IMG Activities

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHIX0273 up to OLI0_V_T399U

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHIX0273 up to OLI0_V_T399U

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IMG Activities
Check wage type characteristics
Employee Subgroups for Primary Wage Type
Personnel Subareas for Primary Wage Type
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define valuation of base wage types
Enterprise Structure for Wage Type Model
Revise Default Wage Types
Define reason for change
Define reason for change
Define reason for change
Define pay scale reclassification based on hours worked
Define annual salary
Determine indirect valuation for positions/work centers
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Recurring Payments and Deductions'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define periodicities
Define deduction periods
Define employee groups
Specify default values
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Additional Payments'
Check Entry Permissibility for Additional Payments
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Employee Remuneration Information'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Leave Compensation'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define wage type models
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Wage Maintenance'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Define wage type models
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'External Bank Transfer'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type text
Check wage type group 'Membership Fees'
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage type
Define personnel subarea grouping for primary wage type
Group personnel subareas for premiums
Determine premiums
Define Overtime Compensation Type for EE Remuneration Info
Define wage maintenance types
Define payee key
Define permissibility of payee key
Create wage type catalog
Define types
Check wage type group 'Bond Purchases'
Define Default for Membership Fees
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Determine payee
Determine allowed payees per membership type
Define periodicities
Define deduction periods
Define employee groups
Specify default values
Create communication types
Create system user names
Group personnel areas for appraisals
Group employee subgroups for appraisals
Assign appraisal criteria to ESGs and PAs
Define the valuation constants which affect wage types
Define valuation constants for groups
Create a loan type
Assign Repayment Type
Create loan terms
Determine Task Type
Define date type
Determine default date specification
Define type of statistic
Define statistics
Define valuation rules for employee data
Define selection criteria for infotypes
Define valuation model
Define rounding rule
Define valuation rules for time data
Create education establishment types
Define Education/Training
Create education/training categories
Assign education/training to education/training categories
Create educational certificates
Determine permissible certificates for education type
Create branches of study
Determine permissible branches of study for education type
Create qualifications
Create employer's industry sector
Create activities in employment
Work Contracts from Other Employers
Set up infotype menu for fast data entry
Copy default values for infotypes
Define fields relevant for retroactive accounting
Assign infotype views
Define enhancements for infotypes
Assign Infotypes to Countries/Regions
Assign Name Formatting to Programs
Infotype Menu
Determine choice of infotype menus
Define reason for change
Create reasons for personnel actions
Create customer-specific status
Define infogroups
Change action menu
Set Up Workflow-Connection for Country Reassignments
Dynamic Actions
Change Screen Header
Change Screen Modifications
Determine screen control for foreign address
BAdI: Set Up Check for Fast Entry of Actions
Permit Integration for Infotypes
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Set up personnel actions
Specify Controlling Objects Permitted
Permit Cost Assignment for Infotypes
Determine appraisals feature
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Specify Controlling Objects Permitted
Permit Activity Allocation for Infotypes
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Check Number Range for Transfer
Specify Objects Permitted
Permit External Services for Infotype
Specify Wage Types Permitted
Check Number Range for Transfer
Create Number Range for Time Events and Acct Assignment Data
Schedule Data Transfer to Activity Allocation
Maintain Time Evaluation Schema
Determine characteristics of wage maintenance types
Define wage types of the wage maintenance types
Maintain Subscreens for Controlling Objects
Specify Information on Availability
Define conditions for sending mail
Define mail attributes
Create standard texts for mail connection
Determine screen control for cost distribution
Change Fast Entry of Actions
Allow integration for infotypes
Define Permissible Controlling Objects
Maintain feature for object selection
Define permissible Funds Management objects
Maintain feature for object selection
Create Number Range for Time Events and Acct Assignment Data
Create InfoSets for HR
Assign Additional Table Fields to New Functional Areas
Define Additional Fields
Set up integration with Recruitment
Set Up Workflow Connection for Country/Region Reassignments
Use of IBAN in Personnel Management
Define Names for Groupings or Modifiers
Define Names for Employee Subgroups for Time Quota Types
Define Names for Day Groupings for Time Wage Type Selection
Define Names for Time Wage Type Selection Rule Groups
Define Names for Types of Daily Work Schedule Assignment
Define Names for Employee Groupings for Absence Valuation
Define Names for Time Type Determination Groups
Define Names for Quota Type Selection Rule Groups
Define Names for Time Balance Rule Groups
Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule
Group Personnel Subareas for the Daily Work Schedule
Define Day Types
Set Defaults for Substitution Types
Define Public Holiday Classes
Create Number Range Intervals
Group Personnel Subareas for Attendances and Absences
Define Grouping of Attendance Types
Create Report Categories
Assign Report Categories
Set Flow Control for the Logical PNP Database
Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes
Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes
Define Grouping of Absence Types
Define pay scale salary ranges
Define Time Period for Toggle to Display Mode
BAdI: Determine the Time Period for the Toggle to Display Mode
Define hourly rates with several decimal places
Determine currencies
Maintain external personnel areas
Maintain external personnel subareas
Maintain external work contract
Maintain external administrator group/administrator
Maintain status of overseas assignment
Notes on Implementation
Who's Who (ESS): Determine Document Type
Who's Who (ESS): Determine Document Type
Who's Who (ESS): Selection and Output (PZ01)
Who's Who (ESS): Selection and Output
Who's Who (ESS): Refine Employee Search
Who's Who (ESS): Refine Employee Search
Who's Who (ESS): Maintain Settings
Who's Who (ESS): Maintain Settings
Edit ESS Settings
ESS Customer Enhancements
Create Indirect Valuation Module
BAdI: Maintain Indirect Valuation Module
Create wage types using prototypes
Create wage types using wage type catalogs
Copy prototype wage types
Set Up Payroll Infotypes
Define Evaluation Wage Types
Assign Wage Types
Set Up Assignment to Payroll
Create insurance types
Create insurance companies
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Group 'Time Quota Compensation'
Check Wage Type Text
Check Permissibility of Entries for Each Infotype
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Type
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Type
Specify Wage Types Permitted for Each PSG and ESG
Define Time Quota Compensation Methods
Configure Screen Structures for Repeat Fields
Switch off personnel number check
Set up payroll period for collective agreement provision
Activate event linkage
Change Remuneration Type Default
Copy Wage Type Used for Determining Total Salary
Change default salary sum wage type
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Assign Wage Types Used for Determining Total Salary
Check Number of Periods
Maintain payroll simulation feature
Maintain Authorization Main Switches
Edit Context Authorization Main Switches
Input Existing Company Car
Input Existing Company Car (Sweden Only)
Car Unavailability Reasons
Define Periodicities
Define Deduction Periods
Define Employee Groups
Automatic Calculation of Imputed Income
Customer Enhancement (User Exit)
Configure Infotypes for HR Master Data Maintenance
Define Grouping of Address Types
Create Archiving Object
BAdI: Determine Configuration of Archiving Object
BAdI: Determine Configuration of Archiving Subobject
BAdI: Control Data Processing Lock in Destruction Period
BAdI: Consider Archiving Subobjects
BAdI: Filter by Archiving Subobjects
BAdI: Define Archiving-Object-Specific Checks
BAdI: Control Generation of Destruction Logs for Archiving Subobjects
BAdI: Generate Replacement Destruction Log for Personnel Numbers w/o Data
BAdI: Change Data Object
BAdI: Generate Data After Data Destruction Session for Consistency Reasons
BAdI: Control Data Destruction for Specific Infotypes
Define Grouping of Benefit Plans
Overview of Blocking of Personnel Numbers
Overview of Time-Dependent Authorization Check
Define Grouping of Communication Types
BAdI for Reports Deleting Personnel Numbers
Edit Audit Area
Perform IRM Object Customizing
Define Retention Rules
Define Loan Type Grouping
Change Message Control for the Destruction of Infotype Data
Define Grouping of Relationship Types
Create Process Models for Archiving Objects with Preprocessing Program
Define Retention Period for Data for Employees Who Have Left the Company
Assign role-specific authorization periods to time period IDs
Define default authorization periods for infotypes and subtypes
Define IDs for role-specific authorization periods
Create Subtype for Archiving Object for Infotypes 0283 and 3246
Define Subtype Characteristics for Infotypes 0283 and 3246
Define Grouping of Wage Types
Create Process Models for Archiving Objects Without Preprocessing Program
BAdI: Set up customer-specific check for authorization periods
Notes on Implementation
Define Retention Rules
Use Decoupled and Not Decoupled IT Framework
Create Infotype
Assign Dialog Modules for HR Master Data Maintenance
Assign Check Classes for Infotype Versions
Assign Check Classes and Define Permissibility
SAP: Configure Screen Structure Text Fields
Customer: Configure Screen Structure Text Fields
Customer: Define Field Characteristics
SAP: Define Field Characteristics
Assign Screen Structure and Conversion Class
Activate Applications for Veto Check
Register Applications for Veto Check
Default Values for Age Letter Reminder
Default Values for Technical Date of Birth
Generate Age Letter Reminder
Maintain Default Values for Age Letter Reminder
Maintain Default Values for Technical Birth Date
Activate/Deactivate ID Number Check (ZA)
Maintain Payment Models for Medical Aid
Execute Medical Aid Scheme Conversion Report
Configurar subtipos do infotipo "Documentos"
Create Subtype of the Residence Status (0048) Infotype
Define Eliigibility of Subtypes of the Residence Status (0048) Infotype
Define Reasons for Residence Permit
Create Identification Document Type
Define Type of Work Permit
Create wage type catalog
Define Day Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Validate Group Number
Set User Parameters
Maintain Parameters for Incentive Wages
Maintain Transaction Parameters
Create User Exits
Create Groups
Create Time Ticket Types
Define Entry Screens
Maintain Assignment of Recording Wage Types in Time Ticket Types
Create Premium Formula
Set Cumulation Rules for Employees
Set Cumulation Rules for Groups
Create Parameters
Assign Parameters to Premium Formula
Create Result Types
Define Step Functions
Set Calculation Rules
Set Grouping for Earliest Recalculation Date
Set Earliest Recalculation Date for Incentive Wages
Determine List Screens
Maintain Integration Parameters
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Text
Check Assignment for Recording Wage Type Group
Check Payroll Procedure
Enhanced Integration with Logistics
Specify Employee Subgroups for Participation in Incentive Wages
Specify plan version for Room Reservation Management
Cost Accounting
Activate Mail Connection
Create Building Address
Create Organizational Unit
Create Room Equipment
Create Service
Create Location
Create Room
Define Reservation Type
Define Lunch Times
Attendee Checks
Specify Initial Objects
Allowed Attendee/Moderator Types
Check Path Individual Attendee - Attendee
Print Name Tags
Define Financial Year
Define Budget Currency
Maintain Names of Budget Units
Define Budget Structure Element Types
Define Special Pay Scale Groups
Define Financing Types for Each Object Type
Define How Absences Are Handled
Define Default Values for Budget Structure Element Names
Maintain Overall Budget Carryforward
Set Up FTE Limit Groups
Define Career Groups
Assign Career Groups to Specific Pay Scale Groups
Define Values for Pay Scale Classifications
Maintain All Values
Define Budget Updates
Assign Budget Updates to Specific Budget Structure Element Types
Define Budgeting Rules
Assign Budgeting Rules to Specific Budget Structure Element Types
Define Reclassification Rules
Assign Reclassification Rules to Specific BS Element Types
Define Dynamic Name of Pay Scale Group
Customer Enhancements
Maintain Display of BAT Part for Positions
Define System Reactions for Staffing of Positions
Define System Reactions for Financing
Define Default Values for Mandatory Teaching Hours
Define Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours for Positions
Maintain Object Types
Set Up Number Assignment for All Plan Versions
Maintain Number Ranges
Customer Enhancements (User Exits)
Maintain Infotypes
Maintain User-Defined Settings for Infotypes
Maintain Country-/Region-Specific Infotypes
Maintain Subtypes
Create Relationships
Define Time Constraint Depending on Target Object Type
Maintain Evaluation Paths
Maintain Sequence of Languages Available
Maintain Authorizations
Maintain Profiles
Maintain Profiles for Structural Authorization
Assign Structural Authorizations
Save User Data in SAP Memory
Check Consistency of Installation
Set Up SAPscript Connection for Subtypes
Maintain Plan Versions
Set Active Plan Version
Define Start Date for Integration with Funds Management
Define Budget Status Assigned During Generation in FM
Prepare Consistency Check with Organizational Management
Activate Consistency Check with Organizational Management
Maintain Assignment to Groupings for Determining Origin of Funds
Assign to Groupings Involved in Integration
Define Payroll Program Variant for Simulation
System Reactions during the Check for Financing of Basic Salary
Define Expenditure Types
Define Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Classification
Activate Required Funds of Vacant Positions
Activation of Enhanced Determination of Financing Distribution
Maintenance of Tolerances per Expenditure Type
Deactivate Summarization of Required Funds
Activate Enhanced Collective Processing for Financing
Definition of Events for Designating Re-Simulation
Maintain Default Values for Pay Scale Indicator
Define Proposal for Pay Scale Indicator
Maximum Period for Financing Independent of Financial Year
Tips on Customizing Organizational Management
Activate Pension Fund Module
Set Control Parameters
Assign Wage Types to Value Types (Swiss Pension Fund)
Copy PF wage types
Check PF wage types
Check Wage Types in PF Environment
Adjust Customizing tables
Edit workflow for infotype 0008
Define variant prefixes
Define evaluation variants
Define infotypes for overview
Adjust PF Infotype Menu
Define pension fund calculation
Define input parameter quantities for pension fund calculations
Define value types for input parameter quantities
Define control for pension fund calculations
Control processing of additional infotypes
Define Control for Pension Fund Calculations
Control Processing of Additional Infotypes
Legitimacy of PF recalculations
Define pension fund functions
Function Views and Funtion Control
Business Add-In (BAdI) for Modifying Function Views
Adjust Customizing tables
Define evaluation types
Define output assignments
Maintain PC schemas
Maintain settings for PC schemas
Maintain settings for PC schemas of pension fund
Business Add-In for Universal Evaluation
Define Customer Include for Output Structure
Create PC forms
Determine PC form attributes
Define group creation types
Define PC output order
Maintain SAPscript forms
Maintain PDF Forms
Define attributes of display sequences
Maintain Batch Input for PC Schemas
Maintain Batch Input for PC Schemas
Assign Evaluation Types to PC Schemas
Define Output for Additional Fields
Specify Master Data for Pension Fund
BAdI: Override and Download the EHO Reporting Data
Maintain authorizations
Maintain profiles
Define Attributes for Schedule Value Types
Prepare Calculation of Withholding Tax
Infotype 3230: Assignment of Gross Value Types to Net Value Types
Define House Bank for Pension Fund
Define Transaction Code
Effect Pension Fund-Specific Control
Make Technical Settings
Define Parameter
Set Up ESS Menu
Total Compensation Statement
Get Value Type Overview
Provide Account Overview
Define Symbolic Accounts
Define Fund Modifiers
Define Account Modifiers
Define Posting Characteristics of Value Types
Define Matchcode Determination
Define Feature Determination
Business Add-In (BAdI) for Controlling Posting Transfer
Assign Expense and Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Edit Feature for Determining Company Code
Edit Feature for Determining Fund Modifier
Edit Feature for Determining Account Modifier
Edit Feature for Matchcode Determination
Assign Technical Accounts
Process Description
Define Validity Period
Adjust Customizing tables
Copy Entire Fund
Maintain funds
Funds: Define, copy, delete, check
Assign plan and PC parameter area determination grouping
Define PC parameters for funds
Adjust Customizing tables
Determine number ranges for accounts
Adjust feature for number ranges
Determine Number Ranges for Postings
Authorization Groups for PF Accounts
Adjust feature for authorization groups
Define account views
Define control of account views
Defien positions of account views
Create Account Types
Define Account Types for Pension Fund
Calculation Method
Determine infotypes for field selection
Relate Processes With Correspondence
Trigger correspondence
Batch input
Determine Number Ranges for Postings
Carry Out Field Assignment for Infotype 0279
Define employer
Adjust Customizing tables
Define calculations
Define views
Define calculations for a PC schedule
Define value type selection in a PC schedule view
Define default calulation for value type
Determine Totals Value Types
Check Statutory BVG Pension Age
Check Statutory Pension Age
Maintain Retirement Age for Pension Fund
Adjust Customizing tables
Define attribute classes
Define documentation for attribute classes
Define attributes
Carry out field assignment for infotype 0278
Define default values for PF attributes
Specify Attribute Compatibility
Define employee groupings
Adjust feature employee grouping to field assignment
Carry out field assignment for infotype 0279
Carry Out Field Assignment for Infotype 0279
Define Outline Texts for Infotype 0279
Carry Out Field Assignment for Infotype 0279
Reorganize infotype records
Define Column Titles for List Display
Assign Field for List Display
Define Additional Fields for Query
Determine Calculation Type for Additional Fields
Assign transaction types - carry out value types
Adjust transfer program
Adjust transfer program for postings
Adjust transfer program for master data (batch input)
Generate/delete accounts for testing
Determine Data to be Displayed
BAdI: Overview of Insured Persons' Data
Edit Default Values for Person Grouping Feature
Process Default Values for Person Grouping Feature
Adjust Customizing tables
Define value types
Define value type attributes
Define PC actions
PC parameter areas: Define, copy, delete, check
PC param. area determinations: Define, copy, delete, check
Maintain Values for PC Parameters
Maintain Parameter Area Determinations
Maintain PC parameter areas
Determine PC Value Sets
Attributes of PC Operations
Create Employee Groupings for Method Determination
Adjust feature employee grouping to method determination
Maintain PC Data via Expert View
Maintain PC Schedules
Create Method Definitions (PC Editor)
PC schedules: Define, copy, delete, check
Carry out action assignment
Define attributes for schedule value types
Define value type attributes for dialog
Map value types on wage types
Map wage types on value types
Determine payroll variant for simulation
Include simulation in payroll schema
Adjust workflow "Entry - all funds"
Adjust Workflow 'Entry CP/General'
Adjust workflow "Entry benefit-based fund"
Adjust Workflow 'Change in Basic Pay' (0008)
Adjust workflow "Change in pay for all funds"
Adjust workflow "Change in pay: BP/general"
Adjust Workflow 'Change in Pay Benefit Base'
Adjust workflow "Capacity utilization level change in all funds"
Adjust workflow "Capacity utilization level change BP/general"
Adjust Workflow 'Capacity Utilization Level Chnge Ben. Base'
Adjust workflow "Process changes to PF basic data" (0278)
Adjust workflow "Process incoming payment for all funds"
Adjust workflow "Process incoming payment BP/general"
Adjust Workflow 'Process Incoming Payment Benefit Plan'
Adjust Workflow 'Basic Pay Delimitation' Infotype (0008)
Adjust Workflow 'Basic Pay Delimitation for All Funds'
Maintain clinic code, name and address
Assign clinic code to region, municipality and postal code
Change screen control in ISSSTE data (0369)
Maintain employer registration number
Maintain branch and pay office
Maintain company and employee contributions
Maintain loan category
Loan category and wage type adjustment
Change payroll schema, subschema and rule
Create wage type catalog
Form basis for the minimum contribution wage
Maintain target of data file for the ISSSTE error file
Change wage types for FOVISSSTE loans
Define salary wage types
Define work relationship
Maintain designation type
Maintain transaction type
BAdI: Structure of customer-specific wage calculation
BAdI: Structure of customer-specific collection key definition
Maintain employer registration number
Maintain SAR payment center
Maintain payment center text
Payment center address
Periods for the SAR report
BAdI: Sharing key
BAdI: Start date of contribution to ISSTE
BAdI: ICEFA key (key of bank receiving the payment)
Maintain Visa Types
Maintain Visa Subtypes
Maintain Residence Status Categories
Maintain Tax Treaty Countries/Regions
Maintain Visa Subtypes for Value Help
Modify Payroll Feature for FICA Calculation
Create Wage Type Catalog
Maintain Payroll Constants
Define Tax Authority Model
Define Taxability Model
Define Tax Type Combinations
Modify Payroll Schema, Subschemata and Rules
Assign Processing Class Values to Wage Types
BADI: Customer-Specific Setup for Substantial Presence Test
Maintain Screen Control for Residence Status infotype (0048)
Create Form 1042-S additional data subtype for IT0105
Maintain Tax Treaty Table
Screen Control for Infotype Tax Treaty (0556)
Execute 1042-S Report
Section 403(b) savings plans
Maintain Payroll Constants for Section 403(b) Plans
Seniority Calculation
Maintain Payroll Constants for Section 457 Plans
Maintain Date Type for Normal Retirement Age
Maintain Competitive Areas
Define Issuing Authorities
Define Certificate and License Types
Define Classifications
Define Areas
Define Levels
Define Certificate and License Categories (Infotype 0795 Subtypes)
Define Codes
Define Message Class for Renewal Codes
Define Renewal Codes and Assign Messages to Renewal Codes
Maintain Messages Within Message Class for Renewal Codes
Define Status for Certificates/Licenses and Areas
Edit Scales (Master Data for Personnel Development)
Generate Qualification Groups/Qualifications from Classifications/Codes
Manually Assign Classifications/Codes to Qualification Grps./Qualifications
Define Duty Assignments
Assign Codes to Duty Assignments
BAdI: Determine Additional Required Areas in Information or Legacy Systems
BAdI: Override Out-of-Field
Define Competitive Areas
Maintain Competitive Levels
Create Competitive Area
Define Validations
Define Validation Field Groups
Configure Table Access Methods
Define Table Access Method Groups
Create Validations
Create Validation Lists
Select Fields for Status File
Select Fields for Dynamic File
Define Field Sequence for Dynamic File
Define Field Sequence for Status File
Create Wage Type Catalog
Modify Payroll Schema, Subschema and Rule
Define Wage Type Posting Attributes for Deferred Pay Wages
Define Payment Models
Create Drug Screening Subtype
Create Drug Screening Substance Test Type
Create Drug Screening Test Reason
Create Drug Screening Test Result
Create Drug Screening Test Method
Create Drug Screening Test Site
Create Drug Screening Substance Test Units
Maintain Central Address for Drug Screening
Maintain Duty Station City
Maintain Duty Station County
Maintain Duty Station State or Country/Region
Review EEO Ethnic Origin Categories
Review EEO Occupational Categories
Assign EEO Occupational Categories to Jobs
Define EEO Reporting Units
Define EEO Reporting Unit addresses
Execute EEO-4/EEO-5 Reporting
Assign EEO Reporting Unit Numbers
Execute EEO-4/EEO-5 Reporting
Assign Reporting Unit Based on Personnel Area/Subarea
Configure EEO-4 Function Code Mapping
Execute TemSe Reader for Payroll US
EEO Complaints
Maintain Agency Actions for Complaints
Set up Bases and Issues for EEO Complaints
Maintain Central Address for EEO Complaints
Maintain Closure Types for Complaints
Maintain Types of Mediation/ADR
Configure Crediting Plans for Use with ERR
Job Classification
Maintain Occupational Categories
Maintain Occupations (Series)
Regenerate Infotype Include
Actions Configuration
Maintain CPDF Actions
Maintain Nature of Action Codes
Maintain Legal Authority Codes
Assign Remark Codes to NoA Codes
Define Remarks Codes
Maintain Text for Remarks
BADI: Customer-Specific Setup for Text Formatting and Field Name Overwrite
Create Subscreen for Nature of Action
View Examples of Customer Subscreens
Maintain CPDF Application
Maintain CPDF Fields
Position Attributes
Define pay rate determinants
Determine valid pay plans
Determine valid pay areas
Assign pay scale areas to federal codes
Maintain pay rate table
Assign duty station to pay scale area
Configure Planned Compensation infotype (1005)
Configure Federal Position Attributes infotype (1660)
Set screen control for infotypes 0008 & 0509
Copy wage type settings
Set wage type model for default indirect valuation wage types
Create Wage Type Catalog to Enable Cost Allocation
Modify Payroll Schema to Enable Cost Allocation
Define Wage Type Posting Attributes for Cost Allocation Wage Types
Create Position Sensitivity
Maintain Appointment Types
Maintain Feature for Tenure Group Decision
Maintain Appraisal Bonus
Regenerate Infotype Include
Actions Configuration
Set up OS Environment and Magnetic Media File Destination
Maintain Savings Bond Denomination, Cost and Wage Types
Maintain Company ID Assigned by FRB
Maintain Location ID for Savings Bond Purchase
Maintain company name
Maintain Company Address
Set up Screen Control for U.S. Savings Bonds infotypes
Maintain Position Security Clearance
Create and Maintain Absence Pools
Maintain Hourly/Daily Absence Pool Attributes
Maintain Initial Hours/Days in Absence Pools
Maintain Initial Amounts in Absence Pools
Create Exchange Wage Type
Assign exchange wage type to Sick Leave process
Maintain amount absence pool attributes
BAdI: Determine Full-Time Employees
Education and Training
Maintain Feature for Additional Personal Data
Maintain Screen Groupings for Additional Personal Data
Create Veterans Preference Entries
Classes used for evaluated TN data display
Define Cost Attributes
Define Cost Category
Define Cost Category Groups
Define Training Fund Category
Assign Reason to Training Needs Status
Define and Assign Training Need Status to Status Category
Classes used in the TNM Valuation of Data Processing
Define Legal Reference
Define Training Plan Category
Define the reason
Define Training Type
Assign Cost Item to Cost Category
Determine Objective Group
Assign Objective to Objective Group
Training Need Valuation performed by the TNM Transaction
Activate Function Training Needs Management
Define Absence Reason
Link Training Type to Training Fund Category
Display Deduction (Training hours) temporarily stored
Assign Training hours for Quota Management
Assign Quota to Training Type
Define Absence Reason
Assign Plan Category to French Legal Compliant Plan Category
Check payroll constants
Currency Changeover in Travel Management
Special processing for payment date definition
Additional processing before payroll run
Special processing for payment date definition
Additional processing before payroll run
Define Day Rules
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Valuate Absences after Quota Deduction
Compensate Overtime
Maintain Loan Types
Control Allocation of Loans
Partial Period Parameters for Various Time Units
Form Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments
Import Current Travel Expense Per Diems/Flat Rates from SAPNet
Settings for Specific File Formats
Import US Per Diems/Flat Rates from Internet
BAdI: Optimize GSA File
Specify Attributes for Enterprise-Specific Trip Types
Specify Dependencies of Enterprise-Specific Trip Types (PS Austria)
Combinations/Replacements of Community Code Numbers (Austria)
Define Community Code Numbers (Austria)
Define Credit Card Providers for Travel Planning
Create Customer Subscreen for Nature of Action
View Customer Subscreen Examples
Define Protocols
Specify Examination Types
Maintain Examination Categories
Define Agent Types
Specify Exposure Frequencies
Specify Exposure Measurement Basis
Define Reference Value Source
Specify Exposure Ratings
Create Agents
Specify Examination Categories
Customer Exit: Enhance Examination Categories
Customer Exit: Enhance Display of Personal History
Maintain Protocol Categories
Define Reference Value Types
Define Exposure Groups
Assign Agents
Specify Protocol Categories
Specify Protocol Owners
Assign Forms and Print Programs
Edit Form Texts for Specific Questionnaires
Specify Form Categories
Define Forms
Define Layout of PDF-Based Print Forms
Define Layout of SAPscript Forms
Specify Settings for Scanner File
Specify Number Ranges for Specific Questionnaires
Specify Number Ranges for Internal Personnel Numbers
Specify Number Ranges for Identification Numbers of Vaccinations
Specify Number Ranges for Identification Numbers of Examinations
Specify Number Ranges for Assigning Record Numbers
Specify Assignment Categories
Specify Answer Types
Assign Forms and Print Programs
Assign Forms and Print Programs
Edit Form Texts
Specify Number Ranges for Medical Service
Assign Forms and Print Programs
Internet Time Accounts
Internet Time Statement
Leave Request (Old)
Link Absence Types and Workflow Templates
Rule Groups for Absence Types and Workflow Templates
BAdI: Link Absence Types and Workflow Templates
Internet Work Schedule
Maintain Constants
Activate Time in Lieu
Time in Lieu with Absence Quotas
Modify Overtime Wage Types
Split Leave
Transfer Leave Entitlement to Payroll
Maintain Constants
Activate Time in Lieu
Modify Overtime Wage Types
Define Indicators for the Personal Calendar
Define 36 Agreement Specifications
Define Check Rules for 36 Agreement
Determine Applicable 36 Agreement Specifications for Employees
Define Notification Email Templates for Overtime Check
Specify Processing Class 69 for Wage Types With Decimal Number of Hours
Group Wage Types that Store Decimal Number of Hours
Activate Sexagesimal Time Payment Calculation
Customer-Specific Overtime Check
Display Sexagesimal Time in Forms
Maintain Labor-management Agreements for Flextime System
Assign Labor-management Agreements to Employees
Manage Short/Long-Term Disability (STD/LTD)
Manage the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Define Working Weeks
Set Default Value for Time Management Status
Maintain Input Help for Additional Indicators for Time Management Field
Group Personnel Subareas for Attendance Counting
Define Rules for Rounding Counted Attendances
Define Counting Rules
Assign Counting Rules to Attendance Types
Group Employee Subgroups for Time Quotas
Group Personnel Subareas for Time Quotas
Time Management Authorizations
Maintain Roles
Define Deduction Rules for Absence and Attendance Quotas
Assign Deduction Rules to Counting Rules
BAdI: Enhancement of Business Logic for Time Data
BAdI: Multiply Payroll Hours and Payroll Days
BAdI: Free Determination of Payroll Hours and Payroll Days
Hide List Entry/Weekly Calendar Fields
Set Standard Time for Weekly Calendar
Set First Day of Week
Set Up Customer Enhancements
Permit Attendances/Absences to be Recorded Without Clock Times
Weekly Overtime Analysis for Part-Time Employees
Convert from Summertime to Wintertime and Vice-Versa
Accrue Compensation Time Account
Calculate Overtime on the Basis of General Periods
Accrue Absence Entitlement By Comparing Actual Times and Planned Specs
Transfer Remaining Absence Quota
Balance Limits
Define Counting Classes for the Period Work Schedule
Import Work Schedule
Accrue Leave Entitlement
Activate Automatic Accrual for Time Evaluation
Permit Quota Generation Without Time Evaluation
Valuate Absences Using Quota Deduction
Determine Header Data
Assign Report Variants
Set Up Automatic Accrual Using Report RPTQTA00
Determine Default Values for Hiring
Define Settings for Pair Formation
Limit display to general data only
Limit display of data to errors only
Set Up the Output of Weekly Totals
Determine Total Entitlement
Set Latest Date for Deduction
Specify Reduction Methods
Specify Rounding Methods
Specify Method for Processing Remaining Leave
Develop Enhancement for Leave Accrual
Determine Entitlement Limits
Set Earliest Date for Deduction
Set Up the Output of Cumulated Balances
Specify Method of Processing Leave Types with Zero Entitlement
Determine Leave Year
Define Date Type for Initial Entry
Set Up the Output of Time Evaluation Messages
Set Up the Output of Variable and Cumulated Balances
Set Value Limits for Cumulated Evaluation Results
Determine Breaks for Import
Set Modifier for Earliest Recalculation Date
Set Address Type
Set Up the Output of Interim Balances
Set Groupings for Subsystem Connection
Define Validity Period for Grouping of Subsystem Connections (IT0050)
Limit Employee Status for Time Management
Set Earliest Recalculation Date for Pair Formation/Time Evaluation
Set Earliest Recalculation Date for the Time Statement
Determine Time Evaluation Period
Define Reporting Quota Types
Define Reporting Time Types
Set Controls
Define Groupings
Deduct Attendances/Absences from Generated Planned Time Pair
Determine Breaks for Import
Import Work Schedule and Time Events
Provide Absence Data
Provide Attendance Data
Process Work Center Substitutions
Assign Time Types and Processing Types
Determine Break Times
Determine Interim Planned Working Time
Shorten Absences of Less Than One Day
Grant Time Bonuses/Deductions
Determine Overtime on a Daily Basis
Determine Overtime According to the Working Week
Determine Overtime According to Days Worked
Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedules
Define Groupings
Define Processing Types
Define Generation Rules
Perform Time Wage Type Selection
Generate Higher Bonuses on a Weekly Basis
Compensate Overtime
Deduct Absences from Time Balances
Form Day Balances
Total Flextime Balance, Overtime, and Productive Hours
Update Cumulated Balances
Update Leave Balance
Define Time Transfer Types
Define Rules for Transfer to Time Types
Define Rules for Transfer to Wage Types
Accrue Compensation Time Account
Accrue Absence Entitlement By Comparing Actual Times and Planned Specs
Transfer Remaining Absence Quota
Define Specifications for Transfer to Absence Quotas
Perform Time Transfers
Compare Balances
Accrue Leave Entitlement
Create Error Descriptions
Check for Days with Errors
Print Other Messages
Define Mail Connection to Notify Administrator of Messages
Sort Cumulated Balances
Store Evaluation Results
Create Technical Wage Types from Time Balances
Maintain Absence Quotas
Balance Limits
Determine Overtime on the Basis of FLSA Regulations
Create Wage Type Catalog
BAdI: Split Condition Repricing at Logistics Invoice Verification
BAdI: Change Source Type for Physical Inventory Entry
BAdI: Allocation Method
BAdI: Storage of Vehicle Data Before Dangerous Goods Check
BAdI: Archiving Checks for Driver
BAdI: Modify Selected Data for Blocking Driver
BAdI: Information about Gains and Losses in Non-Base UoM
BAdI: Activate Generic Object Services for Driver
BAdI: Activate Generic Object Services for Transport Unit
BAdI: Activate Generic Object Services for Vehicle
BAdI: Transfer of Data to Material Document
BAdI: Modification of Delivery Header Dates
BAdI: Stopping Creation of IDoc OILSH1
BAdI: Modify Selected Data for Blocking Transport Unit
BAdI: Modify Selected Data for Blocking Vehicle
BAdI: Addition of License Data to Material Document Items
BAdI: Adjustment of Bills of Material
BAdI: Calculate Excise Duty Inventory Valuation for Non-Decimal Currency
BAdI: Settings for Cross-Company or Cross-Border Sales
BAdI: Settings for Stock Transfers
BAdI: Check of Licenses
BAdI: Defaulting of Handling Type during Goods Movements
BAdI: Adjustment of Purchase Account Postings
BAdI: Account Determination During Tax Revaluation
BAdI: Authorization Check
BAdI: Stock Projection Relevance
BAdI: Change Physical Inventory and Book Inventory
BAdI: Select and Process Nomination
BAdI: Calculate Unscheduled Document Quantity
BAdI: Process Documents for Customer Specific Movement Scenario
BAdI: Process Documents for Customer Specific Movement Scenario
BAdI: Bulk Inventory for SAP HANA Extension
BAdI: Nomination Selection and Processing
BAdI: Bulk Inventory Post Processing on ABAP
BAdI: Rack Forecast Processing
BAdI: Rack Forecast Processing
BAdI: Stock Projection Relevance
BAdI: Ticket Selection and Processing
BAdI: Ticket Selection and Processing
BAdI: What-If Selection and Processing
BAdI: Change Scheduled Date of Nominations
BAdI: Change Nomination Header
BAdI: Change Reference Document
BAdI: Bulk Inventory for Extension
BAdI: Check Simulations
Define Column Groups for Inventory Planning Workbench
Define Column Groups for Nomination Details
BAdI: Bulk Inventory Contract Consumption
Define Movement Scenarios for Bulk Forecast Consumption
BAdI: Define Default Nomination Type
Define Profile for Consumption Period and Horizon
BAdI: Nomination Selection and Processing
BAdI: Extend Fields in Mass Change Events
BAdI: Extend Fields in My Nominations
BAdI:Modify Inventory Planning Columns
BAdI: Prepare Input for Inventory Planning Details
BAdI: Fetch Geo Coordinates for Location
Maintain Load/Discharge Movements for Interfaces
Maintain Event Type per Mode of Transport
Maintain Event Type per Mode of Transport
BAdI: Define Nomination Ticketing External Number
BAdI: Fetch Nomination Items for Mobile Download
Define Fields for Email Notification
Select Pegging Type
Define Pumping Phase and Event
BAdI:Fetch Forecast Data from External Applications
Maintain Reporting UoM for Shipment KPI
Define Tank Shape
Define Load/Discharge Movements
Define Mapping of Weather API Parameter
Define and Assign Weather API per Company Code
Define Geographical Area per Company Code
Define Weather Scale Colors for Weather Parameter and Company Code
Define Weather Parameter Scale Range Values per Company Code
BAdI: Allocate Simulated Logistics Cost
BAdI: Simulate Logistics Cost
BAdI: Fetch Nomination Items Download for Mobile Events
Defaulting Fields to Partner Functions for Logistics Cost Simulation
Maintain Item Category with Pricing Proc. for Logistics Cost Calculation
Define Load/Discharge Movements
Define Nomination Defaults
BAdI: Default Fields for Selected Sourcing Option
BAdI: Select Demand Lines
BAdI: Maintain Movement Scenarios
BAdI: Determine Sourcing Options
BAdI: Determine Rank of Sourcing Options
BAdI: 3WP User Interface Adjustments
BAdI: TSW Nomination Information in External Details
BAdI: Layout for Berth Planning Board
BAdI: Main Settings for Berth Planning Board
BAdI: Automated Berth Scheduling in Berth Planning Board
Maintain Schedule Type Values for In-Tank Material Rebrand
Define Number Range for Invoice Reversal Ticket Log
BAdI: Modify Stock Projection Worksheet for Rebranding
BAdI: Modify Posting Date
BAdI: Validate Proration Validation
BAdI: Archiving Checks for Nomination
BAdI: Define Prerequisite Check for an Event
BAdI: Define Subsequent Event Routine
BAdI: Calculate Temperature of Loaded Quantity in Ticket
Define Rebrand Movements
Activate Russia-Specific Functions
Define Freight Loading Types
Define Route Types
Define Delivery Types
Define Dispatch Scheduling Values
Define Freight Shipment Types
Define Payment Locations
Define Payment Types
Define Payment Responsibilities
Define Railcar Ownership Types
Define Railcar Categories
Define Loading Responsibilities
Define Measurement Methods
Define Delivery Speed Values
Define System Message Attributes
BAdI: TSW Excise Duty Defaulting
BAdI: Update Vehicle Name in Nomination
BAdI: Archiving Checks for Transport Unit
BAdI: Archiving Checks for Vehicle
BAdI: What-If Popup/Clipboard User Interface Adjustments
Assign Field Status Groups to Containers
Define Object Groups
Define Field Status Groups
BAdI: Returns Handling
Define Relevant Service Categories
Assign Delivery Processes to Recommended Action
Define Field Status Groups
Assign Field Status Groups
Define Output Type for Returns Worklists
BAdI: Shipment Receipt Enhancements
Define Customs Use Codes
Assign Default Loading Areas
Define Allowed Routes
Define Shipment Receipt Status
Define applications
Define object types
Define Number Ranges for Voyages
Define Field Status Groups
Assign Field Status Groups
Define Deviation Codes
Define Field Selection for Purchase Order Fields
Define Field Selection for Purchase Requisition Fields
BAdI: Additional Checks
BAdI: Change Accrual Amount Calculation for Planned Item Type
BAdI: Fetch Pricing Information
BAdI: Integration Details
BAdI: Calculate Laytime
BAdI: Manage Status in Laytime & Demurrage
Define Event Reason Codes
Define Number Ranges for Trips
BAdI: Archiving Checks for Trips
Define Balancing Configurations
Maintain Balancing Report Header System Number
Maintain Number Ranges
Define/Maintain Product Balancing Agreement Groups
Define/Maintain Balancing Product Groups
Define Balancing Message Types
Assign Server Group To Contractual Allocation
Create Contractual Allocation Server Group
Maintain Number Ranges
Maintain Additional Business Associate Address Types
Maintain Combined Product Codes
Maintain Comment Type/Category
Maintain Number Ranges
Override Parameter IDs
Maintain Prior Period Adjustment Reason Codes
Configure Transaction Code Cross Reference With Deduction Type Code
Configure Check Lot
Configure Check Numbers
Configure Entity Types for Withholding exemption
Configure States with Withholding requirement
PPA reason code by Sales date
State PPA Reason Code
Maintain High Level Locking Batch Types
Maintain Eligible Suspense Reason Codes
Maintain State County code / Comptroller County code XRef
Maintain Minimum Age and Amount
Maintain State Smartform Configuration
Maintain Excluded Suspense Reason Codes
Maintain Excluded Suspense Reason Codes
Maintain Processes
Maintain Process Steps
Maintain Process Types
Process 2.0 - Maintain Run ID
Maintain Common Number Ranges
Maintain Prerequisite Step Status
Maintain Process Type Tabs
Maintain Generic Number Ranges
Maintain Agency Marketing Codes
Roy 2.0 GEN - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria
Roy 2.0 GEN - Maintain Auto Suspend Exception
Maintain Agency Entity Config
Maintain Master Config
BAdI: Gen Roy Migration
Maintain Report / PRA Marketing Code / Agency Marketing Code Xref
Roy 2.0 GEN - Maintain Out of Statute Write Off
BAdI: Gen Roy OOS WO
Maintain Agency Product Codes
Maintain PRA Product Cd / Agency Product Cd XRef
BAdI: Gen Roy Processing
Maintain Generic Report Processes
Maintain Reject Codes
Roy 2.0 GEN - Maintain SOL Exception Criteria Number
Roy 2.0 GEN - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria Number
Business Add In Implementation
Base Graphics Configuration
BAdI: Upstream Graphic
Maintain Number Range Interval for Graphics
Maintain Integrated Division of Interest to Well completion cross reference
Maintain Integrated Division of interest product use control
Maintain Integrated Bearer Table
Maintain Integrated Division Order History
Maintain Integrated Property unit Use control
Maintain Action Taken Codes
Maintain Louisiana Counties/Parishes
Maintain Legend Codes
Maintain Number Ranges
Define Gross Volume States
Maintain PRA Check input Number Range
Processing Contract Number Range Maintenance
Maintain Number ranges for Business Associates
BAdI: Ownership Division Order Interest
Maintain Property Use Control
Maintain PRA Request Document Number
Maintain System Number Range Intervals for Ownership
Maintain Delivery Network-External/Internal Numbering-Rev Acct Intg ON/OFF
Maintain Field - External / Internal Numbering
Maintain Measurement Points:Externl/Internal Numbering Rev Acct Intg ON/OFF
Interval Maintenance (General)
Interval Maintenance For Revenue Accounting Integration Turned OFF
Interval Maintenance For Revenue Accounting Integration Turned ON
Maintain Platform - External / Internal Numbering - Rev Acct Intg ON /OFF
Maintain Reservoir - External/Internal Numbering - Rev Acct Intg ON/OFF
Maintain Well - External / Internal Numbering - Rev Acct Intg ON / OFF
Assign Server Group to Volume Allocation
Create Volume Allocation Server Group
Drilling Days SKF Major Workover Downtime Reasons
Drilling Days Drilling Status Codes
Well Count SKF Downtime Minor Workover - TBLGR030
Well Count SKF Downtime Reg Reasons - TBLGR029
Well Count SKF Plug, Sold, Abandoned ST - TBLGR025
Maintain Primary Geographic Location Pressure Base
Measurement Point Measurement Type Derivation
Measurement Point Volume Measurement Type Assignment to Measurement Reading
BAdI: SKF Well Count Data
Activate Conversion Group Interface
Define Application Area
Define Application Area Specific Info
Assign Valid Database Connections to PDM Storage Locations
Assign Valid RFC Destinations to PDM Storage Locations
Set Retention Level
Create Database Connection Entries
Create Remote Function Call (RFC) Destination
Assign Tables to Table Groups
Create Workbench Execute Groups
Activate Configurable Items
Add Tables to PDM
Enhance PDM Engine
Set Data Retention Periods for PDM Storage Locations
Enable Tables for PDM
Replace PDM Includes
Assign Tables to Table Groups
Define Additional Synchronized Tables
Create Data Retention Period Groups
Maintain Sys No. for backup Records
Maintain Payor / Entity XRef Record Number
Maintain Lease Record Number
Maintain MMS-2014: Payor / Entity XRef PPA Record Number
Maintain MMS-2014: Lease PPA Record Number
Reporting Process Variations
Maintain Number Range Intervals for MMS-2014 Processing
Maintain Reporting Units of Measure
Maintain PRA Reason Code to MMS Adjustment Code Cross References
Edit Agency Product Codes
Edit Agency Volume Types
BAdI: Reg Reporting ALV Enhancement
Common Table Maintenance
Maintain MMS-2014:Document ID Ext history Load / Int Process Numbering
Maintain Reporting Companies
Maintain Indian Tribes
Maintain Number Ranges
MMS Document ID Business Add-In
Customize Configurable Messages
Maintain Supplemental Reports
Transport Supplemental Report Variants
Maintain Product Code to Entity type for Major Portion Pricing
Define Smart Form Structure
Define Print Values for Smart Form
Define Language for Smart Form Fields
Maintain Regulatory Reporting Run Number
Edit Reporting Agencies
Maintain Sales Type Descriptions
Set Up Number Ranges for Old Tax Reporitng Backup Table
Set Up Number Ranges for Old Tax Reporitng Backup Table
Set Up Base Year/Month, Performance Parameters and output device
Setup Old Tax Reporting SOL
Edit Agency/PRA Defined Volume Type Cross References
Maintain Alternative Dual Accounting Price Multipliers
Configure Start Date
Assign Server Group to Valuation
Create Valuation Server Group
Maintain PRA Contract Type Cross Reference
Maintain Number Range For Settlement Statement
Maintain Number Range For Valuation Document
Maintain Outbound Processing Connection ID
Maintain System Number Range Intervals for Outbound Connection ID
Maintain Exemption Codes
Maintain Exempt Code Cross-Reference
BAdI: Tax 2.0 OKGP15 Journalize
BAdI: Tax 2.0 OKGP15 Loader
BAdI: Tax 2.0 OKGP15 OOS WO
BAdI: Tax 2.0 OKGP15 Populate
BAdI: Custom Validation
Contractual Allocation Tolerance for Regression Tests
Production Tolerance for Regression Tests
Valuation Tolerance for Regression Tests
Activate Tax Reporting Agencies
Configure Tax Agencies by Tax Types
Edit Agency Tax Codes
Maintain Execution Parameters
Maintain Field Catalogue
BAdI: NE Operator Override
New Tax Reproting Framework : Maintain Tax reporting history
Maintain Report Submission Groups
Set Up Tax Framework Number Ranges
New Tax Reporting Framework :  Maintain Tax Transaction
Maintain PRA Tax Class and Agency Tax Code X-ref
General Configuration
Configure Migration Parallel Processing Parameters
Maintain Server Groups
Maintain Prerequisite Status of Migration Items
BAdI: Report Loader Enhancement
Maintain Migration Group
Assign Reports to Migration Group
Maintain Migration Item
Maintain Reports
Maintain Reporting Companies
Assign Companies to Reporting Company
Maintain Report Groups
Maintain Report Group/Product Code Cross-Reference
Maintain Reporting Steps
Assign Reporting Steps to Report
Report 2.0 - Maintain Run ID
Maintain Common Number Ranges
Maintain Texas Number Ranges
Maintain Prerequisite Status of Reporting Steps
Tax 2.0 TX - Maintain OOS Write off
BAdI: Tax Loader Adjustment
Tax 2.0 TX - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Tax 2.0 TX - Maintain Statute of Limitation Exception
Tax 2.0 TX - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria
Tax 2.0 TX - Maintain OOS Write Off Number
BAdI: Tax 2.0 TX Taxtxn Override
Maintain Commodity Code Cross-Reference
Additional Edits - Field Attributes
Additional Edits - Static Rules
Additional Edits - Thresholds
BAdI: Tax Loader/Populate/Journalize Adjustment
Maintain Tax Class/Exemption Type Cross-Reference
BAdI: T&R 2.0 Volume Pressure Base Override
Maintain Taxes Payable Balance Categories
Maintain Number Ranges
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain Tax History Change Document Key
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain Statute of Limitation Exception Number
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria Number
Maintain Exempt Decimal Configuration
Maintain Exempt Code Cross-Reference
Maintain Product Code Cross-Reference
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain Out Of Statute Write Off Number
Maintain Oklahoma Number Ranges
Tax 2.0 OK - Maintain OOS
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain Tax History Change Document Key
BAdI: Tax 2.0 WY Journalize
BAdI: Tax 2.0 WY Loader
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain Out Of Statute Write Off Number
BAdI: Tax 2.0 WY Populate
Maintain Wyoming Number Ranges
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain OOS
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain Statute of Limitation Exception Number
Tax 2.0 WY - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria
Maintain Wyoming Conservation Report & FORM2 Comparison Config
BAdI: Tax 2.0 WY OOS WO
Maintain Tax Oil/Gas Indicator Cross Reference
Maintain Tax Class Rate Code Cross Reference
Maintain General Config
BAdI: Tax 2.0 WYGP Validation
Maintain Marketing Type XRef
Maintain Product Code/Volume Type/Product Type XRef
Maintain Volume Type XRef
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain Tax History Change Document Key
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM Journalize
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM Loader
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain Statute of Limitation Exception Number
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria Number
Maintain Contract Type Affiliation Code Override
Maintain New Mexico Jicarilla Credit Rate
Maintain Marketing Code XRef
Maintain New Mexico Product Code XRef
Maintain Special Tax Rate XRef
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain Out Of Statute Write Off Number
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM OOS WO
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM Populate
Maintain New Mexico Number Ranges
Tax 2.0 NM - Maintain OOS
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM Volume Pressure Base override
BAdI: Tax 2.0 NM XML File
Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields in Multilevel Lists
Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields for Char. in Multilevel Lists
Define Field Selection for Linear Data Fields in Structure Lists
Configure Parallel Processing Parameters
Define Field Selection for Network Fields
Define Field Selection for Network Attribute Value Fields
Define Field Selection for Object Link Data Fields
Maintain Partner Integration Outbound Connection ID
Maintain System Number Range Intervals for Outbound Connection ID - XI
Define Field Selection for Functional Location Fields
Define Field Selection for Notification Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Order Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields
Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields
Define Field Selection for Network Fields
Define Field Selection for Network Attribute Value Fields
Define Field Selection for Object Link Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Equipment Fields
Define Field Selection for Notification Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Order Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields
Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields
Roy 2.0 TX GLO - Maintain Roy History Change Document
BAdI: Roy 2.0 TXG Loader
Roy 2.0 TX GLO - Maintain  Out Of Statute Write Off No
BAdI: Roy 2.0 TX GLO Reports
Maintain Texas GLO / A&M Number Ranges
Roy 2.0 TX GLO - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Roy 2.0 TX GLO - Maintain Statute of Limitation Exception Number
Roy 2.0 TX GLO - Maintain Statute of Limitation Criteria Number
Maintain GLO1 Entire Royalty Obligation Threshold
Maintain GLO2 Entire Royalty Obligation Threshold
Roy 2.0 WY - Maintain Roy History Change Document
BAdI: Roy 2.0 WY Loader
Roy 2.0 WY - Maintain Out of Statute Write Off
Maintain Wyoming Number Ranges
Roy 2.0 WY - Maintain Auto Suspend Criteria Number
Roy 2.0 WY - Maintain SOL Exception No
Roy 2.0 WY - Maintain SOL Criteria
Maintain Marketing Code XRef
Maintain Wyoming Product Code XRef
BAdI: CO Roy Decimal Interest Change
BAdI: Enhancing Well Volumes Calculations
Maintain flow logic: OIU_CM_FUPRO
Marketing type configuration utility transaction
Map Custom Marketing Types to Fixed Marketing Buckets
Maintain  PRA Volumes Document Number Range
Maintain PRA Valuation Document Numbers
BAdI: Correct disposition volumes for rounding difference
BAdI: Non-Gas Plant Volume Indicator Processing
Assign Print Queue to Application Object
BAdI: Override JVA Equity Group in PRA
BAdI: Activate Secondary Lease ID Functionality
BAdI: Ownership History
BAdI: Lease data processing
BAdI: Marketing Cost Exemption
BAdI: Marketing Free Group
BAdI: Ownership PPI Helper
BAdI: Owner Request Execution Custom Validation
Maintain Product Balancing Agreement Number - External / Internal
Maintain Volume Type/Category XRef
Maintain Volume Types
BAdI: Well Volumes
BAdI: Display Smartform details
Maintain Number Range for Gravity Scale item
BAdI: SKF Well Volume Report
Maintain System numbers PRA
Configure Material and Product Code
Maintain Valuation Post - Table System Number
Configure Reclassification of Production Codes
Definition of Conversion Groups
Configure Unit of Measure Group
Maintain OIW Metadata
Display Standard OIW Information Catalog
Maintain Self-Defined OIW Information Catalog
Maintain profiles
Maintain authorizations
Create Role and Assign Users
Data Transfer from SAP Consolidation
Maintenance of Display Attributes (EC-EIS)
Cross-Client Maintenance of File Names and Paths
Transport of Distribution Key (EC-BP)
CO Cost Center Accounting
Edit Field Group
Edit Characteristics
Edit Basic Key Figures
Maintain Derivation with Data Entry and Transfer
Maintain Currency Translation Key
Edit Comments Table
Reorganize Documents
Set up summarization levels
Define summarization levels
Change Revaluation Factor
Maintain calculation formulas for basic key figures
Edit Data Entry Layout (EC-EIS)
Create planning layout
Maintain forecast profiles
Maintain weighting group
Define planning help access
Assign default currency translation types to key figures
Reorganize comments
Edit Distribution Key
Maintain/activate validations
Copy validations
Derive forecast profile
Derive seasonal distribution
Derive revaluation factor
Maintain planner profiles
Maintain navigation attributes
Set up network
Maintain sender structure package
Define sender structure package
Standard collection programs
Maintain requirements
Assign table
Create data slice
Assign user group
Generate database statistics
Maintain transfer rules for comments
Maintain transfer rules for master data hierarchies
Maintain Hierarchy Directory
Import Delivered Settings
Maintain report selection
Prepare documentation connection
Data transfer from R/2
Maintain R/2 transfer parameters
Control File Import Using Events
Maintain Additional Client-Specific File Names
Start evaluation
Fix Currency Translation Type for Data Entry/Planning
Conversion to Release 4.0
Organization of data transfer with events
Programming hints for user-defined data transfer programs
SAP enhancements for data transfer
Steps when setting up a data transfer
Units of measure
Define flexible upload
Create CPIC user
Maintenance of Currency/Unit Fld as Display Attrib. (EC-EIS)
Check and Define Settings of Controlling Area
Maintain Ledger-Specific Allocation Structures
Maintain Constants
Costing Variant - Claim
Valuation Variant Costing - Claim
Define Number Ranges for Warranty Types
Check Warranty Categories
Define Warranty Types
Maintain Transaction Start Default Values for Sample Warranties
Define Warranty Counters
Create Number Ranges for Measuring Points
Create Number Ranges for Measurement Documents
Make System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Documents
Define Field Selection for the Equipment Master Record
Define Field Selection for Functional Locations
Define Field Selection for Measuring Points and Measurement Documents
Set List Editing for Measuring Point Lists
Set List Editing for Measurement Document Lists
Define Field Selection for Goods Movement Fields
Define Field Selection for Delivery Fields
Define Field Selection for Inspection Lot Fields
Define Field Selection for Sales Order Fields
Define Field Selection for Maintenance Order Fields
Define Field Selection for Maintenance Notification Fields
Define Partner Determination Procedure and Partner Function
Define Structural Display for Functional Locations
Define Structural Display for Reference Functional Locations
Define Measuring Point Categories
Define Object Types
Define Additional Business Views for Equipment Categories
Search Helps in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service
Create Authorization Keys for User Status Authorizations
Develop Enhancements
Set Field Selection for Specific Fields in Fleet Management
Execute Data Transfer
Archive Serial Number History
Archive Serial Number History
Set List Processing for Fleet Management Objects
Set List Editing for Permits
Define Object Information Keys
Activate Alternative Labeling
Define Labeling Systems for Functional Locations
Define Field Selection for Refurbishment Order Fields
Define Field Selection for Permit Fields
Define Field Selection for Production Order Fields
Define Field Selection for Inventory Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Permit Fields
Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields
Define Field Selection for Reference Measuring Points and -Counters
Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields
Define Field Selection for Measuring Point and Counter Fields
Define Field Selection for Measurement Document and Counter Reading Fields
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Items
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Dates
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Packages
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Operations
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Items
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Dates
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Maintenance Packages
Specify Field Selection for Fields for Operations
Define List Stucture for Structural Display of Installed Bases
Define Field Selection for Fields of the Reference Functional Location
Define Field Selection for Class Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Characteristic Data Fields
Define Field Selection for Document Management Fields
Set List Editing for Serial Numbers
Transfer of Stock Check Indicator to Serial Numbers
Set Reference Object Screen for Vehicles
Define Calculation Method for Fleet Consumption Values
Make Settings for Units of Measurement for Monitoring of Consumption
Define Tolerance Check for Usage Control
Define Engine Types for Fleet Objects
Define Consumable Types
Define Key and Cost Object for Updating Material Documents
Assign Auxiliary Materials and Consumables
Create Gas Station
Assign View Profile and Equipment Categories to Fleet Object Types
Define Special Measurement Positions for Fleet Objects
Define Usage Types for Fleet Objects
Define Serialization Attributes for Movement Types

Length: 330325 Date: 20240921 Time: 052530

Count: 1669     sap01-206 ( 1714 ms ) This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.