
SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEY - Convert Actual Line Items

SIMG_CFMENUORK10KEY - Convert Actual Line Items

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The data posted before you upgraded your system to the new release initially remains in the old ledger (i.e., the old actual line item table GLSPC). Convert this data at a time when the system workload is low.

You must convert this data before you can use it for line item reports or any other purpose.

If you no longer need the historic data, it is not necessary to convert these actual line items.

You convert the line items for one fiscal year in one controlling area at a time. Enter the desired year and controlling area. If possible you should convert the line items in the background. To do this, execute the function Program → Execute in background.

The old line items from Release 2.2 in table GLSPC are not deleted automatically after the conversion (in Release 3.0F and higher).

If you need additional memory space, you can delete all the historic data from 2.2 in table GLSPC following the conversion of the desired controlling areas and fiscal years using the ABAP/4 Database Utilities. After that, you should reorganize the tables to make the space freed up available again.

If the program terminates abnormally, you first need to delete the data that was converted successfully for the affected controlling area and fiscal year from table GLPCA. Otherwise you will receive error messages when the system tries to insert the data that has already been converted. This would not be detrimental to the conversion itself, but the large number of error messages would make analysis of the log difficult. To delete this data, use program RPCADEL2. You can select the data by controlling area and fiscal year. Next, find the cause of the abend and fix it, and then restart the conversion with the same parameters.

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