
SIMG_CFMENUOHP2OOEP - Define Suitability Ranges

SIMG_CFMENUOHP2OOEP - Define Suitability Ranges

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In this step, you set up suitability ranges. Suitability ranges are used to structure ranking lists in Career and Succession Planning so that users can see at a glance whether an object is suitable. The suitability itself is displayed in the form of a symbol (icon).

Suitability ranges are calculated on the basis of the suitability percentage. A percentage range, and the corresponding symbol for this range, are displayed for every suitability range.

If the system is set up to treat over-qualification as being positive (see Set Up Control Parameters), then it is possible to have a suitability percentage greater than 100%. If you specify an upper limit of 100% for your suitability ranges, then the system will display all objects with a suitability percentage greater than 100% in the highest suitability range. Alternatively, you can define a suitability range for over-qualification (enter 999% in the From /% field, and 100% in the To /% field.

All objects in a suitability range are displayed with the same icon in the ranking list. Suitability ranges can be displayed as an alternative to the precise suitability percentage.

You want to define three suitability ranges (Very suitable, Suitable, and Not suitable).

Very suitable @08@ (Green traffic-light icon)
Number: 10
From /%: 100
To /%: 60
ID: @08@

Suitable @09@ (Yellow traffic-light icon)
Number: 20
From /%: 60
To /%: 20
ID: @09@

Not suitable @0A@ (Red traffic light symbol)
Number: 30
From /%: 20
To /%:
ID: @0A@

Output in ranking list

If suitable positions are found for a person in Career Planning, the very suitable positions (that is, greater than 60%, as specified above) with be displayed with a green traffic-light icon, the suitable positions with a yellow traffic-light icon, and so on.

  1. Choose Edit -> New entries in the Change View "Suitability Ranges for Career and Succession Planning": Overview screen.
The New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen appears.
  1. Specify a unique numeric value in the Number field.
  2. Specify the upper limit (<=) for the suitability range in the From /% field.
Do not leave any gaps between your percentage ranges (see example above).
  1. Specify the lower limit for the suitability range (>) in the To /% field.
  2. Specify the ID of the icon you want to use in the ID field.
  3. If necessary, make further entries.
  4. Save your entries.

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