
SIMG_ORKK_FEHLER_VUC - Define User-Defined Message Types

SIMG_ORKK_FEHLER_VUC - Define User-Defined Message Types

General Data in Customer Master   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
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In this step you can change the message type that the system proposes for certain messages. This enables you to control how such messages are handled by the system.

For some messages there are no restrictions on how you can define the message type. Other messages require a minimum message type.

There is no minimum message type for message CK 037 ("Lot size & & taken from costing view").

  • If you set the message type to blank, the message will not be displayed in the log.
  • If you set the message type to I (information), the message will be displayed in the log. The cost estimate, however, will still receive the status "Costed".
  • If you set the message type to E (Error), the cost estimate will receive the status "Error" when the message is issued. You will not then be able to be mark and release the cost estimate.

Message CK 065 ("Activity type & in CO area & cannot be charged") requires the minimum message type I (Information).

  • If the message type is I, the message will be displayed in the log. The cost estimate, however, will still receive the status "Costed" and can be marked and released.
  • If you set the message type to E (Error), the cost estimate will receive the status "Error" when the message is issued. You will then not be able to be mark or release the cost estimate.
  • For this message you cannot set the message type to blank.

The standard system contains user-defined message types in various work areas, for example material cost estimates or price updates.

To change the default message types:

  • In the list of messages place the cursor on the desired message and
  • In the list of permitted message types displayed double-click on the desired message type.

In the traffic light column the message type is displayed graphically.

  • Green: no message or information message
  • Yellow: warning message
  • Red: error message or termination

CPI1466 during Backup   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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