IMG Activities

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHAATZ020 up to OHADBAV390A

Complete IMG Activities Documentation From OHAATZ020 up to OHADBAV390A

This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
Count: 2119 Skipped: 0
IMG Activities
Convert Old Customer Form
Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet
Maintain Roles
Check Payroll Area
Check Payroll Periods
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Maintain Processing Classes and their Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and their Specifications
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical View
Set Up Basic Pay
Set Up Overtime and Extra Hours
Set Up Bonuses and Premiums
Set Up Additional Wage Types
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Determine Time for Activating Segments
Use Segment as Additional Controlling Object
Deactivate Restriction on a Financial Management Area
Maintain Wage Type Grouping for Cost Distribution
Activate Cost Distribution Using Function XCODI
Adjust Account Assignment Types for Symbolic Accounts
Determine Time for Posting the Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting
Create Permissible Values for Standard Accounting FM/GM
Maintain Wage Types for Distributing Retro.Accntng With Inflow Principle
Note on Relevancy
Possible Solutions in New General Ledger
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Enter Wage Types for Posting Payments
Modify Comprehensive Pension Insurance
Modify Imputed Income from Work Relationship
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Additional Reductions
Additional Reductions
Check SI Data in Authorities Table
Check Minimum and Maximum Reduction Amounts
Obsolete: Continued Pay Validity Periods
Check SI Constant
Check SI Constant
Check Minimum and Maximum Reduction Amounts
Obsolete: Grace Day and Repetition of Sickness
Check Processing Class 81
Check SI Constants
Obsolete: Absence Conflicts
Check Processing Class 81
Additional Reductions
Rail Tariff
Bonus or Reimbursement for Rail Tariff
Tax Tables
Raise Tax Calculation Basis According to Payroll Regime
Taxable Total and Grouping
Payroll Constants for Tax Calculation
Calculation of Tax Scales
Defaulting of Tax Fields
Check Tax Constants
Prepare Tax Scales
Parameter Settings
Distribution of Wage Types for SI (RSZ)
Payroll Constants for SI Calculation
Set Up Special SI Days
Determine Attendance/Absence Days, Payment of SI
Special SI Contribution
Number of Active Employees for FSF Fund
Maribel Reduction
Reductions for Hiring of Young Workers
Additional Reductions on Employer's SI Contributions
Reductions for Low Wages
Definition of Minimum Wages
Normal Employers Contributions
Normal Employer Contributions
Special Employer Contributions
Check Social Insurance Constants
Constants for Belcotax Declaration
Belcotax Field Specifications
Rules for Belcotax Declaration
Set Up Form Background
Set Up Data in Fixed Positions
Constants for SI Declaration
Definition of SI Periods
Sequence of SI Declaration Structure
Level/Block Sequence of SI Declaration
Social Insurance Declaration Format
Logic of SI Payments
Logic of SI Reductions
Set Up Form Background
Definition of Quarterly Control Ticket
Wage types for Social Insurance Declaration
Assimilated days
Remuneration data
Check personnel actions
Check work regime
Check Paritee Comite
Valuate Leave
Adjust Calculation of Averages Within the Payroll Run
Social Balance Coding Table
Contract Type (Belgium)
Mapping Table Education Level
Mapping Table Action Type - Reason of Action for IT0000
Select Employee for Social Balance
Mapping table Reduction Type - Social Balance codes
Check Gross Cumulations
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Adjust Basic Pay to Prevent Errors in Rounding
Early Single/Double Vacation Bonus at Contract End Date
Basic Pay
Store LRT in RT and IT
Wage Type Assignment
Adjust Screen Controls
Determine Screen Setup
Define end date proposal
Define Allowance Subgroup
Adjust Screen Controls
Determine Screen Setup
Activate Indemnity Calculation
Copy Personnel Calculation Rule
Adjust Personnel Calculation Schema
Copy Wage Types
Maintain Wage Types
Maintain Contribution Rates and Minimums
Make Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result
Hourly rates with several decimal places
Specify External Application
Specify Wage Types
Activate Calculation
BAdI: Allows different operations related to the payroll account
Set Up Customer Payment Types
Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Set up authorizations
Set Up Authorizations
Create Number Range
Maintain Constants
BAdI: Set Directory for Upload and Download
BAdI: Check Reference
Deletion (check texte?)
Check Settings
B2A Manager
Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS)
Model G Form
Check Tables
Check Tables
Check Tables
Check Evaluation Class
Set Up Form
Activate User Exit
Maintain Educational Leave Quota
Maintain Constants Max Reimbursable Monthly Wage
Translation Table Educational Leave Quota
Maintain Company Data for Educ.Leave Reimbursement forms
Maintain Leave Types
Include Function in Subschema
Maintain Constant Multiple Decimal Correction
Determine Time for Posting the Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting
Social Risk: Overview
Convert Old Customer Form
Convert Old Customer Form
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Group Absences for Absence Valuation
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Define Day Rules
Create Wage Type Catalog
Include Functions in Subschema
Valuate Absences Using 'As If' Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Valuate Absences Using Quota Deduction
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Create Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Assign Valuation Bases
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Define Pollution Categories
Define Pollution Categories by Fuel Type
Define CO2 Coefficient
Include Function in Subschema
Define Car Models
Define Company Car Contributions
Maintain Engine Type
Register Leasing Company and Lease Category
Define CO2 Reference Values by Pollution Category
Obsolete: Set up Company Car Models and Fiscal Horsepower
Define CO2 Emission Percentages and Limits
Obsolete: Define Fiscal HP Categories
Obsolete: Define Fiscal HP Rates per Kilometer
Company Car Contributions: Overview
Build up Conditions
Specify Conditions
Display the source of the Fields
Assign Fields to a Section
Define Fields and assign the Source
Define Forms
Define Sections of a Form
Build up Field Groups
Specify Field groups
Check Assignment of Wage Types of existing Wage Type Groups
Add Customer specific Assignements to existing Wage Type Groups
Define Wage Type Groupings
Activate Calculation
Store Additional Values
Check Constants
Adjust Value Date
Maintain Loan Types
Maintain Loan Types
Control Allocation of Loans
Adjust Screen Control
BAdI: Get the number of worked days relevant for justification
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Note Several Payment Runs per Period for Garnishments
Make Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result
Internet Connection for the Remuneration Statement
Set up Employee Groupings
Link Companies/EEGroupings to Institutions and Maintain Contacts
Link Subareas/EEGroupings to Institutions and Maintain Contact Persons
Assign Employee Groupings to Employee Groups / Subgroups
Define Payroll Control
Hourly Wage
Time Ticket Form
Check Procedure in Payroll
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Assignment to 'Incentive Wages' Wage Type Group
Maintain Wage Types for Transfer to Cost Accounting
Check Bases for Calculating Average Values
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
BAdI: Reporting for Company Loans
Maintain Reimbursement Group
Define Cost Types
Define Cost Types
Define Modifier Values
Define Means of Transport
Define Means of Transport
Define Mobility Groups for Reporting
Assign Mobility Groups for Reporting
Define Reimbursement Rules
Define Cost Types
Define Mobility Modifier Values
Connect Feature to Calculation Parameters
Include Function in Subschema
Define Default Values for Groupings
Define Default Values for Pricing
Define Fixed Reimbursement
Create Your Own Mobility Wage Types
Define Units of Currency
Define SI File Anomalies
Map Legal SI Section Codes to SAP Codes
Maintain Partial Period Paramenter According to Time Unit
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
BAdI: Reporting for Company Loans
Create Wage Type Catalog
Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping Account Determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Assign Loan Postings for Employees
Assign Technical Accounts
Set Up Fixed Costs Postings
Check Consistency of Customizing
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Create Report Variants
Authorizations and Profiles
Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
Select Employees for Social Balance Reporting
Maintain Contract Types (Belgium)
Maintain Education Levels
Maintain Action Types for Action (0000) Infotype
Maintain Employer Grouping Values
Maintain Employer Grouping Feature
Maintain Employee Grouping Values
Maintain Employee Grouping Feature
Maintain External Global Data
Maintain SAP Declaration Codes
Maintain Legal Declaration Codes
Maintain SAP to Legal Declaration Codes Mapping
Form Cumulation Wage Types Based on Master Data
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs
Define Processing Types
Check Access to Day Processing
Define Groupings
Read Planned Working Time from Work Schedule
Import Substitution Data
Import Absences
Import Overtime Data
Define Breaks to be Imported
Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data
Determine Break Times
Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedule
Define Generation Rules
Define Groupings
Execute Time Wage Type Selection Rule
Compensate Overtime
Maintain Authorizations
Maintain Profiles
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Maintain Employer Addresses
Define Period Parameters
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Define Date Modifiers
Maintain Processing Class and Its Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical View
Set up Customers Payment Types
Create Process Model
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Copy Holiday Pay Wage Types
Holiday Pay Schema
Payroll Constants for Holiday Pay
Forms for Holiday Pay
Copy Holiday Pay Wage Types
Maintain Schema for Holiday Pay
Form Annual Values
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Split for Distribution of Basis
Cumulation of Payment Amount
Check Net Cumulations
Transfer Amount
Code of Advantage
Kind of Pension
Juridical Statute
Code of Special Rule
Code ZIV Contribution
kind of Pension Calculation
Periodicity Payments of Pension Advantage
Origin of Advantage
Index Type
Defaulting Fields Infotype 0503
Defaulting Fields Infotype 0504
Activation Reading of Pensioners Data
Wage Type Maintenance
Copy Pensioners Wage Types
Generate Absence Sequences (Absence Splitting)
Define Belgian Absence Modifiers
Manage Neighboring Absences
Manage Absence Collisions
Define Internal Absence Codes
Define Absence Category Attributes
Map Infotype Date Types to Internal Date Types
Define Illness Attributes
Map Internal Absence Codes to Absence Categories
Manage Public Holidays During Absences
Activate Personal Calendar
Run conversion report old to new customizing
BAdI: Personal Calendar
Prolong Probationary Period with Absences
Define RPI Absence Code
Define Payee Key
Define Permissibility of Payee Key
Garnishments Limits
Assign Technical Wage Types to Garnishment Types
Define Garnishment Types
Assign protective codes to payment wagetypes
Include payroll function in subschema
BAdI: Create enhancements for protective code
Define Integration Income Categories
BAdI: DUCS data correction after external file and before ALV
BadI: extensions and personalization of the fields of the DUCS structure
View payment receipt through the Internet
Determine moment for posting of payments
Specify bank clearing account for HR payments
Adjust payment advance master data for posting
BAdI: Controllig the Posting of Payroll Results
Create process model for subsequent processing of off-cycle payroll
Check calendar for cumulation
Define cumulation types for wage types
Set cumulation types
Assign cumulation types to time units
Define cumulation periods
Convert old customer's form
Set absence valuation rules
Group absences for absence valuation
Set groupings for absence valuation
Set day rules
Create wage type catalog (old solution)
Valuate absences according to "as if" principle
Special processing for absence valuation rules
Create counting classes for absence valuation (old solution)
Valuate absences through constants/averages
Maintain special rules for absence valuation w/different contrib.deduction
Calculate monthly net wage rounding
Calculate advance wage payment
Advance payment percentage
Maintain absence number to allow advance payment calculation
Maintain split of absence valuation periods
Calculate leave wage types (old solution)
Calculate absence wage types in specific cases: sick pay
Define wage percentage in case of sick pay
Assign third-party payment
Maintain split of absence average wage types
Set absence regarded as unjustified absence for leave entitlement
Assign absence types grouping
Assign absence quota type grouping
Assign grouping of absence quota compensation types
Maintain scheme to activate PWR/acquisition period control
Maintain scheme to activate arrears control
Basics on average valuation
Form basis for mean values calculation
Maintain inflation index for averages
Create calculation rules for averages
Assign average valuation of a main salary type
Wage types catalog
Set current benefit area
Determine wage types for plans
Assign deduction models
Assign reasons for off-cycle payroll
Define salary type-dependent constants
Set collective agreement-dependent constants
Create person related valuation basis
Assign valuation bases
Determine valuation basis for different payment
Calculate valuation basis with higher value
Maintain calculation of leave value
Process current period's payroll run
Process values regarding retroactive accounting
Maintain calculation of confederative contribution
Maintain calculation of assistance contribution
Transfer payroll accounts
Check payroll scheme
Define priorities for deductions
Maintain deductions arrears for retroactive accounting
Split unconditional deductions in paid amount and advance
Check "Deductions for arrears" wage type group
Activate calculation
Adjust calculation
Check Payroll Constants
Adjust Value Date
Maintain Loan Types
Create loan type
Assign amortization type
Adjust Screen Control
Create loan conditions
Control Allocation of Loans
Set PWR calculation basis
Set criterion for PWR discount
Set absence types for PWR discount
Set PWR calculation formula
Maintain time scheme to activate PWR
Maintain time wage type creation scheme to activate PWR
Update constants for Christmas allowance
Set up house banks
Define sending banks
Check text keys for payment transactions
Hold several payment runs per period for garnishment
Average technical wage types for Christmas allowance calculation
Christmas allowance average wage types
Set percentage for first parcel calculation
Configure projection of denominators
Configure last payroll result transfer
Maintain movement code for FGTS withdrawal
Day of the month for Length of Service Guarantee Fund payment order
Maintain Seniority Rserve Fund movement code for FCSWI
Check worker category code for FCSWI
Dependents Declaration
Option declaration by the Length of Service Guarantee Fund
SIAL movement codes
Maintain SIB wage earner contribution table (old solution)
Maintain SI self-employed contribution table
Define reading of SIB wage earner table scale (old solution)
Maintain wage type groups for salary specification contribution
Maintain valid minimum salary
Maintain hazardous activity percentage for collections
Maintain health risk premium and hazard bonus percentage to employee groups
Month working hours for health risk premium calculation
Assign employee group/subgroup to health risk and hazard percentage rate
Maintain minimum value for IT discount
Maintain IT deduction value due to seniority
Maintain IT deduction value per dependent
Age limit for IT deduction due to seniority
Maintain WIT table
Define IT table scale reading
Adapt annual values
Adapt reduction factors
Assign reduction factors
Adapt wage types for cost accounting
Set currency units
Assign absences to off-cycle payment reason
Create absence valuation for off-cycle payment activities
Set default values for off-cycle payment
Set check print with manual assignment
Create process models
Check form of payment
Create reasons for off-cycle payment
Replace checks
Create variants for off-cycle payment activities
Partial period parameter in different time units
Set planning for payment calendar
Specify payroll driver version
Create process model
Minimum number of working days for PRS proportional calculation
Copy planned period wage types
Maintain processing classes
Maintain planned period wage types
Define constant DAYPP
Transfer wage type value
Activate scheme
Define constant DAYPP
Eligibility calculation rule
PSP calculation
Check antecipation discount
Rename wage types for priority discounts
Set rules for limits
Set wage type classes and apply limits
Check limit modifier
Maintain wage types for limits
Maintain eligibility information for severance pay
Average wage types for notice upon termination
Set up wage types overview
Get account overview
Posting to intercompany clearing accounts
Define employee grouping for account determination
Assign type of account assignment to wage types
Store symbolic accounts
Assign balance sheet accounts
Assign expense accounts
Assign customer accounts
Assign vendor accounts
Assign loan accounts
Assign technical accounts
Define fixed costs posting
Check Customizing consistency
Maintain posting date for payroll periods
Assign substitute cost centers
Set up line item text
Create accounting variants
Create variants
Configure export to R/2 or R/3 system or previous to 4.0
Set customer exit
Maintain employee's education allowance value
Maintain dependent's education allowance value
Limit of absence days to receive child allowance from SIB
Update types of eligible dependents
Dependent's maximum age for child allowance
Man's maximum age to receive child allowance from the employer
Woman's maximum age to receive child allowance from the employer
Rural man's maximum age to receive child allowance from the employer
Rural woman's maximum age to receive child allowance from the employer
Dependent's maximum age for compulsory submission of vaccination card
Maintain child allowance table
Determine child allowance table scale reading
Maintain unions information
Maintain information for union dues
Time-dependent payment wage types cumulation form
Master data-dependent payments wage types cumulation form
External bank transfer-dependent wage types cumulation form
Set time types
Assign identifiers to time pair
Set processing types
Check access to day processing
Define groupings
Read work schedule planned working time
Import substitution data
Import absence data
Import overtime data
Set breaks to be imported
Compare daily work schedule with period data
Calculate break times
Set valuation classes for period work schedule
Set generation rules
Define groupings
Create wage types
Compensate overtime
Maintain authorizations
Check payroll area
Create payroll per periods
Maintain employee addresses
Create calendar for wage types cumulation
Set modifiers per period
Protect payroll run rules
Set date modifiers
Maintain processing classes and its specifications
Maintain evaluation classes and its specifications
Check assignment to wage type groups
Check logical view
Employee's lunch coupon discount percentage
Calculate lunch coupon value
Import Recurring Payments
Define Different Payments
Check Social Insurance Constants
Check Periodicity
Check Start Date Holiday Period Blue-collars
Check Employer and Employee Categories
Include Function in Subschema
Set Up Dismissal Allowance
Set Up Dismissal Allowance
Employer Contributions
Normal Employer Contributions
Special Employer Contributions
Number of Active Employees for Factory Shutdown Fund
Define Contribution Rates for Factory Shut Down Fund
Normal Employee Contributions
Special Social Insurance Contribution
Check Minimum/Maximum Reduction Amounts
Check Social Insurance Constant
Check Processing Class
Additional Reductions
Define Minimum Wages
Check Social Insurance Number
Sequence of Social Insurance Declaration Structure
Level/Block Sequence of Social Insurance Declaration
Social Insurance Declaration Format
Check SI-Relevant Data
Check Personnel Actions
Wage Types for Social Insurance Declaration
Assimilated Days
Remuneration Information
Check Workschedule
Check Frequency of Payment
Check Joint Commission
Check Minimum/Maximum Reduction Amounts
Check Social Insurance Constants
Check Processing Class
Additional Reductions
Check Form
Define Statistical Slip
Set Default Values for Infotype Planned Working Time
Set Default Values for Local Units in Infotype Contract Elements
Maintain Local Units
Maintain Additional SI Contributions
Maintain Employee SI Information
Assign Joint Commission to Employee Category
Maintain Activities with Risks
Check Standard Functions for Employee and SI Information
Check DMFA-Specific Function for Employment Information
Check Service and Remuneration Codes
Check DMFA-Specific Functions for Service and Remuneration Codes
Define Sectors
Activate DMFA Functionality
Define Scenarios
Business Add-In: Change Calculation Method
Define Risk Identifiers
Maintain Deductions
Define Text Modifiers
Maintain Groups for Deduction Codes
Assign Deductions to Group
Define Text Identifiers
Check Deduction Attributes
Define Comments
Define Public Holiday Substitutions
Assign Conditions to Nature of Day Code
Business Add-in: Providing Different User References
Obsolete: Determine Labour Commission
Determine Address Subtype
Obsolete: Set Dimona Start Date
Obsolete: Maintain Constant
Maintain Dimona Information
Obsolete: Check Dimona Relevance
Obsolete: Install Digital Certificate
Obsolete: Set Default Path for Electronic Dimona Files
Set Amounts for Additional Deductions
Define Work Allowance Conditions
Business Add-in: Limitation of SI deductions
Manual inclusion - Contributions unrelated to natural person
Activate and Maintain Alternative Reduction Texts
Form Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments
Check Cumulation Wage Types Based on Technical Wage Types
Create Cumulation Wage Type Based on External Bank Transfers
Check Tax Constants
Maintain Tax Tables for Periodic Remunerations
Check Constants
Maintain Multiple Tax Slips
Maintain Tax Scales for Non-Periodic Remunerations
Generate Tax Scales for Periodic Remunerations
Create Base for Taxable Amount
Create Wage Types for Tax Calculation
Define Default Values for Tax Infotype
Include Function in Subschema
Define Constant
Define Tax Constant
Maintain Non-Specific Fields
Define Wage Types
Activate User Exits
Maintain Tax Slips
Maintain fiche 281.18 substitution incomes
Check Activation of Tax Calculation from Income Foreign Affiliates
Assign wage types to wage type groups
Maintain sub-schema BFC0
B2A Manager
Set Up Authorizations
Create Number Range
Maintain Constants
Check Settings
Copy Assignment of Wage Types (Fiches and Zones) to Internet Framework
Assign Wage Type to Tax Declaration
Assign Wage Type to Tax Declaration
Link Form variant to logical form name
Define Entry Date
Maintain Evaluation Class
BAdI: BELCOTAX - Additional Fiches Customer Specific Handling
BAdI: FINPROF - Additional Customer Specific Handling
Link NIS Landcode to ISO Landcode
Customize Variable Texts for Printout Forms
BAdI: BELCOTAX - Print Fiches from the TemSe
BAdI: BELCOTAX - Additional Information for Printed Forms
Link Printout Formular to a Fiche and choose Form Type
Check DAQ Settings
Maintain Features
Maintain mapping of marital status of infotype 0002 to BELCOTAX codes
Use Employee Modifier to Change Declaration Base for Employee Data
Specify Archiving of Forms
Define Wage Types for Taxable Exemptions
Map Zones to Belcotax Payment Descriptions
Define Attributes for Belcotax Payment Descriptions
Define Belcotax Fiche Codes
Display Payment Qualitifactions for BELCOTAX Declarations
Activate User Exit for Negative Amounts
Authority Types (Obsolete)
Authorities (Obsolete)
Link to Personnel Area (Obsolete)
Activate International Addresses
Maintain Customer Languages
Maintain Addresses
Obsolete - Copy Institution Data to New Tables
Maintain Institution Groups
Maintain Institutions
Link Companies to Institutions and Maintain Contact Persons
Maintain Institution-Specific Information
Link Personnel Subareas to Institutions and Maintain Contact Persons
Maintain Personnel Subareas and Company Codes
Determine Usage of Institution Tables Functionality
Define Company ID Name and Address
Activate Coding
Maintain Contribution Rates and Minimums
Capelo Company Relevancy
Employer Class / Worker Code - Capelo Relevancy
Check Conditions (OPSD)
Activate Duplicate Prevention
Prepare Reference Data
Maintain Central Table with Reference Data
Prepare Data
Determine Joint Commission
Set Dimona Start Date
Maintain Constant
Check Dimona Relevance
Change Logic Used for Preparation
Determine Screen Setup
Create Number Range
Maintain Contract Types
Convert Old Customer Form
Convert Old Customer Form
Valuate absences using quotas
Define payroll program for the Adjustments Workbench
Define payroll variant for adjustments
Define time constraints for adjustments
Define permissibility of wage types
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Assign Absence Valuation Rules to Absences
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences Using "As If" Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Check Wage Type Conversion
Create wage type catalogue
Set current benefit area
Create gross compensation model
Configure gross compensation model
Define wage types for benefit plans
Assign deduction model
Assign reasons for off-cycle payroll
Create wage type catalogue
Check wage type group "Banked Overtime"
Assign number range intervals
Define Magnetic Media file path
Create wage type catalogue
Check wage type group "Canada Savings Bonds"
Define cumulation/processing class specifications
Check wage type text
Check entry permissibility per infotype
Check wage type characteristics
Configure feature 10CCM
Assign infotype screen for CSP-relevant absence types
Specify CSP-relevant absence types for absences PSG
Check sick pay period durations
Check split payment valuation rules for STD/LTD plans
Check absence breakdown for STD/LTD plans
Disable automatic STD period creation in IT2001
Copy wage types for prepaid deductions
Link prepaid deduction wage types
Specify external application
Specify wage types
Activate calculation
Define text keys for payment transactions
Define Internet link for remuneration statement
Design form
Copy form
Maintain evaluation classes and their specifications
Define alternative currency
Set up address
Change Addresses infotype (0006)
Create draft form
Copy form
Define evaluation classes and their processing class specifications
Define alternative currency
Set up address
Change the Addresses infotype (0006)
Set up payroll account
Convert previous form
Set up page header
Set up payroll excerpts
Set up continuation excerpts
Set up display of totals
Convert previous form
Set up remuneration statement
Example: Cumulation identifiers in individual fields
Example using the new procedure
Example using the previous procedure
Example: Vacation in a window
Example: Time quota in an individual field
Example: Time quota in a window
Example: Message in a window
Set up Customer Exits
Assign absences to an off-cycle reason
Set up absence valuation for off-cycle activities
Define default values for payroll results
Define default values for advance payments
Make settings for cheque printing with manual number assignment
Create process models
Create process model for mass off-cycle payments
Verify payment keys
Set up off-cycle reasons
Replace cheques
Set up report variants for off-cycle activities
Define default values for wage types
Define default values for payment methods
Configure Payroll Outsourcing features
Convert wage types to be limited
Maintain number range intervals for addresses
Define countries of residence, for tax purposes, of non-resident employees
Define country/region of residence of non-resident employees
Define work cities of non-resident employees
Define CRA Business Number reporting addresses
Define MRQ Taxation IDs
Define MRQ Taxation ID reporting addresses
Define amendment threshold amount/custom sort field printing
Define address subtype for form printing and distribution
Define Magnetic Media (non-XML & XML) file path, ctry/reg. code, file name
Assign industry sector codes to personnel subareas
Assign NOC codes/EEA categories to organizational structure
Assign NOC codes/EEA categories to organizational structure
Assign NOC Codes/EEA Categories to Jobs 2011
Assign NOC codes/EEA Categories to Positions 2011
Assign wage types for EEA reporting
Define wage type bucket(s) for "hours worked"
Define designated group types and designated groups
BAdI: Substitute standard salary calculation, contract code, and other data
Configure wage types for PD7A Reporting
Configure wage types for Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Reporting
BAdI: Controlling the posting of payroll results
Salary Comparisons: Overview
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Adjust Standard Form
Adjust Standard Form with Address
Establish and define short/long-term disability plans
Assign STD/LTD plans to organizational units
Assign hire date type to organizational units
Define remittance rule limit
BAdI: Customer-specific setup for displaying Business Numbers
BAdI: Customer-specific setup for enabling Options 1 and 2
Assign Business Number to reduced employer EI premium rate
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Check Master Data
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Check Processing
Contributions for Voluntary Accident Insurance
Contributions to Per Diem Sickness Insurance
Check Transfer from Previous Payroll Using Split Indicators
Integration of Customer Insurance
Validity Area of Customer Insurance
Copy Wage Types for Customer Insurance
Calculation Rules/Schemas for Customer Insurance
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Insurance Contributions to Other Insurance Policies
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Determine Groupings for Insurances
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Create Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Averages
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Adjust Calculation of Averages Within the Payroll Run
Check Constants
Activate Calculation
Create Process Model
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Classify Payroll Units
Classify Bonus Authorizations
Business Add-In for Employer Statement
Cumulation WAge Types: Check SAP Sample Customizing
Cumulation Wage Types: Customer-Specific Settings
Store function numbers
Assign positions to function numbers
Set Forms
Set Default Conf. for Selection of Log. Form
Define Subapplication Statement of Earnings for Temporary Employment
Check Cumulation Wage Types ZVB
Store information for each payroll unit
Classify absence types
Form Administration: Define Status
Assign wage types to cumulation wage types
Set Up Forms
BAdI for Statement of Earnings for Temporary Employment (CH): Def. Values
BAdI: Statement of Earnings for Temporary Employment (CH): Output Control
Assign Wage Types
Process Postal Code of Company Site
Process Training Data
Edit Professional Status
Process Activity
Process Remuneration Type
BFS -Statistics Levels and Structure of Wages - Overview
Set Default Conf. for Selection of Log. Form
Check Gross Cumulations
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Assign Valuation Bases
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Make Settings for External Wage Components
Define External Application
Define Wage Types
Activate Calculation
Activate Calculation
Store Additional Values
Check Payroll Constants
Adjust Value Date
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Create a Loan Type
Control Allocation of Loans
Adjust Screen Control
Create Loan Conditions (This section is no longer required)
Set Up Customer Payment Types
Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Customer Payment Types: Overview
Determine Start Date for Year-End Bonus Calculation
Choose Variants
Determine Cumulation of Relevant Wage Types
Create Provision for Year-End Bonuses
Create Grouping for Year-End Bonuses
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Define Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Check Purpose Codes
Check Assignment of Purpose Codes to Country Grouping
Check Assignment of Purpose Codes to Wage Type
Check Assignment of Purpose Codes to Wage Type
Replace Purpose Code
Internet Connection for the Remuneration Statement
Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet
Adjust Wage Type Assignment for Form Printing
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Check Hourly Wage Types for Reduction
Check Split Indicator for Hours for Family Allowance
Manual Correction Wage Types FAK
Adjust Family Allowances
Check Key Date for Family Allowances
Possible Solutions in New General Ledger
Maintain Employee Activity Key and Texts
Maintain Cost-of-Living Allowance Levels and Amounts
Hourly Wage Cost-of-Living Allowance: Check Divisor
Hourly Wage Cost-of-Living Allowance: Maintain Holiday Bonus
Hourly Wage Cost-of-Living Allowance: Maintain Sick Pay Allowance
Create Municipality and Assign Cost-of-Living Allowance Levels
Maintain Default Values for Cost-of-Living Allowance/Office Infotype
Settings for the Enhanced Postal Code Check CH
Activate subapplication RPLZ
Adjust Infotype-Screen-Control for Postal Code Check
Define Field Check: Indicator City File Active
Define Payroll Control
Hourly Wage
Monthly Wage
Earnings Factor
Time Ticket Form
Check Payroll Procedure
Create Wage Type Catalog
Check Assignment to 'Incentive Wages' Wage Type Group
Maintain Wage Types for Transfer to Cost Accounting
Check Bases for Calculating Average Values
Check Annual Values for User Wage Types
Check Annual Values for Technical Wage Types
Check Wage Elements for Compensation Basis
Check Wage Types for Reduced Working Hours
Maintain Maximum Monthly Wage
Create Shift for Reduced Hours
Adjust Leaving Events
Maintain Day of Unpaid Sick Leave
Maintain Compensation Percentage
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Check Remaining Wage Types
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
Maintain Loan Types
Adjust Wage Type Assignment for Payroll Account
Change Entry Permissibility for Infotype 0267
Check Data Copied from Previous Payroll
Business basics of Swissmem Statistics
Maintain Industry Codes
Maintain function numbers
Assign positions to function numbers
Process Business Add-In
Check Cumulation Calendar
Define Cumulation Types for Wage Types
Define Cumulation Types
Assign Cumulation Types to Time Units
Define Cumulation Periods
Assign Processing Classes to Wage Types
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Group Absences for Absence Valuation
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Define Day Rules
Create Wage Type Catalog
Valuate Absences Using "As If" Principle
Special Processing for Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Valuate Absences after Quota Deduction
Bases for Valuation of Absences
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Define Wage Type-Dependent Constants
Define Pay Scale-Dependent Constants
Create Person-Related Valuation Bases
Assign Valuation Bases
Determine Valuation Basis for Different Payment
Calculate Valuation Basis with Higher Value
Check Payroll Schema
Define Priority for Deductions
Maintain Recovery of Arrears
Maintain Arrears Deductions for Retroactive Accounting
Split Unconditional Deductions into Paid Amount and Advance
Check Wage Type Group 'Deductions for Arrears'
Activate Calculation
Store Additional Values
Check Payroll Constants
Adjust Value Date
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Adjust Screen Control
Control Allocation of Loans
Set Up Customer Payment Types
BAdI: Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Set Up House Banks
Define Sending Banks
Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions
Make Settings for Transferring Last Payroll Result
Provide Remuneration Statement in Internet
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Define PA Form of Adress Keys to be mapped to DAQ Form of Address Keys
Form of Address: Overview
Define Form of Address Keys for DAQ Forms
Define Reason for Changing Master Data Keys for DAQ Forms
Define Reason for Changing Master Data Keys to be mapped to DAQ Form Keys
Define Titles Keys to be mapped to DAQ Form of Address
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Create Annual Values
Create Reduction Factors
Assign Reduction Factors
Create Wage Types for Cost Accounting
Specify Currency Units
Determine Time for Activating Segments
Use Segment as Additional Controlling Object
Deactivate Restriction on a Financial Management Area
Define Type of Distribution
Adjust Account Assignment Types for Symbolic Accounts
Determine Time for Posting Payments
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Create Permissible Values for Standard Accounting FM/GM
Set Grouping Standard Accounting for FM/GM
Note on Relevancy
Possible Solutions in New General Ledger
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Enter Wage Types for Posting Payments
Activate Cost Distribution via Function XLIDI
Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow Principle
Resource-Related Distribution of Liability Wage Types
Specify Default Values for Payroll Results
Define Default Values for Payments in Advance
Settings for Printing Check Using Manual Number Assignment
Create Process Models for Off-Cycle Subsequent Processing
Create Process Model for Subsequent Processing in Off-Cycle Payroll
Create Process Model for Mass Off-Cycle Payments
Check Payment Key
Set Up Off-Cycle Reasons
Replace Checks
Set Up Report Variants for Off-Cycle Activities
Specify Default Values for Wage Types
Specify Default Values for Payment Methods
Partial Period Parameters for Various Time Units
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
Create Process Model
Reason for Changing Master Data: Overview
Interface Toolbox: Connection to Third-Party Systems
Create Wage Type Catalog
Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated
Rename Wage Types for Arrears Processing
Define Rules for Limits
Set Up Wage Type Classes and Attach Limits
Set Limit Modifier
Maintain Wage Types for Limits
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping Account Determination
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts for Specific Loan Posting
Assign Technical Accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Create Run Variants for Parallel Processing
Form Cumulation Wage Types from Time-Based Payments
Form Cumulation Wage Types Based on Master Data
Create Cumulation Wage Type Based on External Bank Transfer
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs
Define Processing Types
Check Access to Day Processing
Define Groupings
Maintain Authorizations
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Define Period Parameters
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Define Data Modifiers
Maintain Processing Classes and Their Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical Views
Before 1998: Check Constants for Parts
Check Personnel Calculation Rule for Hourly Wage
Copy Wage Types for Gross Hourly Wage
Check Percentage Rate for Parts of Hourly Wage
Check Wage Types for Hourly Wage
Check Valuation Bases for Hourly Wage
Copy Wage Types for Net Hourly Wage
Check Indirect Valuation
From 1998: Check Percentage Rates for Included Shares
Determine Holiday Entitlement Using Absence Quotas
Check Copied Data from Previous Payroll
Check Cumulation of Results from Previous Payroll
Check Storage of Differences
Check Creation of Copy Wage Types
Specify Currency Units
Store Additional Values
Specify Interest Calculation Method
Maintain Loan Types
Adjust Screen Control
Control Allocation of Loans
Set Up Customer Payment Types
Program Processing Logic for Payment Types
Several Payment Runs per Period (Qualified Advance Payments)
Check Net Cumulations
Provide Remuneration Statement (ESS)
Create Draft Form
Copy Form
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Address
Change Addresses Infotype (0006)
Set Up Payroll Account
Convert Old Form
Set Up Page Header
Set Up Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Totals Display
Convert Old Form
Set Up Remuneration Statement
Example: Cumulation Identifier in Single Field
Example with New Procedure
Example with Old Procedure
Example: Leave-Data in Window
Example: Time Quota in Single Field
Example: Time Quota in Window
Example: Notification in Window
Determine Time for Activating Segments
Use Segment as Additional Controlling Object
Deactivate Restriction on a Financial Management Area
Define Type of Distribution
Maintain Wage Type Grouping for Cost Distribution
Activate Cost Distribution Using Function XCODI
Adjust Account Assignment Types for Symbolic Accounts
Determine Time for Posting of Payment
Specify Bank Clearing Account for HR Payments
Adjust Advance Payment from Master Data for Posting
Create Permissible Values for Standard Accounting FM/GM
Set Grouping Standard Accounting for FM/GM
Note on Relevancy
Possible Solutions in New General Ledger
Maintain Feature for Object Selection
Enter Wage Types for Posting Payments
Activate Cost Distribution via Function XLIDI
Activate Cost Distribution via Function XLIDI
Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow Principle
Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow Principle
Resource-Related Distribution of Liability Wage Types
Resource-Related Distribution of Liability Wage Types
Assign Absences to an Off-Cycle Reason
Set Up Absence Valuation for Off-Cycle Activities
Specify Default Values for Payroll Results
Define Default Values for Payments in Advance
Settings for Printing Check Using Manual Number Assignment
Create Process Models for Off-Cycle Subsequent Processing
Create Process Model for Subsequent Processing in Off-Cycle Payroll
Create Process Model for Mass Off-Cycle Payments
Replace Checks
Specify Default Values for Wage Types
Specify Default Values for Payment Methods
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
Interface Toolbox: Connection to Third-Party Systems
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Create Posting Variants
Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
Check Assignment to Wage Type Groups
Define Guaranteed Net Amount
Define Type of Guaranteed Net Amount
Check cumulation calendar
Define cumulation types for wage types
Define cumulation types
Assign cumulation types to time units
Define cumulation periods
Describe absence valuation rules
Group absences for absence valuation
Define grouping for absence valuation
Define day rules
Create wage type catalog
Valuate absences using "as if" principle
Special processing for absence valuation rules
Create counting classes for absence valuation
Valuate absences by constants/averages
Valuate absences using quota deduction
Maintain Family/Related Persons' Employer's Address
Maintain Family/Related Persons' Occupation Code
Maintain Occupation Status for Family/Related Persons
Define the China-Specific Attributes of the Awards (0183) Infotype
Define Workflows for Approving Payroll Reports
Assign Workflows for Approving Payroll Reports
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create bases for calculating average values
Create calculation rules for averages
Assign the valuation of averages to a primary wage type
Define wage type-dependent constants
Define pay scale-dependent constants
Create person-related valuation bases
Assign valuation bases
Determine valuation basis for different payment
Calculate valuation basis with higher value
Define Childcare Leave Configuration for Quota Generation Report RPTQTA00
Define Upper Limits of Tax Exemptions for Commercial Health Insurance
Define Upper Limits of Tax Exemption for Commercial Pension Insurance
Determine Which Wage Types Collected for /419
Check payment key
Determine Whether to Pay Additional Tax
Define Tax Rates for Additional Tax
Define Tax Rates for Individual Income Tax for Casual Workers
Assign Processing Classes to Wage Types
Define Rules for Limits
Set Limit Modifier
Set Up Wage Type Classes and Attach Limits
Maintain Wage Types for Limits
Rename Wage Types for Arrears Processing
Check Payroll Schema
Check Wage Type Group 'Deductions for Arrears'
Define Priority for Deductions
Maintain Arrears Deductions for Retroactive Accounting
Maintain Recovery of Arrears
Split Unconditional Deductions into Paid Amount and Advance
Activate calculation
Adjust Value Date
Check Payroll Constants
Create a loan type
Assign repayment type
Create loan conditions
Set up house banks
Define sending banks
Check text keys for payment transactions
Make settings for transferring last payroll result
Define the China-Specific Attributes of the Education (0022) Infotype
Maintain Enterprise Information
Enter Retirement Age
BAdI: Calculate Months for Early Retirement Subsidy
Specify External Application
Specify Wage Type
Activate Calculation
Maintain Going Abroad Purpose
Maintain Expense Provider
Define Tax Rate on Incidental Income
Define Tax Rate on Interest, Dividends, and Bonuses
Create annual values
Create reduction factors
Assign reduction factors
Create wage types for cost accounting
Define Contract Types
Define System Notification for Expiration Dates
Define Minimum Salary Areas
Feature: Determine Default Minimum Salary Area
Define Notice Periods
BAdI: Eligibility Date for Signing Permanent Contracts
Assign Seniority Rules and Group ID for Medical Treatment Period Check
Specify Medical Treatment Entitlement and Accumulation Period
Assign Absence Type for Medical Treatment Period Check and Long Sick Leave
Assign Employees to Group IDs
Define Statutory Monthly Working Days
Define units of currency
BAdI: Determine Differing Days for Calculating Notice Payment
Set up off-cycle reasons
Set up report variants for off-cycle activities
Define the Attributes of the Off Position Information (CN) (3534) Infotype
Define the Attributes of the Position (CN) (0536) Infotype
Define Project Type
Maintain Project
Define Reward Name Code
Maintain Reward
Define Result Level
Maintain Result
Maintain Technical & Professional Patent
Maintain partial period paramenter according to time unit
Maintain Certificate Type
Define Certificate Application Status
Define Province Code in Identity Card
Define Social Class Status
Define Political Affiliation Exception Type
Define Personal Identity
Define Ethnic Group
Define Position Category
Define Position Name Code
Define Appointment Reason Code
Define Position Level Code
Define Position Type Code
Define Political Status
Determine Name Format
Create New Personal File Holding Location Code
Enter Authorized Personal File Holding Location
Define Personal File Category
Define From/To Category of Personal Files
Define Contribution Type
Maintain Base Salary Information in Calculation
Assign Authority Institution to Personnel Area/Subarea
Define Contribution Area
Maintain Contribution Change Reason
Define Public Housing Fund Authority Institution
Define Contribution Group
Define Contribution Level
Maintain Default Contribution Type, Group, Level for PHF
Define Contribution Base Indicator, Rate or Constant
Maintain PHF Contribution Switch Period
BAdI: Customer-Specific Rounding Rule
Define Social Average Salary Switch Period for PHF
Determine the Priority of the ID Number for PHF Reporting
Define the Attributes of the Qualification Certificates (3531) Infotype
Create wage type catalog
Assign wage types to the quotas to be compensated
Prepare wage type overview
Obtain overview of accounts
Define employee grouping account determination
Define posting characteristics of wage types
Define symbolic accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign expense accounts
Assign customer accounts
Assign vendor accounts
Assign Customer Accounts for Specific Loan Posting
Assign technical accounts
Set up fixed cost postings and substitute cost centers
Check consistency of Customizing
Maintain posting date for payroll periods
Set up line item text
Create posting variants
Create report variants
Authorizations and profiles
Set up export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
BAdI: Customer-Specific Determining Factor
Define Text Tables for Field Value Description
Define Customer Exits
Define Customer Link for Personnel Development Master Data
Switch Between Report Engines
Assign Task Categories
Define Report Formats
Determine Default Format for Tax Report (by Month)
Determine Default Format for Social Insurance Report
Determine Default Format for Public Housing Fund Report
Define Contribution Type
Define Contribution Group
Define Contribution Level
Maintain Default Contr. Type, Group, Level for Ins. Type
Define Contribution Base Indicator, Rate or Constant
Define Contribution Pass Rule from ER to EE
Maintain Social Insurance Contribution Switch Period
Maintain Base Salary Information in Calculation
Define Contribution Area
Check Payment Indicator of Social Insurance Types
Maintain Contribution Change Reason
Define Social Insurance Authority Institution
Assign Authority Institution to Personnel Area/Subarea
Define Social Average Salary Switch Period for SI
Define Switch for Creating Multiple SI Subtypes
Define EE Grouping for Service Year Cal.and Sick Leave Deduction Rate
Determine the Priority of the ID Number for SI Reporting
Generate Entry Date for Tax Declaration
Form cumulation wage types from time-based payments
Form cumulation wage types based on master data
Create cumulation wage type based on external bank transfers
Define Long Sick Leave Salary Rate
Assign Seniority Rule for Long Sick Leave
Define Intervening Time of Sick Leave
Determine Whether to Enable New Enhancement of Sick Leave Deduction
Define Period Indicator for Long Sick Leave
Copy Model Wage Type MSOI
Maintain period of HR Sub Routines
Specify Average Month Rounding Rule of Stock Option
BAdI: Average Month Rounding for Stock Option
Define Reset Status of Stock Option Cumulation
Assign Service Year Calculation Rule and Exempted Amount Based on Tax Group
Define Service Year Calculation Rule
Feature: Determine Default Field Values for Severance Pay Calculation
Create Average Bases for Valuation
Define Upper Limit for Service Year Used in Tax Calculation (Obsolete)
Assign Exempted Amount Based on Tax Area
Define time types
Assign time identifiers to time pairs
Define processing types
Check access to day processing
Define groupings
Read planned working time from work schedule
Import substitution data
Import absence data
Import overtime data
Define breaks to be imported
Compare daily work schedule with time data
Determine break times
Define valuation classes for period work schedule
Define generation rules
Define groupings
Execute time wage type selection rule
Compensate overtime
Define Effective Date for Subapplication of Tax Reform
Define Tax Withheld Fast Formula
Define Monthly Tax Exemption
Define Entry Date for Yearly Tax Cumulation
Define Cumulative Initial Period per Tax Group
Define Statutory Monthly/Yearly Amount for Special Deductions
Define Working City for Housing Rental
Determine Tax Period to Read Infotype 3422
Define Threshold Amt. for Remuneration for Providing Services for Resident
Define Exempted Percentage for Remuneration for Providing Services
Define Tax Exemption for Employees in Tibet
Define Tax Area
Assign Employer Tax Group to Personnel Area/Subarea
Define Exempted Amount (Obsolete)
Define Special Rule and Assign Tax Rate Group
Assign Special Rule to Employee Tax Type
Define Special Rule Descriptions on Tax Agreement
Define Employer Tax Group
Define Occupation Category on Tax Group
Define Country/Region Code on Tax Group
Determine the Priority of the ID Number for Tax Reporting
Assign Income Category to Tax Group
Define Tax Percentage or Amount Paid by Employer
Set Default Income Category and Contribution Group
Define Salary Amounts by Tax Area
Define Customized Income Categories
Specify Wage Types for Customized Income Categories
Define Controlling Parameters for Monthly Tax Report
Configure Value of Controlling Parameters in Monthly Tax Report
Configure Individual Tax Declaration Income Type for Employees
Determine Addresses and Whether Employee Is Overseas People or Not
Define Tax Withhold Fast Formula (Obsolete)
Maintain Taxable Income Category
Define Threshold Income Amount for Casual Workers
Define Exempted Percentage for Causal Workers
BAdI: Adjusting the format for the Individual Income Tax Report
Determine Address Subtype for Year-end Report HCNCTXD0
Configure Income Types for Year-end Report HCNCTXD0
Determine Parameters for Year-end Report HCNCTXD0
Determine Whether to Use Interactive Form in Year-end Report HCNCTXD0
Determine Income Types Which Enjoy Tax Exemption for Donation
Define 30% Tax Exemption on Donation
Define Fully Tax Exemption on Donation
Define Tax Calculation Rules
Assign Tax Calculation Rules
Determine Tax Area for Social Average Salary
Define Switch Period for Salary Information
BAdI: Modification of Tax Calculation Rule Assignment
Define Disability Classifications and Employee Groupings
Assign Employee Disability Groupings
BAdI: Modification of Employee Disability Grouping
Determine Tax Reduction Sequence for Disabilities
Maintain authorizations
Check payroll accounting area
Generate payroll periods
Maintain employer addresses
Generate calendar for cumulations
Define period parameters
Protect personnel calculation rules
Define date modifiers
Maintain processing classes and their specifications
Maintain evaluation classes and their specifications
Create wage type catalog
Change wage type texts
Check wage type characteristics
Check assignment to wage type group
Check logical view
Define Application Name
Maintain Effective Date
Update value constants for withholding tax at source
Accumulators for income and withholding certificate
Create text module for certificate signatures
Update interest and adjustments
Upadate processing cl. /cum. /wage type evaluation cl. social insurance
Update constants for social insurance
Update relevant information for retroactive accounting
Update processing cl. / and wage type eval. cl. withholding tax at source
Update eligibility information for compensations
Update constants for withholding tax at source
Loan and garnishment accumulators
Adjustment of calculation rules to wage types
Adjust calculation procedure
Adjust infotypes for settlement
Adjust calculation procedure
Assign properties to day types
Assign day types to absences
Update legal transport allowance value
Quota calculation for notice days
Change bank transfer date
Aadvance payment items
Garnishment category
Calculation basis wage types
Payment and new balance wage types
Reserve calculation wage types
Working centers and occupational hazard percentages
Absence concepts
Configuration of the remuneration statement
Configuration of disabilities
Maintain value constants for the Social Insurance
Creation of indicators for the wage type assignment
Entity additional data
Date type indicator IT0041 Colombia
Company additional data
Concept grouping
Payable / receivable memo for Social Insurance entities (adjustments)
Rename wage types for arrears processing
Take into account the calculation payables
Define settlement payment codes
Define the severance payment calculation
Define default value for relation with part-time workers
Define default value to employee group
Define display of the settlement payments
Wage type setting magnetic mean DIAN
Define subtype to read address data
Change priorities for divisor 30
Equivalence of document types, magnetic mean
Entity types by evaluation class/concept
Incluir división de cluster en medidas
Social insurance entities
Social Insurance entity type
Bank key equivalences
Specification transfer reasons
Implementation date of new calculation method for compensation
Set apprentice employees
Set pensioned employees
Set employees with a variable salary
Set number of days of notice
Set percentages by group
Set calculation types by employee type and subtype
Solidarity fund
Calculation functions
Functions by calculation type
Define employee group for settlement payment
Calculate employee group to define number of days in the period
Define employee group to assign priorities to the day types
Concepts to initialize in table CRT according to the average
Banco Agrario information
Template for the annual interest payment
Definition of off-cycle for consignment to the interest fund and payment
Define amount of days of the payroll period
Withholding at source parameters
Social Insurance parameters
Recurrence in reserve balance cut
General parameters
Parameters by calculation type
Days range for work compensation
Calculation rule by item settlement
Social Insurance branches
Table of withholding at source
Withholding tax table at source - TVU
Calculation types
Employee grouping
Define day types for Divisor 30
General absence processing
Define Period Settings
Advance payment concept setting for self-assessment
Feature setting for advance payment global control
Validate compensation payment
Maintain Partial Period Parameters for Various Time Units
Define Schedule for Payroll Calendar
Specify Version for Payroll Driver
Check Wage Types for PF
Check Calculation
Create Associated Wage Types for PF Accounting
Reduce Wage Types According to Various Time Units
Check Wage Types for Revision
Prepare Wage Type Overview
Obtain Overview of Accounts
Posting to Company Code Clearing Accounts
Define Employee Grouping for Determining Accounts
Define Posting Characteristics of Wage Types
Define Symbolic Accounts
Assign Balance Sheet Accounts
Assign Expense Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts
Assign Vendor Accounts
Assign Customer Accounts for Specific Loan Posting
Assign Technical Accounts
Set Up Postings for Fixed Costs
Check Customizing for Account Determination
Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods
Assign Substitute Cost Centers
Set Up Line Item Text
Create Posting Variants
Create Report Variants
Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System <4.0
Set Up Customer Exits
BAdI: Control Posting of Payroll Results
Determine Calculation Formulas for Year-End Bonuses
Modify Form Background
Modify Fixed Layout Items
Modify Text Window
Copy Standard Form XP02
Create Cumulation Wage Types
Check Cumulation Wage type on basis of Technical Wage Types
Create Cumulation Wage Type Based on External Bank Transfers
Check Wage Types for End Result
Withholding Tax Based on Payroll Rules
Personnel Administration
Payment Fee for Withholding Tax
Check Wage Types for Withholding Tax
Check Payroll Procedure
Activate Fee Calculation
Maintain Cumulation Wage Types
Maintain Employer Addresses
Edit Settlement Unit Information
Maintain Payroll Numbers
Check Form Names
Check Forms (Obsolete)
Check Rounding Rules for Commission
Check Wage Types for Wage Statement
Maintain Employer Addresses
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Check Print Settings
Display Fields
Maintain Default Values
Batch Maintenance of Infotype Fields
Summary of Employee groups
Name for Reserve Fields
Maintain Entries According to Employee Subgroup
Import Rates
Import Rates for Canton Geneva
Overview Wage Statement 2005
Obsolete (Old Assignment of Technical Wage Types)
Set Up Customer Wage Types and Technical Wage Types
Name Format for Wage Statement
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Maintain Employer Addresses
Maintain entries according to employee subgroup
Display Fields
Maintain Default Values
(Obsolete: Adapt SAPscript Forms)
BAdI: Override Output Structure and Number of IDs
Use of Wage Type on the Wage Statement
Determine Address Type for Address
Maintain Institutes
Maintain Further Training
Additional Settings for Customer Wage Types
Check Storage of Tax and SI wage Types
Check Wage Types for SI
Check Wage Types for Third-Party Payments
Check Wage Types Without Iteration
Maintain Contribution to AHV Administrative Costs
Check Changes to Procedure
Maintain Contribution Percentages
Maintain Maximum Wage Limits
Maintain Exemption Limit for Supplementary Income
Maintain UVG/SUVA Percentages
Maintain Pensioners' Exemption
Maintain General Constants
Maintain Percentage SI Liability
Maintain Pension Age
Maintain Social Fund Schaffhausen
Maintain GE Maternity Insurance Contributions
Cantonal Additional Contributions Vaud (VD)
Check Calculation
Modifications in Old SI Calculation
Determine Validity of Social Insurance Calculation
Maintain Specifications for Payroll Units AHV/ALV
Advanced Expert Settings for SI Calculation
Check Settings for Net Wages in SI
Check groupings for social insurance
Determine Start Date of New SI Calculation
Automatic Wage Type Maintenance
Compare Personnel Calculation Schemas and Rules
Wage Type Coding
Cumulations for Gross Up Wage Types
Gross Up Wage Types
New Details for Evaluation Class 02
Clearing Wage Types: Cumulations
Clearing Wage Types: Wage Type Characteristics, Update
Maintain Specifications for Payroll Unit UVG
Maintain Specifications for Payroll Unit NBU Supplementary
Maintain Specifications for Payroll Unit Social Funds
Maintain Data per Payroll Unit for MUG Geneva
Maintain Details per Payroll Unit for Cantonal Contributions Vaud
Maintain Entries for Each Payroll Unit of Vocational Training Fund
Define Time Types
Assign Time Identifiers to Time Pairs
Define Processing Types
Check Access to Day Processing
Define Groupings
Read Planned Working Time from Work Schedule
Import Substitution Data
Import Absence Data
Import Overtime Data
Define Breaks to be Imported
Compare Daily Work Schedule with Time Data
Determine Break Times
Define Valuation Classes for Period Work Schedule
Define Generation Rules
Define Groupings
Generate Wage Types
Compensate Overtime
Maintain Payroll Unit Details
Maintain Authorizations
Maintain Profiles
Check Payroll Area
Check Payroll Area
Generate Payroll Periods
Maintain Employer Addresses
Generate Calendar for Cumulations
Define Assignment of Legal Entity to Personnel Area
Protect Personnel Calculation Rules
Maintain Processing Class and Its Specifications
Maintain Evaluation Classes and Their Specifications
Create Wage Type Catalog
Change Wage Type Texts
Check Wage Type Characteristics
Check Assignment to Wage Type Group
Check Logical View
Create Payroll Units
Maintain Payroll Units
Maintain Processing/Evaluation Classes, Cumulations
Maintain Valuation Bases
Maintain Averages
Maintain Processing/Evaluation Classes, Cumulations
Maintain Valuation Bases
Maintain Averages
Classify Payroll Units
Cumulation Wage Types: Check SAP Sample Customizing
Cumulation Wage Types: Customer-Specific Settings
Set Default Conf. for Selection of Log. Form
Form Administration: Define Status
Business Add-In: Register for Maternity Pay
Set Forms
Set Default Conf. for Selection of Log. Form
Create Additional Cumulation Wage Types for Data Carrier
Assign Withholding Tax Pay Scale Key to Key for Data Carrier
Assign Marital Status Key to Key for Data Carrier
Assign Religion Key to Key for Data Carrier
Define Municipality Key for Data Carrier
Maintain Employer Data for Data Carrier
BAdI: Override File for Withholding Tax Accounting/GETIS Statement
BAdI: Withholding Tax Accounting Vaud
Encryption of Career/Pay Scale Group
Describe Absence Valuation Rules
Assign Absence Types to Absence Valuation Rules
Define Grouping for Absence Valuation
Define Day Rules
Define Processing Categories
Assign Absence Types to Processing Categories
Define Splitting of Absence Valuation Rules
Define Tax-Based and SI-Based Attributes
Valuate Absences Using "As If" Principle
Special Processing of Absence Valuation Rules
Create Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
Valuate Absences by Constants/Averages
Documentation and Consistency Check of Absences
Create Wage Type Catalog
BAdI: Period Calculation
Valuate Absences After Quota Deduction
Set Up Absence Events
Payroll Account Transfer
Associate attributes of insurance contract to insurance contribution
Define the insurance contract attributes
Set absence types specific to the DADS-U
Cumulate Wage Types in Actual Semiretiretirement Gross Amount
Include Wage Types in Notional Full-Time Gross Amount
Define Constants for Employment Percentage (Notional Calculation)
Specify Percentage Rate Increase for Min. Remuneration
Define Remuneration Percentage for PI Increase
Create Draft Form
Set up form background
Set up text modules
Set up cumulation wage types
Set Up Data in Fixed Positions
Set up window
Set up initial and final group texts in window
Set Up Line Layout in Window
Set up wage types in window
Set Up Special Processing Rules
Copy standard form
Change subtype for address formatting
Maintain form directory
Set Up Address
Assign Wage Types for Form Printout
Single fields
Information Subtype for Address Formatting
Line Layout
Identifiers in Window
Initial and final group texts in window
Form Editor
Set Up Assignment for Form Printout
Include Wage Type Assignment in Form
Set Up Assignment for Form Printout
Assign wage types for form printout
Assign wage types in window
Cumulation Identifiers
Set Up Alternative Currency
Set Up Alternative Currency
Convert old customer form
Copy Standard Forms
Set up form for page header
Set up form for payroll excerpts
Set Up Form for Continuation Excerpts
Set up Form for Totals Display
Form Editor
Set Up Form for Page Header
Set Up Form for Payroll Excerpts
Set Up Form for Continuation Excerpts
Set Up Form for Totals Display
Bases for Valuation of Averages
Create Calculation Rules for Averages
Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
Create Bases for Calculating Average Values
Adjust Calculation of Averages in the Payroll Run
Assign the Valuation of Averages to a Primary Wage Type
Create Relevancy Test
Create Final Processing Rule
Maintain CPS System Parameters
Master Data Basic Settings
Entitlements Calculation Procedure
Amount Constants
Transfer Contributions
Define ID for Customer-Def. Class for Determ. of Distribution Proposal
Benefit Types Calculation Procedure
Time Constants
Transfer Income
Define ID for Customer-Def. Class for Data Objects
Change Reasons for Entitlements Infotype
Functions for Bonus Factor
Percentage Constants
Split According to Organizational Assignment
Define Regulations for Calculation Control
Change Reasons for Basic Pension Payments Infotype
Functions for Pension Calculation Trigger Date
Define Transfer Report for Basic Data
Define Regulations with Factors for Calc. of Net Present Value
Screen Groups Infotype
Functions for Determining Pension Adjustment Date
Define Regulations for Cost Calculation
Subsequent Functions for Base Calculation
Assign Parameter for PEP to Pension Organizations
Function for Interest Procedure
Assign Parameter for PEP to Entitlements (Time-Dependent)
Functions for Final Processing
Assign Regulations for PEP to Entitlements (Time-Dependent)
Age Factor for Module Procedure
Activate Full Processing
Bonus/Deduction Functions
Functions: Credit Amount
Functions for Surviving Dependants' Reduction
Control Basis Determination for Immediate Evaluation
Set Up Pension Categories
Assign Valid Types for Pension Calculation
Default Values Infotype 0201 for Pension Organization for Benefit Type
Age Check
Set Up Pension Types
Define Special Information Indicator
Special Functions for Calculation of Contribution Amount
Assign Processing Rules for Basis Determination
Processing Control
Assign Balance Sheet Date to Benefits Provider
Define Validity of Pension Rights According to Personnel Action
Assign Pension Types
Include Customer Data in Notifications
Define Data Definition for Interface
Configure Cover Letter for Interface
Define Reserve Groups
Define Reason for Capital Transfer
Maintain Additional Indicators
Pension Organizations
Define Reduction Factor for Pension Equalization Payment
Assignment of Pension Organization to Personnel Area
Define Values for Basis Reduction
Cost Center Assignment to Benefits Provider
Define Values for Benefit Reduction
Assign Processing Rules for Verdict Processing
Control Execution of Basis Reduction
Assign Processing Rules for Basis Reduction
Control Execution of Benefit Reduction
Assign Processing Rules for Benefit Reduction
Define Entitlements
Define Groupings for Benefit Reduction PEP
Define Pension Organization Types
Define Pension Organizations
Assign Personnel Area to Pension Organization
Assign cost center to pension organization
Definition of Pension Types
Copy Wage Types
Increase Payments for Vesting Calculation
Determine Groupings for Benefit Reduction in Pension Calculation
Set Up Pension Types
Change wage type texts
Define Value Types
Set Up Primary Entitlements
Value type attribute
Define Benefit Type Variants
Set Up Default Values for Primary Entitlements
Entitlement Category for Value Type
Conversion Program for Pension Rights Status
Set Up Secondary Entitlements
Assign Benefit Types to Entitlement
Set up default values for secondary entitlements
Define Entitlements
Waiting period
Increase Group for Entitlement
Valuation Groups for Base Determination
Allocation Period for Invalidity Pension
Payroll Relevance of Entitlements
Copy Wage Types
Create Customer Conversion Methods
Define Conversion Methods
Set Up Availability
Set Up Benefit Types
Define Entitlement Variants
Assign Benefit Type Category
Values IT 0202: Membership Status of Entitlement
Employment Period Scale for Amounts
Increase Group for Processing Subtype
Asssignment of Valuation Groups to Entitlement
Allocation Period for Invalidity Pension
Rules for Contribution Calculation
Change wage type texts
Define Wage Type Group for Conversion
Define Default Values
Bonus Administration
Split Statement Wage Types into Subject to Tax/Tax-Exempt/Flat-Rate
Define Conversion Type
Contribution Distribution per Tax Type
Age Limit
Employment Period Scale for Percentages
Wage Type Filter for Calculation of Basis Amount
Encoding of Wage Type Groups
Define Control of Conversion per Entitlement and Conversion Type
Define Conversion Models
Control Status of Pension Rights
Entitlements Bonus Type
Income Scaling
Increase Payments for Vesting Calculation
Assign Entitlement Type
Contribution-Based Procedure
Indication of Absences for Calculation of Contributions
Define Validations of Conversion Method for Infotype 263
Maintain Screen Control
Waiting Period Check
Bonus Type: Benefits Types
Default Values for Entitlement for IT 0202
Income-Based Procedure
Calculation of Income Basis
Define Default Values for Salary Conversion Infotype (263)
Trigger for Benefit Types
Valid Family Members for Bonuses
Copy/Delete Benefit Types
Eligibility of Vested Payment Entitlement
Employment Period-Based Procedure
Control Calculation of Pension Fund Contributions
Create Target Entitlement for Calculation of Guaranteed Payment
Checks for Triggering of Bonuses
Procedure with Employment Period and Income
Increase Payments for Vesting Calculation
Special Payroll Functions for Contribution Calculation
Copy/Delete Entitlements
Definition of Regulations for Deductions/Bonuses
Assignment of Annuitization Scale to Entitlement
Assign Bonus/Deduction Rule to Benefit Type
Control of Salary Conversion

Length: 410273 Date: 20240921 Time: 052005

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