
SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO12 - Assign IS-H Services to Activity Types in CO

SIMG_CMMENUNMO3HCO12 - Assign IS-H Services to Activity Types in CO

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In this IMG activity, you determine the assignment of IS-H services to activity types in Controlling on an institution basis.

Before proceeding, you need to have completed the following IMG activities in your institution:

  • Define the organizational units (OUs) in the IS-H System
  • Define the activity types in CO
  • Plan the activity types on the cost centers
  • Assign the IS-H organizational units to the CO cost centers
  • Set the CO-relevant indicator for services

You should make the necessary settings in Controlling first.

The assignment rule table enables you to assign IS-H services to activity types in Controlling flexibly. In relation to the organizational units involved, you can specify per service to which activity types postings are to be made in Controlling. This specification is time-dependent.

The following assignment possibilities are supported:

  • Summarization: several IS-H services are assigned to exactly one activity type in CO
  • Single account assignment: one IS-H service is assigned to exactly one activity type in CO
  • Multiple-account assignment: one IS-H service is assigned to several activity types in CO

To minimize the number of account assignment rules, you can also specify the OUs generically (using "*"). If you work with generic entries, note that the system searches for account determination rules in a particular sequence and terminates the determination procedure at the first hit.

  • 1. Search for entry with both OUs specified explicitly
  • 2. Search for entry with generic performing OU
  • 3. Search for entry with requesting departmental OU
  • 4. Search for entry with both OUs specified generically

At present, the system provides three ways of determining the quantity of the activity types to be allocated:

  • Quantity conversion factor
  • Factor from service catalog column
  • Factor determined using a function module

If you specify a quantity conversion factor, the quantity of the performed service is multiplied by the factor of the account determination rule. For example, the IS-H service nursing hour becomes 60 nursing minutes in CO.
By specifying a quantity column, you can transfer this factor from a column of your in-house service catalog. This setting is time-dependent. For example, X-ray services from the in-house service catalog are mapped to X-ray charge factors in CO, and each quantity to be allocated corresponds to the charge factor value of the service.
A function module can be used to reproduce an algorithm for determining the factor. You can use function module ISH_GET_PPR_QUANTITY as a template for estimating the nursing acuity classification for evaluating the nursing workload. The function module does not yet, however, return the exact PPR values! (Germany only).

The assignment of IS-H services to CO activity types should be planned as early as possible in your cost accounting concept. In particular, when defining activity types from a cost accounting perspective, you should only define those activity types which will be evaluated subsequently. Summarization is the usual consequence of this. In other words, many special hospital services are transferred to relatively few activity types in CO.

If you use generic entry, the system cannot perform a number of the checks until transfer takes place. Moreover, the transfer usually requires more database accesses.

For more information, refer to the program and field documentation and the release notes.

You can maintain the table entries using auxiliary program RNUHCO01. For information about this program, refer to the program documentation.

You can implement alternative account assignment rules without having to modify the standard system using the function module exit provided in SAP enhancement NHCO0001. For more information about this option, refer to the documentation for this enhancement.

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