
SIMG_CFMENUOHP0OOSU - Maintain Subtypes

SIMG_CFMENUOHP0OOSU - Maintain Subtypes

CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services   General Material Data  
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SAP E-Book

In this step, you maintain the settings necessary for creating subtypes for infotypes.

You can create new subtypes for standard infotypes or for customer- specific infotypes. In either case, you have to assign a time constraint to both subtypes and infotypes.

Infotype Subtype
1001 Relationships A003 Belongs to
1001 Relationships B003 Incorporates
1042 Schedule model 0001 Main schedule pattern
1042 Schedule model 0002 Alternative schedule pattern
1042 Schedule model TEMP Temporary schedule

The Schedule Model infotype (1042) is subdivided into the subtypes 0001 "Main schedule pattern", 0002 "Alternative schedule pattern" and TEMP "Temporary schedule".

1042 Schedule model

You can create four-digit subtypes in the range from "9000" to "9999".

1042 Schedule model

Relationships are special subtypes of the infotype "Relationship". This function is dealt with separately since there are a number of special points to note when setting up these subtypes. For this reason, you should create relationships in the step "Maintain relationships".

1042 Schedule model
  1. Create further subtypes for infotypes if required.
  2. Append a time constraint to each subtype.
1042 Schedule model

For further information, please refer to step "Maintain infotypes".

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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