICORDT - Assignment of Correspondence Activities to Correspondence Groups

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   General Data in Customer Master  
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SAP E-Book

In this section, you carry out the last and most important step for the correspondence control:

  1. Assign an object type (CA Reminder RA rent adj./ CC Rental collateral/IV Rental offer/ IV Rental agreement)
  2. Assign one or several correspondence applications, differentiating characteristics and correspondence activities

You can make this assignment in two different views.


  1. Do not assign correspondence groups to the object types CA Reminder for RA adjustment, CC rental collateral and II rental offer
  2. You can only control these object types by assigning them differentiating characteristics.
  3. For the object type IV rental agreement, you can define correspondence groups for the following correspondence applications:

    008 Accompanying letter for the rental agreement
    030 Rent adjustment
    040 Deposit settlement for releasing rental collateral
    042 Service charge settlement
    043 Advance notice of constructual changes
    044 Sales settlement
    070 RA conditions, new currency and original currency
    080 Application to state central bank
    100 Rental agreement
    110 Notice / Confirmation of notice
    120 Rental unit inspection

    The F4 help for assigning the correspondence applications takes the set contract type into account.

PERFORM Short Reference   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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