IMG Activities

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHADPFA52 up to OHAGRI053

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHADPFA52 up to OHAGRI053

This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
Count: 1824 Skipped: 0
IMG Activities
Define Own Seizability for Preferred Garnishments
Install Special Case
Maintain Type of Seizability
Create CFS Unseizable Upper Limit
Check Payroll Procedure
Adjust Garnishment Schema
Set Up Authorizations
Note Order of Multiple Payment Runs per Period for Garnishments
Set Up Interest Calculation for Advance Payment
Principle of Origin in the Private Sector - Overview -
Principle of Origin in the Public Sector - Overview -
Activate PFEP Subapplication
Copy Wage Type O370 (Lock Garn. Origin Princ.)
Specify Variant for Report RPCPCAD0_EP
Assign Wage Type O370 (Lock Garn. Origin Princ.)
Assign Wage Types to Cumulative Wage Types BTIT or BTRT
Activate Subapplication PFNT
Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Type KPNT
Activate Subapplication PFPR (only for pilot customers)
Display Standard Texts
Group Together Personnel Area/Subarea
Create Address Type and Address of Sender
Set Up SAPscript Form
Define Type of Grouping
Maintain Feature for Grouping
Maintain Direct Assignment
Change basic interest rate
Change Monthly Basic Exemption
Change Monthly Basic Exemption First Maintenance Beneficiary
Change Monthly Basic Exemption Second - Fifth Maintenance Beneficiary
Change Monthly Maintenance Exemption
Change Monthly Maintenance Exemption First Maintenance Beneficiary
Change Monthly Maintenance Exemption 2nd to 5th Maintenance Beneficiary
Change Monthly Garnishment Exempt Limit
Change Rounding of Monthly Earned Income to Amount
Define Maximum Number of Maintenance Beneficiaries
Change Unseizable Amount of Holiday Bonus Normal Garnishment
Change Unseizable Amount of Holiday Bonus Preferred Garnishment
Change full rate of value added tax
Change Reduced Rate of Value Added Tax
Change Period from Receipt of Notice of Garnishment to Active Garnishment
Change Base Interest Rate (Negative Value)
BAdI: Fill Career Group/Classification
BAdI: Determine Classification
BAdI: Determine Municipality ID of Place of Residence
BAdI: Create Text for Federation-Internal or State-Internal Purposes
BAdI: Create Text in Comments Input Field
BAdI: Fill Completion of Education Input Field
BAdI: Fill Type of Employment/Personnel Category Input Field
BAdI: Fill Area of Science Input Fields
Create Wage Type Catalog
Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define employee grouping account determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define symbolic accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign expense accounts
Assign customer accounts
Assign vendor accounts
Assign loan postings for employees
Assign technical accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Create report variants
Set Up Authorizations
Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments
Cumulation Wage Types from Master Data
Cumulation Wage Types from External Bank Transfers
Assign Tax-Relevant Company Features
Assign Regulation for Flat-Rate Church Tax
Maintain Addresses of Tax Offices for Places of Work
Maintain Numbers and Addresses of Family Equalization Funds
Differentiate Flat-Rate Church Tax According to Flat-Rate Types
Define Default Values for Tax Procedure
Display Tax Procedure
Display Special Rules
Check assignment to wage type groups
Check Payroll Procedure
Check Assignment to Wage Type Groups
Check Payroll Procedure
Create Wage Type Catalog
Assign Benefits Payments to Basis
Split Wage Types into Tax-Free/Subject to Tax Parts
Define Formula for Estimating the Annual Earned Income
Encode Wage Types As Estimation Basis for Annual Earned Income
Encode Wage Types As Employee Association Gross Amount
Define Distribution of Regular Payments Through Double Taxation Convention
Encode Other Payments with DTC/REA
Encode Wage Types
Maintain Tax Exemption for Own Public Holiday Classes
Define Tax Exemption for Employee Renumeration Information
Display Tax-Exempt Portions of Bonus Wage Types
Process Bonus Wage Types with Own Processing Type
Define Output Month for Annual Employment Tax Statement
Equalization Calculation: Distribution of Wage per Statement Period
Equalization Calculation: Determine Shift
Copy Form
Summary of Personnel Areas
Copy Form
Define Deviating Trade Tax Gross Amount
Copy Form for Employment Tax Notification
Copy Form for Employment Tax Statement
Encode Wage Types As Gross Amounts Subject to Tax and SI Contributions
Determine Y/N Questions for Wage Type Master Data
Determine Further Settings for Wage Types
Direct Access - Overview -
Activate Time-Dependent Authorization Check
Tax Auditor - Overview -
Specify Actions for Registrations and Deregistrations
Group Together Personnel Areas and Personnel Subareas
Process Data of Reporting Personnel Area
Activities at Start of ELStAM Procedure
No Call Authorization: Influence Date
BAdI: Determine Start of Employment Relationship
Change of Tax Number: Prepare Mass Deregistrations
Define Customer-Specific Checks for Check Tool
BAdI: Customer-Specific Checks for Check Tool
Set Up Health Insurance Funds
Set Up Subsequent Administration for Locked Health Insurance Funds
Maintain Default Employee Fund
Set Up Exemption Reasons
Set Up SI Contribution
Set Up Workers' Compensation Associations
Assign Workers' Compensation Associations
Set Up SI Contribution
Set Up Additional Health Insurance Funds
Reimbursement of Employer Expenses - General Information -
Maintain Attributes
Configure Calculation of Reimbursements
Set Up Contribution to Insolvency Fund
Setup Workers' Compensation Association for DEUEV
Maintain Company Numbers of Workers' Compensation Association for DEUEV
Define 8-Digit Hazard Pay Area for DEUEV
Correction of Working Hours for DEUEV Notification
Import AI Master Data Files
Activate Use of AI Membership Key
Maintain AI Data of Company
Define Key for Alternative AI Carrier
Define Alternative AI Carrier for Each Company
Assign Membership Key to Company
Activate AI Minimum Remuneration (Obsolete)
Enter PIN for AI Membership Number
Set up Workers' Compensation Associations for AI Notification Procedure
Compare Workers' Compensation Associations
Encode Wage Types for SI Special Features
Define Calculation Type for ER HI Allowance
Change Constant for Health Insurance
Change Constant for Pension Insurance
Change Constant for Care Insurance
BAdI: Exit to Determine Whether CI Contribution Bonus Is Due
Required Activities
Specify Wage Types for Benefit According to Time Assignment
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Text
Assign Wage Types to 'Social Insurance' Wage Type Group
Define Wage Type Characteristics
Change Permissibility of Wage Types
Exemption Amount in Statutory Health Insurance
Define Type of Company Pension
Change Data for Deduction of Contribution Amount
Define Assignment of Statement of Contributions Paid to EDI Payee Fund
Maintain EDI Parameters for Each Sender and Payee Fund
Define EDI File Number for Each Sender and Payee Fund
Assign Procedure for Statement of Contributions Paid to Payroll Areas
Procedure Basis Prev. Month's Contributions: Maintain Correction Factors
Prepare Data for Deduction of Contribution Amount
Percentage Rate for Pension Increase West
Percentage Rate for Pension Increase East
Maintain Wage Types for Capitalization
Create Standard Texts
Change Form Settings
Define List Background
Define Fields to Be Printed in List
Define Letter Background
Define Fields to Be Printed in Letter
Handling of Multiperiod Benefits Payments
Specification List
Statement of Contribution Totals Paid
Specification List
Statement of Contribution Totals Paid
Specification List
Statement of Contribution Totals Paid
Define Personnel Areas for BVV Pension
Code BVV-Liable Wage Types
Indicate Absences
Set Up BVV Contribution Classes
Define Employer Portions for BVV
Define Special Payment Percentage Rate
Specify Percentages for BVV
Check BVV Income Threshold
Define Sender's Address
Define Personnel Areas for Press Insurance Fund
Encode Wage Types Subject to PPPI Contributions
Indicate Absences
Define Percentages for Press Insurance Fund
Check Minimum Amount for Pension Fund
Check Difference Income Threshold
Define Sender's Address
Define Personnel Areas for General Supplementary Pension
Define Sender's Address
Set Retroactive Accounting for HI Fund Changes
Change Contribution Scales for Health Insurance
Change Contribution Scales for Care Insurance
Change Levels Table for Health and Care Insurance
Create SI Gross Amounts
Create SI Assessment Thresholds
Process SI Gross Amounts
Output SI Wage Types
Set Up Special Rules for Social Insurance
Set Up Special Rules for Supplementary Insurance
Create SI Attributes
Maintain SI Key
Control of Default Values
Maintain Successor Insurance Funds for West/East Legal Adjustment
Change Contribution Rates
Change Assessment Thresholds (West Germany)
Change Assessment Thresholds (East Germany)
Change Other Constants East
Change Other Constants West
Set Up Special Processing for Wage Types
Maintain Surcharge for Washing Machine
Wage Type List for Calculating Full-Time Employees
Create New Wage Type List
Maintain Wage Type List for Calculating Full-Time Employees
Create New Wage Type List
Enter Absences
Job Titles
Job Titles
Educational Unit/Specialist Fields of Post-Doctoral Thesis
Enter Account Assignment Block Fields
Assign Function Modules to Feature
Wage Types for Gross Tax Amount in EF 23
Define Type of Grouping
Define Type of Grouping
Define Type of Grouping
Assign University Data to a Reporting Personnel Area
Assign Hospital Data to a Reporting Personnel Area
Assign Pension Recipient Data to a Reporting Personnel Area
Maintain Direct Assignment
Maintain Direct Assignment
Maintain Direct Assignment
Maintain Case Groups
Maintain Case Group Catalogs
Encryption of Career/Pay Scale Group
Encryption of Career/Pay Scale Group
Maintain Houses
Maintain Houses
Maintain Apartments
Maintain Apartments
Maintain Prices per Square Meter
Modify Official Housing Rule
Maintain Maximum Official Housing Payment
Control Wage Types for Official Housing Gross Amount
Enter Catalogs of Service Types
Enter Service Types
Enter Service Categories
Set competition rules for cost-of-living allowance
Define BDA and Cost-of-Living Allowance Relevance
Define Parameters for Determining Pay Seniority
Maintain Parameters for Higher/Lower Grouping
Define Classification of Compensation/Salary Groups
Determine Age Levels for Pay Seniority
Assign Catalog of Service Types to Company Code
Statistics Area for Full-Time Employee Statistics
Define Evaluation Area
Statistics Area for Personnel Level Statistics
Define Evaluation Area
ISKD Statistics Area
Define Exceptions
Define Exceptions
Define Exceptions
Define Exceptions
Assignment Using Employee Subgroups
Assignment Using Employee Subgroups
Assignment Using Service Type and Service Category
Define Assignment Using Service Type and Service Category
Assignment Using Service Type
Assigment Using Job
Define Assigment Using Job
Maintain Occupational Code
Maintain Utilization of Employer's Resources
Maintain Approval Requirement for Sideline Job
Maintain Accommodation
Maintain Meals
College Table
Assignment Using Position
Define Assignment Using Position
Assignment Using Organizational Key
Define Assignment Using Organizational Key
Assignment Using Organizational Unit
Define Assignment Using Organizational Unit
Assignment Using Supervisor Area
Define Assignment Using Supervisor Area
Position table
Maintain Employment Offices
Maintain Regional Boards
Overview - Assignment of Statistics Characteristics
Edit Consultant and Core Competencies
Edit Functional Areas of Doctors
Edit Professions of Non-Medical Personnel
Edit Functional Areas of Non-Medical Personnel
Edit Specialist Departments of Nursing Staff
Edit Nursing Further Training Courses
Specify Direct Assignment via Job, Position, or Org. Unit
Specify Direct Assignment via Service Type
Specify Direct Assignment via Organizational Key
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Types
Define Processing Types
Call Day Processing
Define Groupings
Provide Planned Working Time from Shift Schedule
Import Substitution Data
Import Absences
Import Overtime Data
Define Breaks to Be Imported
Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data
Determine Break Times
Determine Core Night Work
Valuation Classes of Period Work Schedule
Define Generation Rules
Define Groupings
Generate Wage Types
Compensate Overtime
Update Monthly Balances
Import Travel Expense Wage Types from Old Payroll Account
Store Travel Expense Wage Types As SI Wage Types
Import Travel Expense Wage Types from Old Payroll Account (PS)
Assign Travel Expense Wage Types to Form Printing
Set Up Authorizations/Maintain Roles
Maintain profiles
BAdI: Authorization Check Using Transaction Code
BAdI: Authorization Check Using Transaction Code and Personnel Area
Maintain Assignment of Company Features
Maintain Employer Addresses
Define Assignment of Legal Person to Personnel Area
Group Personnel Areas
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Maintain Processing Class and Its Specifications
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Check Logical View
Set Up Value Limit for Transfer Amount
General Information on Direct Debit
Collection from Employee Account
Collection from External Accounts
Activate Automatic Debit Authorization Indicator
Specify Automatic Debit Authorization for External Accounts
Assign Payment Method for Debit Memo
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Text
Check Assignment of 'Capital Formation' Wage Type Group
Define Wage Type Characteristics
Check Permissibility of Wage Types
Check Payroll Procedure
Supplement Number of Parallel Contracts
Define Employer's Contributions
Process Employer's Contribution in Payroll
Calculate Employer's Contribution
Maintain Bank Details Manually
Set Up Payee Key
Define Permissible Payee Keys
Maintain Default Values
Create Special Regulation
Check Investment Types for Capital Formation
Analyze Time and Value Credits of Company
Define Value Credit
Specify Attributes of Value Credit
Assign Attributes to Value Credit
Assign Wage Types to Value Credit
Fill Fields for Federal/State-Internal Purposes
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
BAdI: Hospital Statistics: Modifications for Record Type 5
BAdI: Hospital Statistics: Convert Field STAKEY
BAdI: Hospital Statistics: Add Statistical Data
Create company address for Internal Revenue Service
Assign company head office to company groups/groupings
Check business activity of company
Create Internal Revenue Service offices/branches
Set company fiscal data
Define company groups/groupings
Create company social insurance data
Create company address for Social Insurance
Set Social Insurance collaboration company
Define generation of personal calendars
Set relevant absences
Set absence modifier
Identify relevant wage types
Identify wage types for imputed income
Determine constants for imputed income
Set processing for original period
Set processing deferred period
Determine welfare benefit recovery
Identify relevant wage types
Identify relevant wage types
Set daily basis
Calculate standard wage maintenance
Define wage supplement
Set daily basis
Calculate standard wage maintenance
Define wage supplement
Determine welfare payment wage types
Determine welfare payment wage types
Set processing in situation of TI and leave
Set processing in situation of TI and leaving the company
Identify relevant wage types for bases
Identify relevant wage types for apportionment
Check daily rounding of days worked before cutback
Check monthly rounding of days worked before cutback
Check daily rounding of days worked after cutback
Check monthly rounding of days worked after cutback
Check daily rounding of TI days after cutback
Check monthly rounding of TI days after cutback
Check daily rounding of total basis after cutback
Check monthly rounding of total basis after cutback
Set Bolsa de vacaciones
Set cost-of-living allowance
Set attendance and punctuality bonus
Set suppressed holidays bonus
Set banking absence
Set rounding off
Allocate reduction factors in TI
Determine actions for RED system
Check correction of regulatory base for TI
Define Social Insurance contribution types and bases
Create Social Insurance offices
Check monthly basis for daily-paid employees
Define headquarters for Social Insurance
Convert old form
Describe absence valuation rules
Group absences for absence valuation
Define grouping for absence valuation (original period)
Define grouping for absence valuation (deferred period)
Define day rules
Create wage type catalog
Valuate absences according to as-if principle
Define special processing of absence valuation rules
Create counting class for absence valuation
Valuate absences according to constants/averages
Activate counting of leave quotas using infotype 2006
Create legal absence classes
Assign legal class to absence category
Create time quota compensation
Reduction/cutback bases
Define payment methods
Define symbols for payment periods
Create payment sequences
Define actions and their effect on seniority
Define valuation methods
Create valuation wage types
Assign constant value to valuation wage types
Assign variable value to valuation wage types
Assign valuation wage types to methods
Define calculation procedure
Suggest calculation procedure
Define association processing
Define bases for valuation of averages
Create calculation rules for averages
Create cumulation rules for bases for calculating average values
Create adjustment rules for bases for calculating average value
Create bases for calculating average value
Assign average valuation to primary wage type
Create relevance test
Create final processing
Adapt calculation of averages in payroll run (original period)
Adapt calculation of averages in payroll run (deferred period)
Set wage type dependent constants (original period)
Set wage type dependent constants (deferred period)
Set pay scale dependent constants
Create valuation bases relative to person (original period)
Create valuation bases relative to person (deferred period)
Assign valuation bases
Cumulation and storage of time wage types
Determine overtime payment (deferred period)
Set annual legal limit for catastrophe overtime
Determine valuation basis for different payment
Calculate higher-level valuation base
Configure transfer of last payroll result
Define variable keys for subtypes of infotype Delt@ (0968)
Specify screen control for infotype Delt@ (0968)
Maintain authorisation for the use of function codes in the infotype
Assignment of options to Delt@ situations
Process dynamic actions for infotype Delt@ (0968)
Define work environments
Define variance
Define work types
Define specific physical activities
Define forms of injury
Define parts of the body
Define injury descriptions
Define material agent codes
Define employee national occupations (up to 2010)
Maintain economic activities for IA and ID contributions (CNAE)
Maintain time-dependent CAC features
Maintain collective agreement codes and descriptions
Maintain postal codes and towns according to SEPE
Maintain company data
Assign countries/regions to Social Insurance key (RED System)
Maintain additional CAC information for Social Security
Specify the External Program
Specify the Type of Salary
Activate the Calculation
Activate calculation
Create additional values
Check constants
Set value periodicity
Set interest calculation
Create loan types
Create loan types
Assign depreciation types
Adapt screen control
Create loan conditions
Control loan commitment
Set customer-specific payment types
Program processing logic
Define house banks
Define issuing banks
Check text keys for payments
Make several payments per period in the event of garnishment
Provide remuneration statement (ESS)
Design form
Copy form
Maintain valuation classes and their values
Install alternative currency
Create address
Change Addresses infotype (0006)
Create payroll account
Convert old form
Create page header
Create remuneration statement excerpt
Create continuation excerpt
Create cumulation display
Convert old form
Create remuneration statement
Example: Ident. cumulation in individual field
Example with the new procedure
Example with the old procedure
Example: Vacations in window
Example: Time quota in individual field
Example: Time quota in window
Example: Notification in window
Code Valuation Rules According to Absence Symbols
General vision
Specify infotype properties (ES)
Define variable keys for subtypes of IT Garnishments (0887)
Specify screen control of IT Garnishments ES (0887)
Define garnishment identifier interval (ES)
Adapt payroll main schema
Specify subtype properties (ES)
Specify subtype properties
Specify accepted wage types for Garnishments (ES)
Create own rule and adapt subschema for garnishments
Create own payee keys
Assign options to garnishment situations
Define days as not relevant for garnishments
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Define Day Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Carry Out Shift Change Compensation
Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Set Up Alternative Currency
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Maintain Employer Addresses
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Define Period Parameters
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Define Date Modifiers
Maintain Processing Class and Its Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical Views
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Create Process Model
Process original period
Set payroll calculation control
Define hourly wage
Form time ticket form
Check process in payroll calculation
Create wage type catalog
Check assignment to Incentive Wages wage type group
Update wage types for transfer to Cost Accounting
Check bases for calculating average value
Form annual values
Form reduction factors
Form reduction factors
Assign reduction factors
Form Cost Accounting Wage Types
Identify wage types for TI
Check cumulations of gross amount
Determine currency units
Set partial period parameters for different time units
Define schedule for payroll calendar
Specify version for payroll driver
Interface-Toolbox: Connection with external systems
Assign country/regions keys according to RED system
Prepare wage type overview
Provide accounts overview
Post to company accounts
Set employee grouping for account determination
Set properties of wage type assignment
Define symbolic accounts
Assign clearing accounts
Assign expense accounts
Assign customer accounts
Assign vendor accounts
Assign loan accounts
Assign technical accounts
Maintain fixed cost postings
Check consistency of customizing
Maintain posting date for payroll periods
Assign substitution cost centers
Define line item text
Create posting variants
Cretae report variants
Create authorizations
Define company codes in R/2 or R/3 systems <4.0
Create user/customer exits
BAdI: Control of Payroll Calculation Results Memorandum
Check special processing of payments/periodic deductions
Check control of regulatory basis and maximum IA/ID limit
Create attendance type for planned training hours
Post planned training hours
Check allowances received per hour of planned training
Check CA code for training contracts
Create cumulated wage types from master data
Create cumulated wage types from external transfers
Specify moment for posting payments
Enter bank clearing account for HR payments
Adjust advance payment from master data for posting
Adjust advance payment from master data for posting
Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons
Change Entry Permissibility for Infotype 0267
Activate payroll calculation for deferred period
Set estimation of gross pay
Set special remuneration type
Define special remunerations
Determine entitlement period type
Define fixed times
Define seniority-dependent time data
Set basis for calculation of entitlement
Form valuation basis for special remuneration
Set processing of pending entitlements
Define prejudicial actions/absences
Delimit entitlement and determine pay
Create wage type catalog
Check wage type texts
Check Special Remuneration wage type group
Determine entry acceptability in infotype
Specify wage type properties
Set acceptability of wage type by personnel subarea and employee grouping
Encode wage types for special remuneration
Determine special remuneration apportionment
Valuate special remuneration wage types
Set seniority-dependent factors
Check final processing
Create entitlement quota afterwards
Check calendar for cumulation
Define special cumulation types
Assign cumulation categories to time units
Define cumulation periods
Check optimization of IMS contributions
Configure negative TCs
Define time types
Assign keywords to time pairs
Define processing types
Check daily processing call (original period)
Check daily processing call (deferred period)
Set groupings
Provide planned working time of work schedule
Import substitutions
Import absences
Import overtime
Determine breaks to be imported into tables
Adjust daily work schedule to time data
Determine breaks
Define work schedule valuation types by periods
Establish generation rules
Define groupings
Execute time wage type selection rule
Compensate overtime
Maintain user functions
Maintain profiles
Define personnel payroll area
Define personnel payroll area
Generate payroll periods
Maintain company addresses
Generate calendar for cumulation
Define period parameters
Protect payroll calculation rules
Define date modifiers
Maintain processing classes and values
Maintain evaluation classes and values
Create wage type catalog
Change wage type texts
Specify wage type properties
Check assignment to wage type groups
Check logical views
Set disadvantage compensation for change of shift
Set calculation to original period
Set calculation to deferred period
Check adjustment variable for contribution days
Maintain Assignment of Absence Valuations
Check personnel sub-area grouping for attendance/absence types
Define Grace Period and Continued Pay
Define Continued Pay Periods
Define Procedure/Deduction Indicators for Continued Pay
Activate Absence Calendar
Define Sickness Modifier
Maintain Social Insurance Data for Company
Create Header Data for Company
Define Addresses and SI Data
Define Addresses and SI Data
Define TDS Modifier
Assign Wage Types
Define Data for "Risk Indicator"
Define data for risk indicator
Maintain Personnel Area Data
Assign "Group Indicator"
Define Company Headquarters
Define Company Headquarters
Define Sender Company
Define Sender Company
Link wage types to DADS-TDS positions
Work abroad or across borders
Identify Casual Labor
Option for Additional Deduction
Maintain professional expenses
Special Cases for Record 130
Create Header Data for Company
Define Addresses and SI Data
Define "Job Type" Indicator (with Pay)
"Standard Professional Group" Indicator
Indicator for Employee Status in Enterprise
Define "Entry/Leaving Indicator"
Define CRC Modifier
Assign Wage Types
Maintain Personnel Area Data
Define Company Headquarters
Define Work Schedule (Full-Time)
Define "Job Type" Indicator (without Pay)
Group Employees under Modifier
Link Wage Types to DADS-CRC Positions
Automatic Update of Maximum Amounts
Maintain Assessment Thresholds
Maintain Assessment Threshold Special Cases
Update Rates and Fixed Amounts
Reintegration 19/85
Define Grouping Codes for Administrative Offices
Assign contribution funds to a grouping code
Associate Action/Reason with Grouping Indicator
Set up 'Bilan Social' type and business area
Define socio-professional categories
Set Selection Criteria linked to Indicators
Maintain 'Bilan Social' Indicators
Define 'Bilan Social' Tables
Define Social and Professional Categories
Set Selection Criteria Parameters
'Bilan Social' Indicator Tables
Verify Value of Constants (2483)
Set numeric data
Hold body codes
Hold personnel types
Assign Employee Groups to SI Contribution Models
Assign Wage Types to Employee Groups
Create Header Data for Company
Characteristics of VLU ASSEDIC
Maintain indicators for bodies
Choose Variants
Contributions attribution to bodies and employee groups
Determine Cumulation of Relevant Wage Types
Create header data for company
Prepare Payment of 13th Month's Pay
Start to Copy Wage Types
Call FC00
Retrieve /1**
Calculation of Actual Monthly Net
Generate Difference on /1**
Define Iteration Values
Maintain Social Insurance Calculation Bases
Transfer IJSS Gross for Retroactive Payroll Run
Calculate IJSS Gross Wage Type
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Create Cumulation Wage Types
Check Wage Types for End Result
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Access Day Processing
Check Gross Cumulations
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Assign Valuation Bases
Activate Seniority Calculation
Calculate Pay Seniority
Use NCALE to Split Absences
Check Data Copied from Previous Payroll
Calculate Annual Values
Check Special Processing for Recurring Payments/Deductions
Adjust Wage Type Assignment for Payroll Account
Adjust Wage Type Assignment for Form Printing
Calculate Annual Leave Entitlement
Count Leave-Related Days and Activate Calculation
Activate Loans
Statement of Work Force Movements
Maintain Form Order Number
ASSEDIC Statement
Define Qualification of Employee
Set the executive / non-executive status indicator
Set 'reason for ending contract' Indicator
Define weekly work timetable
Set data for complementary retirement funds
Set Work Contract Type
Define particular employment category
Define Status and Employment Category of Employee
Maintain Periodicity of Bonuses and Allowances
Choose French Screen for Infotype 0004
Relate Both Categories of Challenged Persons
Determine the staff subject to tax liability assessment basis
Maintain Data Concerning DDTEFP
Set Constants
Set Company Address
Maintain Data Concerning DDTEFP
Set work contract type
Define Specific Employment Category
Determine special action type and category of reasons
Set Contract Types Defined in Enterprise
Maintain Electoral Domains
Set Electoral Colleges
Identify employee organizational assignment section (labor court)
Evaluation of social data
Maintain Constants
Associate Localization Modifier with Domain/Sub-Domain
Maintain Calculation Constants
View Maintenance Table T512W
Processing Classes and Values
Evaluation Classes and Values
Evaluation of social data
Copy Lunch Coupon Wage Types
Modify Constants
Copy Lunch Coupon Calc. Rules and Schema
Modify Feature FTIR1
Enter Continued Pay Modifier by Personnel Area/Subarea
Enter Continued Pay Modifier by EE Group/Status
Enter Continued Pay Modifier
Determine Grace Period for Continued Pay
Define Payroll Period
Define Absence Quotas
Check Personnel Subarea Modifier for Absence Type
Enter Absence Types for Continued Pay
Assign Absence Type to Absence
Activate Continued Pay in the Payroll Schema
Implement Subrogation
Maintain Quota Values When Modifier Changes
Calculate Social Insurance Per Diem Indemnities
Define Payroll Wage Types
Convert Absence Calendar
Enter Values for Constants
Update Absence Quotas before First Payroll Run
Set Maternity IJSS
Check Cumulation Calendar
Define Cumulation Types for Wage Types
Define Cumulation Types
Assign Cumulation Types to Time Units
Define Cumulation Periods
Convert Old Form
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Assign Absences to Absence Valuation Rules
Define Day Rules
Create Wage Type Catalog
Valuate Absences Using 'As If' Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Paid Leave Valuation
Valuate Absences after Quota Deduction
Implementation of specific criteria processing
Presentation of possible extensions
Transfer Payroll Account
Set up RFC Connection
Create RFC User
Load TEDC Tables
Create User Profile and Customize PAC
Test Installation
FADP Constant
Define Communication Scenarios
Enter the agreement number of the UNEDIC
Define the reason for the termination
Define affiliation to the entertainment sector leave fund
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Rules for Calculating Averages
Create Cumulation Rules for Average Bases
Create Adjustment Rules for Average Bases
Calculate Average Bases
Assign Valuation of Averages to Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Adjust Calculation of Averages within the Payroll Run
Maintain indicators for bodies
Maintain data retrieval
Define application
Define wage type group
Check allocation of wage types to groups
Insert client allocations to the existing wage type groups
Define fields and sources
Set field groups
Set up fields groups
Define data sections
Assign fields to sections
Define conditions
Set up conditions
Hold body codes
Hold personnel types
Assign contributions to bodies and personnel types
Maintain company / workplace details
Maintain URSSAF office details
Maintain ASSEDIC office details
BAdI : modify data after file recovery
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Activate Absence Calendar
Define calculation rule for the conditions
Maintain modifier for floating rate contributions
Define form
Define fields and sources
Define wage type grouping
Check wage type assignment to wage type groups
Add customer assignments to existing wage type groups
Define field groups
Build field groups
Define form sections
Assign fields to form
Define conditions
Build conditions
Maintain sending reference of sender structure
Fill Company / Workplace Data
Create Header Data for Company
Recodify work contract code
Recodify employment/contract
Reencode employee's company status
Recodify the employee's collective agreement group status
Fill Workplace Data
Determine special action type and category of reasons
Recodify the employee's AGIRC-ARRCO group status
Associate domain/subdomain to the DADS-U modifier
Define Code of Compulsory Basic Scheme
Set suppl. or special plans or BTP paid leave fund
Enter employment code
Set Up Indicator for Compulsory Basic Scheme
Set compulsory illness risk plan indicator
Set compulsory plan illness risk indicator
Set compulsory work accident plan indicator
Set compulsory pension plan indicator (employer part)
Set compulsory pension plan indicator (wage part)
Set 1st and 2nd category invalidity
Recodify the civil servant corps and agent category codes
Enter the official civil service corps and agent category codes
The DADS-U standard
Maintain the official organization indicators
Define tax liability on salaries
Recodify marital status
Define the period start reason indicators
Enter official codes for off scale groups
Set Up Code of Compulsory Illness Risk Scheme
Set Up Code of Compulsory Industrial Accident Risk Scheme
Set Up Code of Compulsory Retirement Risk Scheme (Employer Contribution)
Set Up Code of Compulsory Retirement Risk Scheme (Employee Contribution)
Recodify collective agreement indicator
Set pension organizations
Specify External Report
Specify Processing Types
Activate calc.
Activate Calculation
Store Additional Values
Check Payroll Constants
Adjust Value Date
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Adjust Screen Control
Maintain Loan Allocation
Set Up Customer Payment Types
Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Check reason codes
Check assignment of reason codes to HCM localization
Check assignment of reason codes to wage type
Replace reason code
BAdI for DUCS application
BAdI: customer-specific processing of DUCS-EDI
Maintain places of work addresses for DUCS
Maintain number range for DUCS EDI
Define address key and communication data
Maintain data linked to roles
Assign roles to places of work
Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS)
Define the personnel category
Assign account no. to the entertainment sector leave fund
Set order number of the statement
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Values
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Modify Address infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Cumulations Display
Set up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
EXample Using New Method
Example Using Old Method
Example : Leave in Window
Example : Time Quota in Single Field
Example : Time Quota in Window
Example: Message in Window
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Activate Social Insurance Compensation in the Payroll Schema
Maintain the payroll parameters
Determine Time for Posting the Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting
Check Cumulation Calendar
Define Cumulation Types for Wage Types
Define Cumulation Types
Assign Cumulation Types to Time Units
Define Cumulation Periods
Assign Processing Classes to Wage Types
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Group Absences for Absence Valuation
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Define Day Rules
Create Wage Type Catalog
Valuate Absences Using "As If" Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Maintain Attributes for Absence Splits (Illness)
Map Customer Specific Absence Types to Standard Absence Types
Valuate Absences Using Quota Deduction
Assign OA absences to absence reporting group
Assign wage types to Accident Insurance Reporting
Annual Tax Statements
Configure Wage Types for Capital Tax
Maintain Capital Tax Rates for Resident Employees
Payment Types (ATS)
Record Identifiers (ATS)
Tax Codes (ATS)
Tax Code Assignment to Record Identifier (ATS)
Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector)
TE Tax Keys (ATS)
TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS)
Payer ID Assignment to Contact Persons (ATS)
Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)
Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS)
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Schedule Relevance Periods for Annual Frozen Averages
Schedule Relevance and Validity Periods for Quarterly Frozen Averages
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Annual Working Time
Define Main Groups for AWT Reporting
Assign Subgroups to Groups for AWT Reporting
Assign Time Wage Type to Subgroups for AWT Reporting
Assign Time Type Class to Absences/Attendances
Create Time Types for AWT
Modify/Copy Time Management Objects
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Assign Valuation Bases
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Identify Parake Structure by Internal Pay Scale Type '02'
Assign Absences to an Off-Cycle Reason
Set Up Absence Valuation for Off-Cycle Activities
Select Payscale TVR-Relevant Groups and Levels
Set Up TVR Hours Cumulation
Carry Out Shift Change Compensation
Set Up Off-Cycle Reason
Check Cumulation Calendar
Set Up report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities
Activate Calculation
Store Additional Values
Check Payroll Constants
Adjust Value Date
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Adjust Screen Control
Control Allocation of Loans
Set Up Customer Payment Types
Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Several Payment Runs per Period (Advance Payment)
Define Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result
Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS)
Remuneration statement as electronic letter (eLetter)
Set up ER contribution handling for accruals in payroll
Maintain Wage Types for Foreign Health Insurance Contributions
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Define Garnishable Net Components
Copy Garnishment Correction Wage Type
Define Payees
Define Payees for Garnishment Payments
Adjust Screen Control
Assign Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types
Define Vacation Bonus Handling
Assign Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types
Create Annual Values
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
Define Membership Fee Types
Define Default Union/Local Payee
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Group
Check Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Permissibility per Infotype
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Define employee subgroup grouping for primary wage types
Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Wage Type Permissibility per PS and ESG
Define Union/Local Payee Details
Maintain Allowed Payees per Membership Type
Maintain Payroll Processing for TUM Fees
Define Trade Unions/Locals for Reporting
Define Maximum Values for Membership Fees
Define Reason for Change
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Group
Check Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Permissibility per Infotype
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Wage Type Permissibility per PS and ESG
Maintain Payroll Processing for Supplementary Pension Contributions
Define Reason for Change
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Group
Check Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Permissibility per Infotype
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Wage Type Permissibilty per PS and ESG
Maintain Payroll Processing for Sickness Fund Contributions
Define Reason for Change
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Group
Check Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Permissibility per Infotype
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Define Employee Subgroup Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Personnel Subarea Grouping for Primary Wage Types
Define Wage Type Permissibilty per PS and ESG
Check Constants
Copy Wage Type for Registering Privately Driven Kilometres
Define Units of Currency
Maintain Additional Personnel Area and Subarea Information
Maintain Employer Information for SI Exemption
Partial Period Parameters for Various Time Units
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
Create Process Model
Interface Toolbox: Connection to Third-Party Systems
Create Wage Type Catalog
Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated
Rename Wage Types for Arrears Processing
Define Rules for Limits
Set Up Wage Type Classes and Attach Limits
Set Limit Modifier
Maintain Wage Types for Limits
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping Account Determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts for Specific Loan Posting
Assign Technical Accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Maintain Wage Type Selection for Earnings Statement
Copy/change SmartForm Template for Earnings Statement
Pension Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
Accident Insurance
Form Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments
Form Cumulation Wage Types Based on Master Data
Create Cumulation Wage Type Based on External Bank Transfers
Places of Business Feature 44POB
Create 10-digit Place of Business Identifiers
Maintain statistical exceptions
Assign wage types to cumulations
Define Special Payments Class
Define Special Payment Wage Types
Determine Entitlement Period Type
Define Fixed Time Specifications
Define Basis for Determining Entitlement
Create Valuation Bases for Special Payments
Specify Reimbursement of Entitlements
Create Quota for Entitlement to Special Payments
Specify Delimitation and Payment
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Wage Type Text
Check 'Special Wage Types' Wage Type Group
Check Whether Entry is Permitted for Wage Type
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Specify Wage Types Permitted for Each PSG and ESG
Code Wage Type as Special Payment
Define Factors for Length of Service in Company
Check Final Processing
Construct Entitlement Quota at a Different Time
Wage Type Settings
Absence Settings
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs
Define Processing Types
Check Access to Day Processing
Define Groupings
Read Planned Working Time from Work Schedule
Import Substitution Data
Import Absence Data
Import Overtime Data
Define Breaks to be Imported
Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data
Determine Break Times
Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedule
Define Generation Rules
Define Groupings
Perform Time Wage Type Selection
Compensate Overtime
Check Tax Constants
Check Amounts
Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Type
Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Type
Absence Settings
Maintain Authorizations
Maintain Profiles
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Maintain Employer Addresses
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Define Period Parameters
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Define Date Modifiers
Maintain Processing Class and Its Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical Views
Maintain Finnish Vacation Payment Factors
Copy and enhance time evaluation schema for vacation handling
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
Update Schema UT00
Determine wage types for regular rate of pay
Maintain overtime adjustment using multiple adjustment rates
Activate non-discretionary bonus processing in schema UAP0
Maintain overtime adjustment using non-discretionary bonus processing
Update schema UT0C
Determine wage types for regular rate of pay
Specify Currency Units
Copy contributions assessment bases
Adopt contribution assessment bases
Create assessment bases
Determine date/time for segment activation
Transfer segment as object of additional controlling
Deactivate restriction to FM area
Define distribution category
Maintain wage type group for cost distribution
Activate cost distribution via XCODI function
Adjust account assignment type for symbolic accounts
Determine date/time for payment record
Specify bank clearing account for HR payments
Enter allowed values for fixed FM/GM assignment
Activate group for fixed assignment for FM/GM
Maintain wage types for distribution retro. accounting with entry principle
Note on relevance
Possible solutions within framework of new general accounting
Maintain object selection characteristic
Enter wage types for posting payments
Activate cost distribution
Distribution of debt wage types and inflow principle
Distribution on actual charges of debt wage types
BAdI: process overlapping absences
Determine Payroll Offset Modifier for Contributions Accounting
Assign Payroll Offset Modifier for Contributions Accounting
Activate Payroll Offset Indicator
Partial Period Parameters for Different Time Units
Interface Toolbox: Connection to Third-Party Systems
Assign contributions models to employees
Create organizations
Maintain assessment bases
Maintain contributions
Create contributions
Assign contributions to organizations
Maintain Addresses
Create contributions models
Maintain the contributions model validity period
Specific contracts
Copy contributions models
Assign contributions to models
Indicate whether the work contract is public/private law
Progressive accrual for part-time work
Check constants for social and fiscal return
Indicate contribution categories
Maintain the payroll parameter
Transfer segment as object of additional controlling
Specify bank compensation account for HR payments
Maintain object selection characteristic
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping Account Determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Assign Loan Postings for Employees
Assign Technical Accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Create Report Variants
Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
Define settings for Customer-Exits
Check payroll results posting
IJPCA Constant
IJPCA Constant
Create assessment bases
Deactivate restriction to FM area
Define distribution category
Adjust account assignment type for symbolic accounts
Define date/time for recording of payments
Adapt advance payment from the basic data for the recording
Enter allowed values for fixed FM/GM assignment
Activate group for fixed assignment for FM/GM
Schema for Public Service
Check the categories for the beneficiaries
Valuation Bases
Define a reduction factor
check the generation of the absence calendar
Recovery of differences on gross /**
Implementation: BAdI Implementation TNM Booking Integration
Define subtypes available for IT Description (1002) in TNM transaction
Define Cost Items
Enhance Infotype Class Management/Screen
Define TNM Localization
Enhance Infotype Factory Class
Verify Training Finance Sources
Assign Average Hourly Rate to Training Employee Group
Define Checking Tabstrip
Define and Assign Employee Training Group
Refine Training Classifications
Check amounts for social and fiscal return
BAdI : Define employment fraction of part time employment
Configure form with Adobe Form
Assign contributions types to contributions
BAdI : extension to contributions standard calculation
Contributions: general description of the revision
Create attributes for IA contributions
Assign percentages and/or floating rate contributions attributes
Maintain modifier for floating rate contributions
Refine the contribution rule modifier
Maintain contribution rule modifier
Define rule
Set up application areas
Assign first signatory Maintenance object missing!
Assign second signatory Maintenance object missing
Define issuer
Maintain direct assignation
Convert evaluation classes into wage type bases
Set wage type bases
Set up authorizations
Copy statement/certificate
Define statement/certificate parameters
Configure SAPscript form
Maintain standard texts
Assign standard texts to forms
Define archiving of forms
Set up Statements/Certificates functions
Set up Statements/Certificates tables
Define statement/certificate parameters
Maintain standard texts
Assign standard texts to forms
Define archiving of forms
Adapt statement/certificate wage types to SAP clients
General presentation
Assign percentages and/or floating rate contributions attributes
Create floating rate contributions types
Maintain variable rate contribution modifier
Maintain conditions types
Define rule
Create conditions types
Define the condition
Maintain rule types
Create contribution rule
Create attributes for IA contributions
Define conditions
Specify the condition
Assign conditions types to contributions
Maintain social institution addresses
Create Header Data for Company
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs
Define Processing Types
Define Groupings
Read Planned Working Time from Work Schedule
Import Substitution Data
Import Absences
Import Overtime Data
Define Breaks to Be Imported
Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data
Determine Break Times
Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedule
Define Generation Rules
Define Groupings
Generate Wage Types
Compensate Overtime
Maintain Authorizations
Maintain Profiles
Check Payroll Accounting Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Employer Addresses
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Set up sender address
Define Period Settings
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Define Date Modifiers
Maintain Processing Classes and Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Specifications
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical View
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Calculate Average Bases
Create Rules for Calculating Averages
Assign Valuation of Averages to Primary Wage Type
BAdI: modify the salary statement (STA)
BAdI: modify the salary statement (ILL, MAT)
BadI: extensions to the standard contribution calculations
NI Lower and Upper Earnings Levels
NI Contribution Rates
Set Up NI Wage Types
Percentage Rate Tax
Fixed Rate Tax
Set Up PAYE Wage Types
Set Up Court Order Wage Types
Convert Old Customer Form
Convert Old Customer Form
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Assign Absence Valuation Rules to Absences
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Create Wage Type Catalog
Valuate Absences Using 'As If' Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Display SMP Rates
Set Up SSP Wage Types
Display SSP Rates
Set Up SMP Wage Types
Set Up AWE Relevance
Valuate Absences Using Quota Deduction
Copy Wage Types
Maintain Process Model
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Set Up Average Wage Types
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Create Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Adjust Calculation of Averages within the Payroll Run
Nachteilsausgleich durchführen
Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS)
Wage Type Catalogue
Set Up Current Benefit Area
Define Wage Types for Benefit Plans
Assign Deduction Models
Assign Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Runs
Set Up Official Rates
Deactivate Loans
Adjust Value Date
Check Constants
Value Determination
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Create a Loan Type
Assign Repayment Type
Create Loan Conditions
Determine Time for Posting Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting
Maintain dynamic measure for syncronisation with Travel Management
Maintain Car allowance for Essential users
Maintain Vehicle class
Maintain Vehicle type for business mileage and tax purposes
BADI: Controlling the Posting of Payroll Results
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Assign Valuation Bases
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Specify External Application
Specify Wage Types
Activate Calculation
Check Cumulation Calendar
Define Cumulation Types
Assign Cumulation Types to Time Units
Define Cumulation Periods
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Create Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Adjust Calculation of Averages Within the Payroll
Adjust Screen Control
Activate Taxable Benefit Calculation
Include Function in Schema
Maintain Court Order Deletion Details
Maintain Retroactive Accounting Recognition
Maintain the Rule for Determining Entry Date
Maintain the Rule for Determining the Leaving Date
Determine the Employer Name for Legal Reporting
Determine Employee Addresses for EOY Reporting
Maintain Supplementary Fields for the P35 Form
Maintain Constants for Statutory Absence Recovery Rates
Generate P14 Forms for P38A Employee Data
Check the Wage Type Assignment for End-of-Year Reporting
Review the End-of-Year Forms
Maintain the Maximum Incentive Payment Allowed
NI Cost Distribution
Execute the NI Data Take-on Report
Maintain Wage Types for P11D Cumulation Wage Types
Conversion of Evaluation Class 11
Generate P11D and P11D(b) Forms
Customer Exits
Display Statutory SMP Exclusions
Display SMP Constants
Set up SAP Wage Types
Display SAP Rates
Display Statutory SAP Exclusions
Display SAP Constants
Set up SPP Wage Types
Display SPP Rates
Display Statutory SPP Exclusions
Display SPP Constants
Display Statutory SSP Exclusions
Display SSP Constants
Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings for SSP
Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings for SMP, SPP, SAP
Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings for SSP
Display SMP/SPP/SAP Rates
Display SMP/SPP/SAP Statutory Exclusions
SMP/SPP/SAP Constants
QDP Configuration: SxP Phase II
Define Qualifying Day Patterns
Define Qualifying Day Patterns
Assign Days to QDP Week Type
Assign Week Types to QDPs
Assign QDPs to QDP Groupings
Set Up Employee QDP Groupings
Run SSP QDP Migration Check
Solution Changeover Date: GBSxP Phase II
Activating GBSxP Phase II
Solution Changeover Date: Changes across End-of-Year
Run SxP and OxP Scheme Overview Report
Define Part Period Factors for SxP and OxP Costs Report
Define Solution Changeover Date
Activate New Payroll GB Solution
Set Up Unavailability Reasons
Set Up Payroll Period for Class 1A NICs
Set Up Cumulation Wage Types
Set Up Deduction Wage Types
Check Payroll Schema
Define Priority for Deductions
Maintain Recovery of Arrears with Balances and Totals
Maintain Arrears Deductions for Retroactive Accounting
Split Unconditional Deductions into Paid Amount and Advance
Check Wage Type Group 'Deductions for Arrears'
Maintain Constant Values for Minimum Wage
Maintain Constant Values for Minimum Wage
Assign Wage Types to Minimum Wage Processing
Maintain Loan Types
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Define BSR No. for the related Payee key (GB)
Activate Customer Exit for Remuneration Statement
Internet Connection for the Remuneration Statement
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Entgeltnachweis einrichten
Convert Old Form
Activate Multiple Employment Options in the Single Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Wage Type in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Define Deductions to be Used
Determine Behaviour of Tax Refund During Gross-Up
Create Annual Values
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
Set Up Loan Wage Types
Define Units of Currency
Determine Time for Activating Segments
Enter requirements for the New General Ledger
Deactivate Restriction on a Financial Management Area
Define Type of Distribution
Maintain Wage Type Grouping for Cost Distribution
Activate Cost Distribution Using Function XCODI
Adjust Account Assignment Types for Symbolic Accounts
Determine Time for Posting Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Create Permissible Values for Standard Accounting FM/GM
Set Grouping Standard Accounting for FM/GM
Maintain Relevant Wage Types for Retroactive Accounting Differences
Note about relevance of these settings
Possible Solutions in New General Ledger
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Enter Wage Types for Posting Payments
Set Up Net Transfer Wage Types
Automatic Processing
Create Payment Band Wage Types
Create Payment Band Valuation Rules
Define Payment Band Valuation Rules
Attach Payment Band Valuation Rule Groupings
Business Processing Options
End Rules
End Rules
Start Rules
Start Rules
Absence Grouping
Absence Subtype Groupings
Time Units
Time Unit Groupings
Time Unit Multipliers
Non-Qualifying Day Pattern for Reducing Entitlement
Activate Part Day Processing
Activate the Customer Exit For 'Part Days'
Part Day Absence Valuation Rules
Non-Qualifying Days Pattern for Payment
Create "From Where" Rules
Create "How Far Bck/Fwd" Rules
Activate the Customer Exit for "From Where" Methods
Activate the Customer Exit for Rollback Periods
Absence Evaluation Scheme Rules
Create Absence Groupings
Attach Absence Groupings
Create Time Units
Create Time Unit Groupings
Create Time Unit Multipliers
Activate the Customer Exit for Time Unit Multipliers
Activate the Customer Exit for Entitlement Amounts
Activate the Customer Exit for Rollback Periods
Create Non-Qualifying Days Rule
Activate Part Day Processing
Activate the Customer Exit For Part Day Factoring
Activate Part Day processing for Absence Subtypes
Create Non-Payment Days Rules
Attach A Nil Pay Payment Band To A Scheme
Activate the Customer Exit for 'Nil Pay'
Activate the Customer Exit for Overriding Entitlements
Activate the Customer Exit for Overriding Absence Schemes
Activate Absence Entry Checking
Activate Absence Entry Checking
Open End Absence Processing Limit
Activate Manual Absence Splitting
Activate the Customer Exit for Manual Absence Splitting
Select The Absence Breakdown Report Type
Create Absence Evaluation Scheme
Attach Absence Evaluation Scheme
Refine Absence Evaluation Scheme
Create Absence Evaluation Scheme Rules
De-activate Automatic Splitting of Absences
Attach a Seniority Calculation
Activate the Customer Exit for Seniority Calculation Adjustment
Attach Age Calculation
Activate Original Absence Record Retention In Payroll
Absence Payment, Rates, Divisors and Factors
Define OSP and OMP Daily Rates
Notional Absence Payment Wage Types
Define OMP Payment Wage Types
Create Limiting Rules
Attach a Entitlement Calculation Type
Age as at a Calendar Date
Absence Evaluation Schemes
Attaching an Absence Evaluation Scheme
De-activate Absence Entry Checking
Define Absence Subtype Mapping
Employee "go live" date definition
Generate Used Entitlement History
Check Used Entitlement History
Absence Evaluation Scheme Rules
Absence Payment
Offsetting Statutory and Occupational Absence Payments
Set Up Pension Wage Types
Partial Period Parameter for Different Time Units
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
Interface Toolbox: Connection to Third-Party Systems
Set Up Retroaction Wage Types
Payroll Results Check Tool
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping Account Determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts

Length: 351699 Date: 20240921 Time: 052215

Count: 1824     sap01-206 ( 1812 ms ) This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.