
SOLMAN_WC_SDA - Set Up Work Center for Solution Documentation Assistant

SOLMAN_WC_SDA - Set Up Work Center for Solution Documentation Assistant

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You need the navigation role to be able to use the Solution Documentation Assistant work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center.

Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center.

You can:

You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client.

The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_.

A)Assign work center navigation role

  1. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_SDA.
  2. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_SDA.
  3. Choose Change.
  4. Go to the Users tab.
  5. Enter the user to which you assign the work center.
  6. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager .


  1. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC.
  2. Copy the role.
  3. Go to the Authorizations tab.
  4. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light.
  5. Generate the profile.
  6. Go to the Users tab.
  7. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles.
  8. Compare users with Compare Users.

C) Assign default authorization roles

Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP.


  • For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534
  • For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace.

You can call the work center as follows:

  • in the web browser: with the following URL (HTTP or HTTPS depending on your security settings): http(s):// :/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client=

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