
SIMG_OLIS007 - Perform Setup - Sales and Distribution

SIMG_OLIS007 - Perform Setup - Sales and Distribution

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In this step you can either populate the information structures of the Sales Information System initially using document data from the SD application, or correct data inconsistencies.

The report RMCVNEUA performs the statistical setup of the sales information structures from orders.

It reads the orders and updates the data with statistical relevance in the same way as if they were being newly created.

Both archived orders and orders that are in the system are used in the processing.

The report reads the documents that you selected in the selection screen and triggers the statistics update.

This helps you to ensure that the documents processed by the report are updated in such a way that the newly determined update group is placed in the order. The advantage here is the same rules apply when subsequentchanges are made to an order, and so the process is identical to the statistical set up.

Archived documents are not updated, as they should no longer be changed, as a rule, and the update would be too time-consuming.

The report RMCVNEUL performs the statistical set up of the sales information structures from deliveries, the report RMCVNEUF performs the statistical set up from billing documents.

The same rules apply to both of these reports as those for the report which processes the orders. The reports RMCVNEUL and RMCVNEUF will not therefore be described separately.

To execute the statistical setup of one or more of the information structures, all of the orders, deliveries and billing documents must be read. As a rule, this involves a large overhead. To avoid any inconsistencies, all of the documents that are in the system must be processed in one step.

At this time the sales documents should not be changed, and no new sales documents should be created. Documents that have already been archived can be worked on in succession.

In order to keep the number of documents to be set up in the system down to a minimum, you should archive unnecessary sales documents before the statistical setup .

  • Sales organization
Here you specify the sales organizations to which the statistical setup applies.
  • Company code
If a link to cash management and forecast exists, then this will be supplied with the data from the Sales Information System update.
The update of this data is company code-dependent.
Selecting the company codes means that only the data from the sales organizations that are allocated to the selected company codes is updated.
If you use this selection criterion, the documents are not updated, even when you have selected the option "Update documents" at the same time.
  • Sales document
Here, you can restrict the number of documents that should be included in the statistical setup.
You should only use this selection criterion for tests and when making subsequent updates of faulty documents, since all of the documents should, as a rule, be worked on.
  • Block all orders/deliveries/billing documents
You should select this option to prevent the sales documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup.
It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system.
During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended.
  • Number of tolerated faulty documents
If the report comes across a faulty document during the statistical setup (for example, if an order includes a customer that is no longer available in the system), the document and the cause of the error are then shown in the log of the background job. In this case, no updating takes place.
You can also determine the number of faulty documents that are to be tolerated before the report terminates.
You should first start the report with a small number of tolerated faulty documents. This will allow general errors (for example, a sales organization no longer exists) to be found beforehand.

A complete statistical setup of the sales information structures consists of the following steps:

  1. Update the version for the statistical setup
For security reasons, the statistical data that is obtained during a statistical setup is not directly written into an information structure, but is stored under a separate version name. This version must be initialized before the statistical set up for intermediate storage purposes.
To do this, use report RMCSISCP.
The actual data is saved under the version name "000".
  1. Save actual data
The actual data that is in the system should be saved for reasons of safety.
To do this, also use RMCSISCP.
  1. Process all archived orders
You can do this via the report RMCVNEUA.
Processing of the archived orders can easily be carried out in a few steps without any problems.
  1. Process all archived deliveries
To do this, use report RMCVNEUL.
Processing of the archived deliveries can easily be carried out in a fewsteps without any problems.
  1. Process all archived billing documents
To do this, use report RMCVNEUF.
Processing of the archived billing documents can be easily carried out in a few steps without any problems.
  1. Process all sales and distribution documents in the system
The sales and distribution documents (orders, deliveries and billing documents) that have been archived can be changed online at any time.
To prevent inconsistent statistical data, no sales and distribution documents may be created or changed during the processing of these documents.
For this reason, this step is divided up into three parts, each of which should be carried out as a background job:
  1. Process all orders that reside in the system
  2. Process all deliveries that reside in the system
  3. Process all billing documents that reside in the system
Perform these steps sequentially.
Do not start the next step until the previous one has been successfully completed.
If the update group has been correctly set in all of the documents, you do not need to redetermine the update group during the statistical setup. Furthermore, you do not need to perform a document update.
In this case, it is possible to carry out the reports RMCVNEUA, RMCVNEUL
and RMCVNEUF in parallel.
If you wish to use this option, you can neither set the indicator "Redetermine update group" nor the indicator "Update documents".
Detailed information can be found in the note 0019056 in OSS.
  1. Analyze and process incorrect documents where necessary
    1. Check the faulty documents that have been listed in the log of the background runs.
    2. Correct the errors.
    3. Start the corresponding statistical setup reports with the corrected documents.
  2. Transfer the data that was obtained by the statistical setup from the version for the statistical setup into the actual version
The data obtained from the statistical setup is not imported to the actual version to replace the existing data until the setup has been successfully completed.
You should use report RMCSISCP to do this.
  1. Subsequent processing
After the statistical setup has been successfully completed, you can delete the data that is no longer needed.
This consists of:
  • versions that are no longer needed

Use the report RMCSISCP to delete them.
  • the statistical data that was created during the setup in intermediate storage

Use the report RMCVNEDE to delete this data.

The report "RMCVNEDE" is only used in the Sales Information System.

It is designed to delete the temporary storage which was created during the statistical setup.

During the statistical set up, data is stored temporarily during the processing of orders and deliveries. This data is required in subsequent steps of the statistical setup.

Intermediate storage takes place in the tables "MCVSRFK" (header data) and "MCVSRFP" (item data).

You can delete this intermediate storage area after the statistical setup has been successfully completed.

When the update group is redetermined in the Sales Information System, the statistic currency for the sales organization is redetermined according to the current Customizing settings (if you selected the option Update documents) and is copied to the appropriate application tables in Sales & Distribution.

The report "RMCVNEDE" is only intended to be used as a background job.

To do this, select System -> Services -> Reporting. Specify the name of the report and select the function Program -> Background. You also have to specify a variant.

Before you set up information structures in the Sales Information System (SIS), please read note 0174134 in OSS.

In this note, you will find a list of all of the notes that are concerned with known program errors or performance problems in the setup of statistical data for SIS. These notes contain both the necessary corrections for your release level and tips and tricks.

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