
SIMG_ISHMED_DWSSIT06 - Authorization

SIMG_ISHMED_DWSSIT06 - Authorization

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Set Up Authorizations

In this IMG activity, you maintain the authorization objects for the roles for the Ward documentation work station using transaction PFCG.

The authorization object S_TCODE is the prerequisite for administration in the Ward documentation work station (transaction N2WLD). It belongs to the class AAAB.

Standard settings

Administrator roles

For administrator roles in the Ward documentation work station, maintain the following authorization objects:

  • S_TCODE: Template Maintenance with Transaction N2WLD
The authorization object belongs to the class AAAB.
  • N_2DWS_SP: Administration of the Documentation Work Station
Defined fields: Institution, Work Area
Controls for which institutions and work areas a user can edit templates.
  • N_2DWS_D: Editing of Task Templates, Profile Templates, and Situation Templates of the Documentation Work Station
Defined fields: Institution, Work Area
Controls which activities a user can perform in template management.
01 Create
02 Change
03 Display
06 Delete
21 Transport
  • N_2BI: Editing of Base Items
Defined fields: Institution, Name
Controls which operations a user can perform with a base item.
01 Create
02 Change
03 Display
06 Delete
21 Transport
63 Activate
  • N_2INFO: Editing of Info Items
Defined fields: Institution
Controls which activities a user can perform when editing info items.
01 Create
02 Change
03 Display
06 Delete
21 Transport
  • N_2P01_DEF: Definition of Aspects
Defined fields: Institution
Controls which activities a user can perform when defining aspects of the patient organizer
01: Add or Create
02: Change
03 Display
06 Delete
07: Activate, Generate
21 Transport
43 Release
  • N_2GL_BI: Authorization for Treatment Pathway – Base Items
Defined fields: Institution, Name
01 Create
02 Change
03 Display
06 Delete
07: Activate, Generate
21 Transport

User roles

For user roles in the Ward documentation work station, maintain the following authorization objects:

  • N_2DWS_W: Editing of Situations in the Documentation Work Station
Defined fields: Institution, Work Area, Situation Template ID
Control which activities a user can perform in the situation context.
01 Create
02 Change
03 Display
MB End
  • N_2DWS_WT: Editing of Tasks of a Situation in the Documentation Work Station
Defined fields: Institution, Work Area, Task Template ID, Responsibility
Controls which activities a user can perform with the tasks of a situation.
01: Add or Create
03 Display
16 Execute
43 Release
82 Supplement
85 Cancel
  • N_2IPPD: Editing of Progress Entries
Defined fields: Institution, Employee Responsible, Documenting Departmental Organizational Unit, Documenting Nursing Organizational Unit, Category, Occupational Group
Controls which activities a user can perform with progress entries.
01: Add or Create
02 Change
03 Display
04 Print
05 Cancel
06 Delete

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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