
SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIBS - Define User Status

SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIBS - Define User Status

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This section explains how to adapt general SAP status management to your requirements.

Management of the different statuses in the SAP System is divided up according to

The SAP System contains in a central table a basic store of statuses that are valid for all applications and can be used by all applications.

These statuses are maintained by SAP and cannot be changed. They are referred to as system statuses.

The SAP System contains in a central table a basic store of business transactions that are valid for all applications and can be used by all applications.

These business transactions are maintained by SAP and cannot be changed.

A further central table, also predefined by SAP, defines a system status for every business transaction and indicates whether or not the corresponding system status is deleted or set during the business transaction.

Another table defines the business transactions that are allowed for each SAP object (order, equipment and so on). This allocation is also predefined by SAP.

The allocations listed above defines

  • Which system statuses are the maximum possible for an object
  • Which system statuses can be set for the different individual business transactions

You can define your own statusprofiles in the IMG activity Define Status Profiles. Every status profile must be allocated to at least one object.

Every status profile contains one or more statuses allowed.

For each of these statuses, you can determine the system response within the business transactions predefined by SAP.

In the status profile you can

  • define your own statuses (user statuses) and document their function in a respective long text
  • determine the statusnumbers for user statuses which predefine the possible sequence for processing user statuses
  • define an initial status which is activated automatically when creating the object
  • determine which user status is automatically activated when carrying out a business transaction
  • define which operations are allowed or prohibited if a certain status is active

Status number

You can define a status number for every user status.

The status number determines the sequence in which the user statuses can be activated.

If you do not assign a status number to a user status, the user status can always be set. However, there can only be one user status with a status number active at any one time.

If you assign a status number to a user status, you must also specify a lowest and a highest status number for the status. These limit the status number interval from which the following user status can be chosen.

Example of status number

SAP supplies the following business transactions for equipment:

  • Set deletion indicator (From release 3.0B)
  • Cancel deletion indicator (From release 3.0B)
  • Install equipment
  • Dismantle equipment

When maintaining the status profile, you can determine for every status within the profile whether equipment of this status can be installed or dismantled and whether a deletion indicator can be set or not.

You can also determine in status maintenance whether, for example, the deletion indicator is set automatically and whether the system should respond with a warning or an error message when a deletion indicator is set.

  • Equipment

  • Functional locations

  • Maintenance notifications

  • Service notifications

  • Maintenance orders

  • Service orders

In the menu for the configuration of equipment, you can specify a status profile as a default value for each equipment category.

For maintenance notifications, only a single status profile is allowed.

Define the user statuses for the individual maintenance objects.

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