
SIMG_CGJB01JBLC19 - Transfer Category 028: Listed Transactions

SIMG_CGJB01JBLC19 - Transfer Category 028: Listed Transactions

General Material Data   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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The receiver structure comprises the following parts:

  1. Financial transaction header
  2. Financial transaction item (possibly an additional flow)

The system interprets each data record transferred to SAP Banking as a header record or an item record, depending on the filled fields. The mode field must always be filled (with 'I' for insert or 'U' for update).

The company code (BUKRS) and the financial transaction number (RFHA) must be filled in each record since they uniquely identify the transaction.

A listed transaction comprises a master record and possibly several item records (additional flows).

  • External data transfer sequence
When listed transactions are transferred, the header record is followed by the corresponding item records.
If a transaction has already been created, you can later create or change individual items for this transaction without sending the header record again.
  • Identification of header/item records

SAP Banking identifies the transferred records based on the contents of selected fields in the receiver structure.

Fields   Meaning Header Item
BUKRS   Company code X X
RFHA   Financial transaction number X X
SGSART   Product type X
SFHAART   Transaction type X
SFHAZBA   Flow type   X

The item records transfer additional flows (such as charges) for the transaction. You can recognize an item by its flow type (SFHAZBA) and by the fact that it has no product type.


You can only reverse a listed transaction if it is completely delivered in change mode. You must set the indicator SAKTIV in the header record to '3'.

Required/Optional Fields

The following fields must/can be transferred, or are automatically completed by the system:

Header Recor
  • BUKRS (required)
    Company code
  • RFHA (required)
    Transaction number
  • SGSART (required)
    Transaction type. The transaction type (open, closed), in conjunction with the flow type (sale, purchase), controls the assignment to the appropriate position (position for long positions, position for short positions). The following assignments apply:
    Open transaction + purchase ,,increase in long position
    Open transaction + sale ,,increase in short position
    Closed transaction + purchase ,,decrease in short position
    Closed transaction + sale ,,decrease in long position
  • SFHAZBA (required)
    Flow type (purchase or sale)
  • KONTRH or EXTPARTNR (required)
    Business partner or external partner number
  • POSACC (required)
    Item account. In SEM Banking position management, this corresponds to the securities account.
  • DVTRAB (required)
    Contract date. The contract date is significant only for transaction management in online processing.
  • DVALUT (required)
    Value date. The transaction is added to the position with the value date.
  • DZTERM (required)
    Payment date.
  • ASTUECK (required)
    Number of units.
  • RANL (required)
    Security ID number
  • MODE (required)
    Mode. Header and item must both be transferred with the same mode (I for insert or U for Update). For example, to change a transaction's item, you have to transfer the item with MODE = U.
  • BZBETR (optional)
    Payment amount in payment currency. If the field is not filled, then the system calculates the amount from the number of units (ASTUECK) and, for example, the price per unit (BPRICE).
  • BHWBETR (optional)
    Payment amount in local currency. If the field is not filled, then the system calculates the amount from the payment amount in payment currency (BZBETR) and the translation rate between WZBETR and local currency, in accordance with table TCURR. The translation rate is stored in the rate field for local currency KHWKURS.
  • KHWKURS (optional)
    Rate of local currency. If the field is not filled, then the system calculates the rate from the payment amount in payment currency (BZBETR) and the payment amount in local currency (BHWBETR).
  • Depending on the quotation type of the class, the following fields have to be transferred as required fields in the header record:

    Quotation type ,,Required field,,Name

    Percentage quotation,,PWKURS ,,Rate in percentage
    Point quotation ,,VVBASIS ,,Rate in points
    Unit quotation ,,BPRICE ,,Price per unit
  • The following amount fields are generated automatically by the system, and therefore cannot be transferred. (You can change the fields subsequently in online maintenance for listed derivatives.)

    Field ,,Name
    BEBETR,,Rate value in position currency
    ,,,,((Rate PWKURS, VVBASIS, BPREIS) / Tick value ) * (base value of tick * number of units (ASKUECK)) )
    WEBETR,,Position currency. Always the same as the currency of the class
    BBBETR,,Amount in position currency. Always the same as the rate value in position currency (BEBETR)
    WBBETR,,Currency of the position amount. Always the same as the currency of the class
Items (additional flows such as charges):
  • BUKRS (required)
    Company code
  • RFHA (required)
    Transaction number
  • SFHAZBA (required)
    Flow type (not purchase or sale)
  • MODE (required)
    Mode. Header and item must both be transferred with the same mode (I
    for insert or U for Update). For example, to change a transaction's
    item, you have to transfer the item with MODE = U.
  • DZTERM (required)
    Payment date
  • BZBETR (required)
    Payment amount in class currency. (The amount can be transferred in class currency only).
  • WZBETR (required)
    Payment currency. Always the same as the class currency.
  • SSIGN (required) Payment direction in payment flow.

The system carries out different checks depending on the validation level specified at the start of the EDT:

  1. Validation 0
(Not supported)
  1. Validation 1
(Not supported)
  1. Validation 2
Checks required/optional fields, fixed values and value tables against database, the system overrides the mode field (if a record that already exists in the database is to be added, the system sets the mode field to U).
  1. Validation 3
Checks required/optional fields, fixed values and value tables against database, the system does not override the mode field (if a record that already exists in the database is to be added, the mode field is not converted. Instead, the system issues an error message and marks the corresponding record as containing errors).
  • Number assignment
The number assignment must be external. The number range assigned to the transaction type in Customizing must therefore also be external.
  • Note that leading zeros must be delivered with the following fields:
    RFHA,,Financial transaction number
    RANL,,Security ID number
  • Processing category
Processing activities are not supported. You must therefore assign the processing category 00001 to the transaction type in Customizing.
  • Reversal
To reverse a listed transaction, you must transfer the header record of the transaction in change mode, and set the indicator SAKTIV to '3' (for reversal). The master record must be delivered in full (as with a normal master data change).

Note that field selection information is not included in the transfer. If necessary, define the field selection in Customizing as "blank" for the affected transactions (meaning set all field selection entries to "not specified").

ABAP Short Reference   General Data in Customer Master  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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