
VLC_CONFIG_SPLITTER - BAdI: Split Configuration Data

VLC_CONFIG_SPLITTER - BAdI: Split Configuration Data

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
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You can use this BAdI to filter out certain characteristics and/or characteristic valuesfrom the configuration for actions that write documents with configurations. For example, you can filter out all characteristics of a sales order configuration that are not relevant to the purchase order before the purchase order configuration is written (example: radio or other components that are not built in by the original equipment manufacturer).

The BAdI is run through by executing an action before any configuration is written.

This BAdI has method SPLIT_CONFIGURATION with the following parameters:

  • VLCDIAVEHI_IS: vehicle data
  • VLCACTDATA_HEAD_IS: header data of vehicle when action is executed
  • VLCACTDATA_ITEM_IS: item data of vehicle when action is executed
  • ACTDOCTYPE_IV: document type for the action to be executed
  • CFGCALLID_IV: call number of the configuration, dependent on document type
  • VLCBAPICU_IS: vehicle configuration data

Procedure for Implementing a BAdI.

General Material Data   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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